"African peoples, both on the continent and in the Diaspora, share not merely a common history, but a common destiny”. - Minkah Makalani
r/BlackinAmerica is a reddit subcommunity for posting news, video, audio, quotations, speeches and discussion about what it means to be Black in America today. Please follow a few simple guidelines:
All news articles/news videos must be recent (< 6 months). Speeches or educational content can be as old as you like.
Celebrity/fashion gossip belongs at r/BLACKLADIES.
Music, TV and movie clips, memes and amusing photos belong at r/BLACKCULTURE
Keep the CAPSLOCK to a minimum.
Absolutely NO links from online stores, Facebook or any other social networking/e-commerce sites.
Do not harass or abuse your fellow users or you will be banned.
Guy who broke the windows at Auto Zone (the first building to get looted and burned in Minneapolis):