BeardPorn is a homoerotic community for NSFW appreciation of bearded men.
BeardPorn is a homoerotic community for NSFW appreciation of bearded men. Posts should be:
Posts should not be:
Profiles may share any socials in the comments under their own submissions.
✔️Watermarks may be anything except for QR codes.
✔️@Chat Handles (Kik, Snapchat, etc) are allowed.
✔️Paysites (OnlyFans, etc) are allowed on your own posts.
✔️@Socials (Twitter, etc) are allowed.
✔️Attention-Seeking is allowed (asking for upvotes, comments, follows, profile views).
🛑Dropbox sales are not permitted.
You must be 18+.
If your age is in question, you will be removed at moderator discretion.