Black People Gifs
Be cool.
Posts must be gifs or videos. We prefer direct image/video links.
Your post must contain a black person(s).
No racism. Offensive posts will be removed. Slurs will get you banned. Other comments will be moderated on a case-by-case basis.
If your post is already on this sub's front page, it will be removed. We do not allow reposts.
The moderators of this subreddit will take any action (which includes banning and removing comments) that they feel improves the quality of the subreddit.
I honestly feel like a lot of these people are either bored or don’t feel in their lives because there’s no reason
She's always making me laugh with her interviews.
For those not aware of the rules: The point of the game is to point in one direction, and to try and make your opponent look the same way. If they do, you win the round.