
Photograph via snooOG

Birds of Prey: Hawks, eagles, kites, vultures, owls, falcons, and seriemas!

Which birds are considered birds of prey?

Hawks, eagles, kites, vultures, owls, and falcons - and now introducing the seriemas!

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Chattanooga Osprey

1 Comment
00:41 UTC


What is this vulture doing?

Was out fishing in East Tennessee and saw this vulture sitting on this tree. Stayed completely still like this for at least 5 minutes and then flew away like nothing happened. There were also maybe four or five other vultures eating something directly below it.

21:08 UTC


Hey, my mother and I saw a hawk take a squirrel from our yard and linger for a bit. It and other hawks are now displaying nesting behaviors. How do we protect our small dogs from them without hurting the hawks?

20:19 UTC


Great Horned Owl

I am not an owl expert and I don’t know if this is a mature or fledgling. I had a pair nesting in my backyard last year, and they fledged two of the cutest, funniest fledglings. They were constantly flying around, both parents and offspring. No such luck this year, not an owl anywhere, no hooting at night, nothing. So dissappointing. I thought owls returned to a successful nest, but not this year. As a result, there are voles everywhere this year, chewing up grass and flowers, getting into the basement. Its a true buffet if a smart hungry owl ever came by.

1 Comment
22:30 UTC


Not sure if this is the right place to post, but could a red tailed hawk grab my 6lb cat? My cat is indoor but I like to take her out on a leash never unattended and she also goes kayaking with me. She stays on the kayak in a harness. I saw a red tailed hawk last time. Should I be worried? TIA

16:09 UTC


Swainson Hawk & Hummingbird

15:03 UTC


Turkey vulture chick found in my pole barn

I came across a turkey vulture chick wondering in my pole barn today. It seems healthy and was wandering around. I have left it alone and am wondering if the parents will come back for it.

20:21 UTC


Please help identify fledgling, thanks - Connecticut shoreline 6/6/2024. Sorry, not the best picture

19:15 UTC


One menacing looking Mama

1 Comment
19:11 UTC


Hi! I'm an artist and recently drew this Eurasian Eagle-owl :) Hope you like it!!

18:55 UTC


There is an injured little falcon on my New York City apartment balcony

Hello! This morning I saw this little falcon ( I think it's an American Kestrel Falcon but I'm not sure) on my balcony. I live on the 4th floor of a New York City apartment. I don't know if it is injured. There were several other birds were trying to fight it and circled for a while, being aggressive. I left out some water since it's so hot, and later a couple of pieces of raw turkey bacon. It's been 4 hours since it first showed up. It hasn't flown at all, it just walked and hopped around. The other birds are gone but it seems to be hiding under the rails and chair. It likes the water but later goes back to hiding. I was sent a link for wildlife emergencies so if it is still here tomorrow I'll call, but I don't know if anyone will come. Does anyone know what I should if it does stay here and it's injured, or have any experience with contacting the wildlife organization for situations like these? I don't want to do more harm than good.

Update: The little baby ended up staying on my balcony for almost 12 hours. The parents never showed up. The birds bullying him came back and they were very aggressive for a while so I was constantly shooing them away and trying to protect him. Eventually, the little falcon started getting the courage to fly little by little. It started on the window sill, then my patio chair, then the table... etc. Eventually, it was on the rail. I was constantly checking on him and then after a couple of minutes at like 9 pm I saw he had left. I was so sad :( but happy he was able to go home. I was taking care of it all day from a distance, super sweet baby. Let me set up water and move things around. Hopefully, I'll see him around. <3


18:07 UTC


Why are Red-shouldered Hawks so noisy?

We had a pair move into a tree behind our house and wow, they basically spend the whole day circling and calling out! I'm curious as to whether their noise level hinders their hunting. I mean, obviously not enough to hurt their numbers, but I have noticed squirrels occasionally become alert when they are flying around yelling. Would be more successful hunters if they were slightly less vocal?

02:19 UTC


Juvenile Cooper’s Hawk landed on my porch

Just as the title says. I’ve been keeping tabs on this Cooper’s Hawk nest where I live and have had fun watching their baby grow up. Well now mom is forcing the young one to start to go out and hunt for itself and it took interest in my hummingbird feeder.

18:12 UTC


Saw this guy at a bird show the other week!

1 Comment
13:56 UTC


Colorado Backyard Bird

A friend took this pic in their backyard.

12:43 UTC


Harpy Eagle at the Rainforests of the Americas, Los Angeles Zoo

One of the most favorite birds of prey. Photograph by me.

02:03 UTC


Mississippi Kite in my back yard

We saw a Mississippi Kite in the area last summer but this one appeared yesterday in my back yard. It hung around long enough for me to grab a a decent photo. I live SW of Fort Worth, Texas, and I’m not sure how common these are.

23:49 UTC


An Osprey with the catch of the day

21:44 UTC

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