
Photograph via snooOG

News and links related to Black Lives Matter. Must be woke to participate.


A subreddit for Black Lives Matter movement related posts and comments.


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  • No hateful content or harmful behaviors: No racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, etc is welcome here. We center black voices and will not allow others to speak over us. Trolling or joke comments are not welcome because this is serious, we are fighting for our lives.
  • Cite your Sources: Informational posts are welcome, but if it is an uncited claim or just a screenshot, you'll be asked to repost it with a more reliable source such as a news article. We want to minimize any chance of misinformation.
  • We aren't here to educate you: If you are just now realizing that police brutality against black people is a problem or haven't even reached this step yet, please leave. We do not have the time, energy, or emotional fortitude to deal with you. People that want to teach and want to learn go to /r/socialjustice101. For discussions on race in general, see /r/racism.
  • Gaslighting: Any post and comment directing blame to the protestor or any pearl clutching about "looting" will result in an immediate ban. "Both sides" rhetoric or black on black crime misdirection will also result in being banned. Trying to use Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to silence black people applies as well.
  • Reposts: Always Check to see if a post has already been made first.
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  • Spam/Self Promotion that does not enrich black people: Merchandise and youtube posts are not welcome here unless the content creators are black people. This includes posts offering a service or good in exchange for donating the proceeds to black organizations. Please understand that even if you have the best of intentions, it doesn't mean that others aren't trying to either promote themselves or try to sell something in the name of offering to BLM but not actually following through on that.
  • Goals: Posts asking what Black Lives Matter's goals are or what they plan to accomplish will be deleted. Check BlackLivesMatter's website.
  • What can I do?: Posts asking "What Can I Do" will be removed. As a starting point, read this post and know that there is a great deal of emotional labor in asking black people to explain what you should be doing. There are already plenty of resources to educate yourself (several of which are mentioned in the link) so educate yourself first before asking other people to educate you.
  • Covid 19: Posts downplaying the severity of Covid-19 or suggesting people ignore it will be deleted. If you or someone you live with is immunocompromised, do not put yourself or them at risk. The protests are for a just cause, but they are not the only form of activism possible.
  • Black on Black Crime: This talking point is a non-issue and a common deflection attempt rooted in misinformation. This article deconstructs it pretty well, but we're not wasting time or space explaining why it's nonsense.
  • Moderator Discretion: This is an unspoken rule on reddit, but mods may remove/ban anything and anyone at any time for any reason. Things may need to be removed that do not fit cleanly into the above rules. Attempts to be a rule lawyer with us will result in perm ban and mute.


If your post was automatically deleted, it's most likely due to Automoderator. Due to the massive influx of people paired with the volume of bigoted posts being submitted, we've currently set it to high alert. As a result, some posts will get caught that are not breaking rules. We ask for your patience as we review as quickly and accurately as we can.


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cousin killed by police and i’m looking for resources

hi, i’m sorry if this is not appropriate but i’ve been looking all over and haven’t been able to find anything. my cousin that was like a brother to me was killed by police in a mental health center while having a schizophrenic episode. he is not black however i absolutely do believe this is a case of unnecessary use of deadly force. i’m having a very hard time coping, i feel like the police are lying about what happened because it doesn’t add up and they’re releasing as little information as possible about the incident while releasing information about my cousin’s mental health and “crimes”. i would really appreciate it if anyone could point me towards resources or groups with people who have been through something similar. thank you.

edit: i am not looking for legal resources since im leaving that up to my uncle, im more so looking for emotional support

17:19 UTC


Kamala Chats with Black Men at a Barbershop in Philly

15:07 UTC


What happened to the movement

Was just thinking out loud wondering where the movement went. Do black lives not matter as much anymore or are we awaiting a graphic death of someone that’s black on iPhone.

1 Comment
23:32 UTC


Trial for Pastor arrested for watering neighbors flowers.

So two years ago a pastor was arrested for watering his neighbors flowers. The pastor sued and the case is just now going to court. The interesting thing here is that the cops aren't being protected in this case. If the pastor wins the tax payers won't be footing the bill like usual. I guess they didn't have probably cause to arrest him.

News story link

22:40 UTC


There's a petition by the Innocence Project to Save his life. Please keep calling and e-mailing

03:48 UTC


I don’t want to be disrespectful.

Hi I’m a 16 year old white person in high school, I wanted to buy a black lives matter shirt and I was wondering if that was disrespectful or taking away the voices of POCs because that is the last thing I want to do. So is it racist or silencing POCs if I wear a BLM shirt?

01:22 UTC


Cop killed unarmed man and is still working as an officer

This man, John collard was fired from LAPD rampart division for shooting an unarmed black man. And is currently working in Los Angeles using a bullshit AZ firearms permit. https://lapdonlinestrgeacc.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/lapdonlinemedia/2021/12/boi_pub.pdf

22:47 UTC


Anyone here who protested during 2020 blm?

I was wondering if anyone who has actively protested for blm saw a lot of people who were just there for the social media posts? Especially in 2020

22:01 UTC


Woman on TikTok says her cousin was found hanging from a tree in Henderson, NC

12:45 UTC

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