From discovery to identification, here is anything related to the hobby of collecting antique bottles or glass. We welcome our users to post photos of their finds, ask questions and share stories about bottle digging. Whether your collection was found in a traditional dump, on the surface, under water, purchased, or passed down through generations- we want to see them!
General Ethics: DO NOT excavate historical sites or national parks. It is illegal to do so. Get permission for private property. Take photographs. These dump sites are time capsules and contain artifacts of historical importance. Larn how to carefully excavate artifacts. Fill all holes. Excavating privies can be dangerous and should only be attemped by skilled diggers. They are deep and unstable pits which can collapse. There's safety in numbers so bring a friend and have a phone handy in case of emergencies.
Here we talk about maps, finding old homesteads, digging up bottles, excavating privies, glass manufacturers, and anything related to the hobby of bottle digging. Its also the place to discuss antique glass, so please feel free to share your dig photos as well as get help with bottle identification.
Alot of very useful information pertaining to the location of homesteads can be found in old maps
What would you say is your favorite bottle type/design. Like torpedos, cods, hutches, etc… Personally I’d have to go with mug base hutches with slug plates as my personal favorite
About 20 ft down in a deep brick Lined privy in Baltimore City.
Fresh out of the ground in Baltimore!
Some artifacts recovered from an construction site where am excavator exposed a barrel lined privy.
Found on my own property in PA, USA
They are all so crude and wonky
found it in the creek that runs through or land.
These where found in a pile of dirt that was dug out of a construction site in Dublin, CA. The dirt was sitting at a transfer site waiting to be screened and sent off to the landfil . Luckily we spotted a bottle on the side of the pile before it was too late! Probably 50 bottles total , I didn't get any of the cooler ones but still blessed to have this little stash !