
Photograph via snooOG

The Study of Decision-Making and Choice Architecture

This subreddit is for news, resources and discussion related to behavioral economics, nudge theory & choice architecture.

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A behavioral science take on “So many millions of people are already voting. I don’t think my vote will make a difference so I’m not voting”

Voting is a situation in which our behavior is highly dependent on others’ behavior. Here's a behavioral science POV on it 👇

Inviting your thoughts (especially criticism) on the full post at https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7188079649174773760/

07:51 UTC


Survey on Formal argumentation and Behavioral economics


I'm writing my Master's thesis on formal argumentation and behavioral economics. Fill in this quick and fun survey, where your task is to make judgments about argumentation scenarios! https://people.cs.umu.se/~tkampik/argsurvey/Webappsurvey.html

11:16 UTC


Product Idea

I am leading a Nudge Club in my school.

Recently, my club tried to motivate kids to finish their plates (reduce food waste) by creating a lunchbox that includes a pinball game on the bottom.

Below is a prototype of our idea (we obviously have to still consider realistic limitations like safety).

What do you think about this idea?


09:50 UTC


Thesis Topics/Materials

Hello everyone! I am finishing my masters degree this year ( I hope) So, I am looking for a possible topics for thesis. My major is Health Economics and I want to write something about Behavioral and Experimental Economics in Healthcare Industry. What possible topics can I use? and where to find an information ? I don’t know where to start, because during my bachelor we were assigned to supervisors and provided with topics already, and now I am studying abroad and requirements here are different. Would appreciate any help 🥹🙏🏽

08:28 UTC


Behavioural Economics - Experiment


Hello !

As part of my M1 thesis, I am running my first experiment. It's here a really "cognitive psychology oriented" study but the literature review and the reasons behind it are really a mix of Economics and Psychology. More precisely, I am replicating a study and adding an extension to it (that must remain confidential). I know it may be difficult to give an interesting feedback when you don't know the theoretical bases behind it, but if you can give a feedback regarding the design it would be really helpful.

Link for the experiment : https://jatos.mindprobe.eu/publix/TVTcAfZs6yk

Thanks in advance !!!

PS: Please do not mention the topic of the experiment in the comments section (it would biased my results).

10:53 UTC


Looking for any resources on Fraud

Hey guys! I’m trying to learn a bit more about behaviours around fraud for a personal project at work. I’m trying to narrow it down to one of two areas:

  1. personal fraud/scams
  2. cybercrime

I’m thinking I could narrow it down more depending on what’s available in terms of secondary research and examples. I’m looking for any behavioural research around context, enablers and disablers, etc.

I’ve found some information around the Fraud, triangle/ rectangle and some influence principles that fraudsters use. But I’m struggling to find more information. Could someone please point me in the right direction? Any research or theories that I could use for the project?

13:56 UTC


Looking for a study on non-material incentives

Some years back, I read about a study where researchers tested which of various incentives would increase people's willingness to give blood... and the only significantly better outcome was when students were given a small map of the campus with the donation center marked. In other words, better than material incentives was simply giving them information that they already knew but in a different framing.

Unfortunatey I can now find neither the study nor the book in which it was cited again. Can anyone recognize the result and point me to the original publication?

1 Comment
10:28 UTC


Is there a name for this?\

When two opposite results will lead to the same conclusion. Best demonstrated by an example:

If some group had poor results in job training the conclusion could be "We need to do more for this group and invest in them to improve their results."

If they had very strong results in job training the conclusion could be "this is a very effective way to address the underperformance of this group in the labour market. Therefor we should invest more in this group"

Anywhere along this spectrum, the conclusion could reasonably to increase funding for the group. Is there a name for this phenomenon?

1 Comment
00:43 UTC

13:31 UTC


Quick Survey on Investment Decision Making

Hello All!
I am an undergraduate researcher at the University of Exeter doing a research project in Investment Decision Making. It would be really helpful if you could take 5/10 mins to undertake a quick survey for my project!


1 Comment
10:40 UTC


Columbia MA in Economics for Future Behavioral Economics Career?

Columbia MA in Economics?

Hi everyone! I’m looking for some advice.

I just got admitted to the MA econ program at Columbia, yay! While I’m really happy with this achievement, the cost of this program is a hefty 80k+ not counting the housing/cost of living in the city. I already live in Brooklyn and have below-market apartment and a husband who can be the breadwinner while I’m in school, but 80k is still a hefty loan to take out.

I’m interested specifically in behavioral economics and originally applied for PhDs in economics and politics. After my masters I plan to apply again, and having a way to gain solid recommendations and write a nice thesis will help my application for sure (so far I have a 3.68 GPA in math & politics double major, no thesis or research experience, so PhD was a long shot).

My other options are:

  • Claremont Graduate University PhD in politics and economics, about 60% funded for the first year with TAs/RAs available once enrolled. Costs around 18k + living expenses for the first year.
  • SUNY Stony Brook waitlist for a PhD in politics with political psychology concentration and an assured MA in politics admission. The MA is 1 year and costs around 10k because I’m a resident; the school is a train ride away.

I would love to hear opinions on which of my options you find most appealing and why. I’m very flattered by the Columbia acceptance, but with 80k loan a not-so-quantitative MA sounds like a bad idea. I like the program and the further schooling/career path it opens, but I feel like whether or not I pursue a PhD, I’ll be stuck paying hella money and just looking for higher paying jobs at the expense of my interests, life, and mental health to keep up with the payments. CMU PhD is great for the behavioral economics research purposes + saves me 1-2 years en route to a PhD, but it’s not fully funded and requires relocating (and giving up a rent stabilized apartment in NYC lol). SUNY sounds like the best choice, but it’s not Columbia and knowing how elitist economics/academia can be, I don’t know if that matters.

Thanks for your input!! Feel free to DM your thoughts if you prefer a degree of anonymity.

21:47 UTC


Sexual overperception bias

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13:42 UTC


How to apply cognitive flexibility in Critical Thinking for 21st Century

20:59 UTC


How well is 'thinking fast and slow' holding up?

I read a posting that there were some refutations of some of the work in "Thinking Fast and Slow". Sorry i didn't save this but i can't really even do a web search and find any references like that. Does anyone have any they can point to? I know that Behavioral Psych in general has had reproducibility and overclaiming issues. What is the impact on the fundamental stand on Behavioral Econ?

18:28 UTC


Kahneman looked forward to being wrong and admitted his mistakes

One of the hallmarks of being a good researcher (and person overall) is openness to being wrong and admitting mistakes.
I admire Daniel Kahneman not just for his contributions to the field of behavioral economics but also for admitting his mistakes: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/anushkakumar02_behavioraleconomics-activity-7179486857959727105-olmK?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop


15:03 UTC


The Influence of Information Asymmetry on Cryptocurrency Markets: Assessing Uninformed Investor Sentiment

Hey, so I'm currently writing a paper on how information asymmetry influences cryptocurrency markets and how due to information not being distributed throughout the space, it can lead to uninformed investors using different strategies to find potential investments. However I'm slightly stuck on what topics I should cover over in my Literature review as I only have 2000-2500 words to discuss different topics revolving around my question. Could someone give me some advice in what topics you think I should cover?

12:29 UTC


Psychology of Flattery in UXD - Wonderful Lies

Sharing a funny lesson on the psychology of flattery, which works in tech.


20:24 UTC


What are careers in behavioural economics outside of academia

And what skills do I need other than econoemtrics/data analysis?

21:00 UTC


Behavioural Biases in Investing (cognitive / emotional)

I was amazed to learn how our brain and emotions trick us into making bad investment decisions.

Found a great website that links the behavioural bias concepts (cognitive and emotional biases) with everyday examples.


17:32 UTC


Coauthors chapter book Machine Learning for promoting sustainable and healthy behaviour

Anyone would like joining us? I know that it comes late, however deadline for abstract on Sunday March 24. Please message, when you have questions.

07:37 UTC


Questions for EPQ project:

Hi, I am a year 13 student completing an Extended Project Qualification this year in the UK. My title is 'Is the poverty trap impossible to get out of?' For my primary research, I would much appreciate it if anyone with a background in behavioural economics, could answer any or hopefully all of the following questions. I am looking forward to using your responses as part of my research for my project.

· What factors contribute to the creation and perpetuation of the poverty trap?

· How do social, economic, and political structures impact individuals' ability to escape the poverty trap?

· What interventions or policies have been successful in breaking the cycle of poverty for individuals and communities?

· How do cultural attitudes and societal perceptions influence efforts to alleviate poverty and empower individuals to improve their socioeconomic status?

· Can individual agency and resilience overcome systemic barriers to escape the poverty trap, or are broader structural changes necessary?

1 Comment
23:56 UTC


Do I need maths?


I’m very interested in a job where I can use behavioural insights to design, create, and implement nudging, or even bigger I guess, strategies for preventative or combative measures for social causes.

I find this field very interesting. I have a marketing degree at undergraduate level, want to study a masters though. I’ve specifically studied nudging before, which is where my interest was first sparked.

I’m really awful at maths though, and well seeing as the words that follow behavioural are either economics or science (though this is social science, I believe?), I thought it would be beneficial to enquire.

But 100% this is the field I want to work in. I did post something else once and had someone reply that those who use the data analytics to discover the necessary behavioural insights aren’t the same people who then implement it, but I want this to be the case. Does this job actually exist? To work in a team and come up with different, sometimes creative, solutions to social problems and implement them. I’d prefer a sort of government role (mainly for the work/life balance).

Any help is welcome and really appreciated!

03:29 UTC


Intersection between social psychology and decision sciences

Hi everybody, I'm trying to figure out what could be some empirical or theoretical intersections between social psych and behavioural econ or decision making. I have interest in both fields. If anybody has any hint or suggestion, it will be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

07:23 UTC

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