You are walking along the coast when you chance upon a beautiful beach. You take your clothes off to go for a swim in the cool refreshing water. The only sounds are the crashing waves, receding surf and the squawk of seagulls flying above you. You are startled when a woman breaches the water, with a face so beautiful you almost want to cry. She's a beach nymph, and she beckons you to join her in the surf.
1) Posts must be high-quality images of beautiful women on a uncrowded beach (lake or ocean).
2) Women should be naked or partially naked. Clothing is allowed but must be classy, sexy or erotic.
3) Post should be on uncrowded beaches with limited man-made structures, vehicles or boats.
4) Low scoring posts will be removed and at the end of the day all posts are at the mods discretion.
5) Posted images must be hosted on approved domains to avoid SPAM and ad-filled webpages.
All posts must be direct links to images. That means it must end in .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, or, .gifv.
Approved Domains include: imgur.com, i.imgur.com, reddit.com, i.redd.it, i.reddituploads.com, gfycat.com, 500px.com, flickr.com, .media.tumblr.com, images.sex.com, img.pornhub.com, 35photo.pro.
6) This is a nice place. Don't be a dick.
7) Distasteful sexually explicit content will be removed and SPAM will result in an immediate ban.
8) No selling or sellers