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Banner made by @Michaelis972.
So im trying to get the "Patience is a virtue" trophy, but i already have all the other endings and im just missing this one.
Is there any extra step im missing?
Hello. I've been playing Battlefield V (Tirailleur) for the first time and I saw a white man with a moustache wearing an uniform that's pretty similar to the one that Charles de Gaulle would wear during the WW2. This may be an stupid question, but I'm not sure the man with the moustache is de Gaulle or not :) (I haven't finished Tirailleur yet)
It's not easy to be two cavalry riders in a joust with myself as a victim and a cycle jerk.
It’s been years since they’ve dropped and unlike every other piece of dlc content that has either been released for free or re released, they have not.
Been wanting to go back and play some bf1 for nostalgic reasons so decided to subscribe to Ea play, however when I try to download it still says it costs £17.99.Is this a problem anyone else has experienced? Is there a fix? (Ps5)
Twitter post for next battlefield.
Hey everyone! I'm looking for some fellow battlefield players I can add/game with who speak Norwegian. I've been learning Norwegian on my own but don't really have anyone I converse with.
Battlefield is fun on its own, but if I can incorporate some learning in the process, even better!
Feel free to shoot me a message. I'm mainly playing B1 and B5, but I'll throw down on some 2042, or if you're wanting to get weird, some Hardline (though I doubt anyone is on those servers).
Rush is my go-to but they act like someone who can't decide which dress to wear. I mean c'mon.
When my wife asks me which outfit looks better, the answer is always "yes."
I was JUST playing Rush last night and now it's gone. Why?
Does anyone know if the key still works? I don't mind paying for it. Just don't want to get it and not be able to play it. Played it for years on ps3.
Just a server glitch that corrected itself after a day or two.
Is it still possible to obtain the red Baron and the Lawrence of Arabia content? I can't seem to buy it anywhere.
For context I’m colorblind. On certain maps it’s almost impossible for me to see the HUD on the tank. Was wondering if there was a way to change the HUD color or maybe I should just stay out of it on those maps and let someone who can see have it.
I’ve been playing Battlefield for years, and I’m thinking about sharing some of my gameplay online. I’ve always loved watching epic highlight reels and funny moments, so I thought I’d give making my own a shot.
I’m recording clips using the built-in tools on my console and editing them with Movavi. It’s been great for trimming, adding text, and putting together montages, but I’m wondering if anyone here has tips for doing this more seriously.
I’ve got a few questions:
If you’ve been doing this or have advice on how to get started, I’d really appreciate the help. Thanks!
In the ending of the Battlefield 4 campaign where Recker has to chose to give the c4 to Hannah or Irish;
in the next battlefield release, could the writers continue off the story as if Recker gave the c4 to Irish where he dies storyline wise, since they can’t use the Irish character because the real life actor died, so the story continuation shows just Recker, Hannah and Pak?