Blend4Web is a tool for interactive 3D visualization on the Internet. This framework is perfectly suited for showcasing products, e-learning, game development, advertising and webdesign.
/r/blend4web is a subreddit devoted to Blend4Web, a tool for interactive 3D visualization on the Internet.
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I am searching for a 3D solution for a project, where it should be possible to have variable lengths of some 3D elements. Imagine a house with windows. The house width and height should be variable as well as the windows. Is it possible to achieve with Blend4Web and once a user finishes the adjustments, is it possible to extract this variables?
Thanks for any info or input, advice, etc...
More precisely I need to load a .stl file (or several) and then animate them in a web page, and then export the result as an animated .fbx so I can use it inside a Unity application later. Is it possible?
Our latest website update fixes a long-standing issue with opengraph metadata. Now all pages from Blend4Web.com will be displayed with proper preview images.
The developers left several well-hidden messages on the levels of the game. How well they are hidden, exactly? This is up to you to discover. Share your findings in the comments!