Birds of Prey: Hawks, eagles, kites, vultures, owls, falcons, and seriemas!
Which birds are considered birds of prey?
Hawks, eagles, kites, vultures, owls, and falcons - and now introducing the seriemas!
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Snoo banner artwork by user u/TinyLongwing
Located in Central Arizona. In my parent’s tree to be exact.
Im in Austin, Texas if location helps identify. 😁
Hi all!
Hopefully this belongs here and sorry for formatting.
I've been on a job site for months where I have watched an osprey family have a baby and raise it. Yesterday when I was driving home, about .25 miles crows fly from the nest I saw a large bird that was unalive on the side of the road. I was not able to stop to see if it was the parent osprey, but due to its size I would suspect so.
Now I'm on the job site again and I can see the baby and I've heard it cry out, but not nearly as much as yesterday and I haven't seen a parent return to the nest. Should I be concerned? Is there something I should do or someone I should call? Their nest is up on a wireless tower so I imagine it would be difficult to even rescue baby.
I guess I'm just looking for advice on how I can help. I'm so distraught watching this baby keep waiting for a parent and no one is coming and I suspect they never will.
We saw a hawk fledgling on a low branch a week ago, with parents buzzing around overhead! It was really fun to watch and listen too. Leeds, AL
I was @ JW Marriott Desert Ridge in Phoenix, AZ and as I entered I saw just 1 what I believe are Harris Hawks. When I was leaving I looked up at the same spot and I was so happy to see 3! Such a cool thing to be able to see and hear them talking to one another.
Usually I see these guys in power lines so I’m always a little extra excited to see them perched up in nature.
RSH 11 Sept Pensacola FL US
New neighbor
Screenshot from a tik tok, credit to OP is there if you click on the photo. No knowledge of location, just absoutley hilarious
I apologize for the poor photo quality.
This was about 150 yds away.