
Photograph via snooOG

For anything related to the bar exam and all of its glory.

Because that JD just isn't enough.


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TX Results Coming Monday @ 10 AM 😅

13:21 UTC


1st time passer- Unique perspective

I told myself I would only post on here if I Passed. So here it is. I barely got into law school (took the lsat twice), the law school I got accepted to is considered 3rd tier, and my GPA my first year was .1 from getting me placed on academic probation. I passed on my first attempt with 6 hours of sleep total (2 hours on day 1 and 4 hours for day 2). Here is the kicker, I HAND WROTE the entire written portion. Everyone from the testing administration to my close friends told me not to do it, but I did it anyway. Throughout law school, I hand wrote most of my essays for tests and only typed when submitting a paper or for studying purposes. I attempted to type and practice with my laptop during bar prep but I found myself never finishing. So I decided the day of the exam to write. The proctors all but begged me not to do it, and they cited how low passage rates are for hand writers. I didn’t care. I was able to finish all of MPT 1, half of MPT 2 and all of my MEE’s.

I spent the last 3 months worrying about being penalized for handwriting (mainly worrying about if the graders could understand my handwriting). So this isn’t a post glorifying what I did, I want to convey a general lesson of how important it is to follow your gut. I started very light bar prep in February, doing 25-50 MCQ’s weekly and built from there. I used Barbari and Kaplan. If I would have started the conventional time (after graduation) I can almost guarantee I would have failed.

So to the folks who didn’t pull it out this time around, I will be praying for you, and I hope you have a better outcome next time around. What you have already accomplished puts you in rare air.

For the folks who are still waiting on grades, my advice is to get off of here. Obviously, I am being a hypocrite by saying that since I have been on here pouring over each post, but I think it made my anxiety worse doing it.

10:54 UTC


MPRE prep that doesn't rely on videos? Please recommend.

Folks -- Please recommend an MPRE prep program or course that does not rely on video lectures. Video lectures are worse than useless for me, and I would much rather read a physical book or do practice questions than be assigned video "modules." Thanks.

07:59 UTC


When is DC coming out😭😭

07:51 UTC


Passed 270+ | Georgia | Themis 68%| Kaplan Flash Cards|

I completed 68% of Themis.

I only read the outlines once I had watched the videos, but I would take notes while I watched them. I realize now that I basically studied the way I studied for law school: lectures and notes.

I did ~2000 practice questions with an average of 60% correct. However, when I created practice exams with questions I had gotten wrong, I would get 100%.

I read EVERY answer explanation, whether I got it right or wrong, and I'd revisit the outline if I still needed help understanding.

My first and second-graded essays were 1s and 2s, and finally, by the third one, I started getting 5s and 6s because I understood how they wanted me to write them. From that point on, I would outline my answers only or just read over the model answers. If I were surprised by the law, I would revisit the outline.
I had not practiced a SINGLE MPT until the night before the exam.

I approached this from a very analytical standpoint. MPT is 20% of the exam, so I could theoretically fail it entirely and still pass. I was short on time and needed to catch up—20% completion of Themis by July 1.

Plus, I worked in litigation for a year leading up to the Bar, so I wasn't worried about being able to write motions and memos since that is what I did for work all the time.

MBE had the biggest percentage and the fewest subjects, so I focused on those and then went on to the state subjects for essays.

I ended up getting a 150+ Mbe and passing with a score of around 300.

I felt great in the morning MBE session, but by the afternoon, I felt like I was kind of on auto-pilot.

The best analogy is that by question 175, I felt like I had smelled too many colognes, and they all started to smell the same—every question started to feel the same.

I completed each MBE session in just under or over 2 hours, so I had lots of time to review the questions. Themis tells me that when I change my answers 3 out of 4 times, I change it from the right answer to the wrong answer, so my rule was that I would only change an answer if 1. I knew I was guessing blindly on it the first time around, and 2. By the second time, I picked up on what I missed the first time. I only changed 2 of my answers because I missed a keyword the first time around.

Something I couldn't prepare for and didn't expect was the HUGE amount of stress that set in by the 170+ question mark. I started to realize that any question at this point could've been the question that disqualified me.

I suggest 1. you put those thoughts out of your head IMMEDIATELY, and 2. you practice calming yourself down. Breathe, and just answer the question in front of you.

I 100% recommend themis. The questions on the bar didn't surprise me at all. It all felt familiar, and I recognized many fact patterns.

In the final week, I added Kaplan flashcards, and I recognized that some of them misstated the law, or I would find myself automatically reciting the state law for the corresponding MBE law. That's when I knew things were sticking.

There were some Themis practice sessions I did where I would get 10-15 questions wrong in a row. If you do it right, it can take you almost 2 hours to get through since you should be reading the explanations and committing them to memory by re-reading the outline for that part. Sometimes (for contributory negligence and damages, for example), I would create my own illustrations to understand the law.

Don't forget that you can make up rules for the essays. I didn't know that until two weeks before the exam, and that dramatically changed where I focused my time.

When I didn't like a Themis question or explanation, I would complain to Themis, and their explanation usually just pissed me off, or it would point out something that I hadn't considered, like the game theory of the exam itself. I would also screenshot some of them and send them to my professor from that subject and be like, "Hey, what the hell?"

And they'd usually explain what nuanced thing about some of the other options disqualified those answers and left the "right" answer as the only plausible one even when it isn't obviously correct. Do this sparingly...

Near the end, there were many such cases where I could get the right answer without even looking at the questions because the answer choices themselves were dead giveaways that they were wrong.

This isn't a fool-proof method, but when you get to the point that you can tell by the way the answer is written that it is likely wrong, you're where you want to be.

On the days of the exam, I reviewed the themis outlines and the shortened versions with my friends. We'd test each other and recite the laws back to each other, which would help us see what the other person forgot, or we'd question one another.

The morning of the exam, we were in the hotel lobby eating breakfast with our outlines, laughing about one ridiculous civ-pro sub-sub-sub rule/exception. It showed up on the exam, and we only knew it because we had reviewed it that morning.

Good luck!

04:59 UTC


Texas bar as an LLM? Anyone?


Has anyone taken Texas bar as a foreign LLM? I think we can only sit NY or CA. Is there a way we can sit Texas?

Thank you

02:25 UTC


When is NJ coming out?

When has it come out the last few years??

01:49 UTC


Recent Bar Passers: What was the riskiest thing you did (or didn't do) during bar prep?

People who are guilty of one or more of the below, but still passed...

View Poll

1 Comment
01:25 UTC


Next gen?

Anyone know when next gen takes over?

01:17 UTC


Require all lawyers take the bar exam

Currently Wisconsin is the only state that doesn't require its Wisconsin law studied residents to take the bar exam My only assumption is is that they required Wisconsin law school students to take the bars and they wouldn't be able to pass it which would leave an extreme shortage of lawyers in Wisconsin. What does that say about all the other lawyers in the nation that have to take the bar exam and actually pass the bar exam. I feel as unjust from Wisconsin I have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to lawyers who have never sent for the bar exam not knowing if you're getting a competent lawyer to represent you or not and for that reason I started this petition to mandate all lawyers be required to take the bar exam regardless of what school you attended. Ensuring that the consumer can feel confident that they actually have competent legal representation. I'm asking you to sign those petition and mandate all law students be required to take the bar regardless of what state you studied in. By not signing it it's undermining every other lawyer in America saying that they're not worthy enough and they're not competent enough to be trusted to not take the bar exam but Wisconsin students are about a cut above the rest they're so smart and so intelligent and so confident that they don't have to sit for the bar well if there's no competent so intelligent then they shouldn't be afraid to sit for the bar please stand with me and sign this petition demanding all lawyers sit for the bar. https://www.change.org/MandatebarexamsinWi

01:15 UTC


Taking the bar again after 30 years

I took the bar in 1997 and passed. I practiced law for a handful of years, and then life happened, three kids, major health issues, bad marriage, single parenting, and my license lapsed. Fast forward to now and I am motivated to get my license reinstated. I’m applying for the February exam (Michigan).

Can anyone recommend a good review course? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

1 Comment
00:54 UTC


MPT one sheets

Anyone willing to share the JD Advising MPT one sheets?

1 Comment
23:51 UTC


Anyone use Quimbee?

I have barbri but am thinking of supplementing with Quimbee. Does anyone have experience with using Quimbee for bar prep?

Note - I’m a non-traditional law student from a state that has a law reader program. I want to get a supplemental source to help me because I feel like I’m fairly disadvantaged compared to traditional law school students. I have a mentor but it feels like a lot of this has been me teaching myself. I’ve used Quimbee to supplement my other reading and like how they break things down.

I’m also planning on purchasing a bar md course for essays and MPTs with private tutoring. I’m taking the July 2025 bar, but am starting to plan my prep now. Any insight is appreciated.

1 Comment
23:49 UTC


Failed (Louisiana)

I failed the bar unfortunately, and I’ve noticed that out of the law schools in Louisiana, LSU Law has such a high passage rate. If you went to LSU Law, could you please explain what it is that is causing so many of you to pass? How do you write your answers? Any outlines or supplements and tips are greatly appreciated. I’m BEGGING!

1 Comment
23:48 UTC


Georgia passers

Anyone who passed Georgia willing to sell their bar prep material?

23:40 UTC


So, New York, when we getting results?

What is everyones prediction?

23:33 UTC


KY passer, rare Barbri defender

Yesterday I got the good news that I passed the bar with a 309 and I wanted to give Barbri a shoutout since it gets torn up on here. I signed up for Barbri really early in law school, and this sub made me feel like I made a huge mistake once I started studying. I had heard that the mbe questions on Barbri were nothing like what was on the real exam, that the essay graders were awful, and that the course was generally just a rip off. I had already paid and started the course by the time I heard all this, so I begrudgingly stuck with it since I couldn’t afford any additional resources.

I completed 100% of the course, did 800 of the practice Multiple choice, and did probably 70% of the practice essays they provided. The only supplement I used outside of Barbri was the JD advising MEE one sheet. I was so stressed about not having Adaptibar or Uworld because of how people talked about them on this sub. I felt like the Barbri mbe practice was insanely hard and was stressed that I had made a terrible investment.

Fast forward to test day, and there were 2 essays on the exam that were VERY similar to Barbri practice essays. I felt like the multiple choice prepared me really well, and my score ended up reflecting that. I completely understand people who don’t want to do Barbri bc of the cost. It should be cheaper, but Barbri gets talked about like it’s outdated and not reflective of the test and neither of those critiques seemed remotely accurate based on my test day experience. I’m curious if anybody else that used Barbri feels the same? Maybe I’m insane? Idk.

Sorry for the long post. Congrats to everybody on here who passed!

22:28 UTC


Planning to take GA Bar exam

I’m a Louisiana law school graduate and I’ve failed the bar down here but I’m planning on finally sitting for the GA bar next July. Any tips? Or anyone have any outlines/practice questions they’d be willing to share I’d really appreciate it. Tired of failing 😪

21:49 UTC


Retake for the Broke

Failed and broke but determined to retake in February.

I originally took Barbri and it was horrible. Want to switch over to Themis but reality is the finances are not financing whatsoever. I decided to keep my Barbri books because I like my notes and have the Critical Pass flash cards. I’m hoping to invest in Adaptibar again, this time also with the MEE program.

I’m someone that basically learns through flash cards and practice. The biggest thing for me was not having enough time to really go over the concepts more than twice, which I noticed I had great scores for the subjects I did that with. I got a 5 on an essay subject I sucked at in law school but did so many flash card drills since I was afraid to forget. I believe being able to drill those concepts for the topics is the best way I can actually understand instead of just passively watching videos.

For those have done a retake, has anyone passed not buying a whole new Barbri or Themis program? I feel like my concentration should be on finding an essay tutor and drilling the concepts since I mix them up easily (I have dyslexia). I feel like watching the videos may be a waste of my time because I’m just relearning what I know ?

Please help😭 I’m trying to be financially smart but also trying to pass.

19:11 UTC


Retaking NY 16 years later (gulp)

I took it and failed in 2008. After 15 years in the workforce, I am taking it again in February 2025. I know it's now UBE and writing with a separate NYCLE. Anything else I should note? (I'm kicking myself I didn't just retake it back then but here we are)

18:34 UTC


Free Critical Pass flashcards from July23-NYC

Pickup in Upper East or Rock Center. Some cards have writing on them but most don’t.

18:09 UTC


Delaware Bar Exam

I passed the UBE this July and now I want to take the Delaware Bar Exam in February. I currently don’t have a job and cannot afford to purchase the Barbri Delaware study plan. Does anyone that already took the Delaware bar have their old study materials or books that I can use? I’m willing to buy Delaware specific law books. What are some good resources to study for this exam?

17:19 UTC



I had a feeling I would. I feel like I have disappointed so many people. This was my first time taking it since I graduated in 2023 after being diagnosed with cancer and going through chemo. I had always been a good test taker but I truly feel like chemotherapy destroyed my brain. I can’t remember shit anymore. Not to mention, the way I had studied my entire life was by writing things out and I can no longer do that because of the neuropathy in my hands caused by chemo. I’m just so frustrated at life.
On a brighter note, congrats to everyone who passed! I’ll get there eventually.

17:02 UTC


The bar exam from a foreigner point of view

I’m all for having an exam to determine who can become a lawyer, and here’s why. In my country, in which I have been practicing law for +7 years, anyone who graduates from law school can immediately start practicing—no exam, no character check, nothing. Sounds convenient, but it’s a problem.

People who don’t fully understand the law end up representing clients, which lowers the quality of legal services and hurts the profession’s reputation. Clients get bad advice, trust in lawyers goes down, and the whole system suffers.

I’ve taken the bar once and failed, and I’m waiting on the results from my second attempt. I know how tough the process is, from studying to the exam itself, and then the long wait for results. I’ve been there, and I’m still going through it now. Maybe there are ways to make the process a little less stressful for students, and I totally get that. But I still believe the exam should exist. Failing doesn’t mean you’re incompetent, but it’s less risky than letting unqualified people practice law. It’s not just about protecting the profession—it’s about protecting the community.

16:48 UTC


NV doesn't email?

Hi there,

Are we just waiting for the Nevada Bar Association to just post the list of people who passed? I thought maybe they would send emails so I could tell loved ones not to worry about looking up the results

1 Comment
16:31 UTC


My BOLE says closed to register for FEB 2025 bar; waiting for my J24 results, is this a secret sign?

16:07 UTC


I Passed CT-Honest review

Because this subreddit has gotten me through the study and waiting period I promised myself that I would post.

I am a single mother of two teen boys, worked full time up until July and took the month off. I studied at my law school predominantly or stayed late at the office after work.

I put in 5 hours of study during the week day and 12 on weekends from May to July and then transitioned to 12-14hr days to make up for time. I probably took a total of 3 days off, and one of those “off days” I legit was doing Adaptibar flash cards at my friend’s birthday party. The BARBRI tracker kept stressing me out the entire time because I was always behind. Point of advice don’t rush through to finish to meet the deadline. I intentionally took notes during lectures and rewrote based on what I understood it. Which took more time and had my peers tell me I was going too slow and wouldn’t make it as far as I needed to. But it is what worked for me. I listened to videos no faster than 1.5x and some at 1.25.

I completed about 85% of BARBRI (I purchased the Ultimate Pass package), looked at critical pass and flipped through Adaptibar cards, hand wrote my own flash cards, looked at Smart Bar Prep outlines, did individual study and outlining, wrote out poster chart paper outlines and put them up all over my room. Used the Primer Series for MEE and MPTs based on the recommendations from one of my legal analysis professors.

I did not do thousands of multiple choice, but I did keep a bank of the ones I kept getting wrong and looking through them. I did the practice tests as they came up. I think I ended with: 679 Adaptibar Qs and whatever BARBRI had me do which when I counted was up to 1,700 or so between the 14q mixed sets, practice bank, and 25 sets.

Day 1: like most I was confident in my MPTs I took a course in law school my last two semesters to prep seriously for them and I did 5 practice during the study period. For the afternoon portion I was 100% certain that I tanked 3 of my MEEs from the beginning and almost did not return to test the second day, I prayed and cried and didn’t want to have spent all that money on getting a room for nothing.

On day two after the morning MBE I barely made it back to my hotel room before the tears were streaming down my face and I started ugly crying. Mainly because the questions were hard as F, I took way too long on them and ran out of time so I had no choice but to bubble in at least 10 at random in the end at the 10 min mark. Then as I was making my way back to them I noticed that I knew some of the answers to some of my randoms and had bubbled the wrong answer (YES Grossman was right) and it shook me mainly because it was too late to change them. Looking back I feel that I should’ve moved on faster and it cost me 5 of the 10 questions i would’ve gotten right. I prayed my heart out, cried, threw up and again almost didn’t return but forced myself to.

The afternoon session was more confusing to me but I stuck with it and tried to be more mechanical like I was during practice. But I still didn’t feel good. I was frequently mumbling things out loud like “WTF is this even asking me” “who wrote this dumb a** question” Needless to say I didn’t expect to pass at all but have been ready bc affirmative statements that I did during practice, after the exam, and up until scores released yesterday.

UBE Score: 298 MBE: 151.3

I will be paying for a score report so I can transfer my scores and will update this. Because my state doesn’t give MEE/MPT breakdown.

Finally: if some of you are waiting for results DO NOT text your friends until they text YOU no MATTER the outcome! I had friends learn they didn’t pass from friends which was F-ed up and although I passed my reveal was almost ruined as well had I not been able to rush to check when people started messaging me.

Give grace to yourself and others. This exam IS NOT ANYTHING more than an attempt to gate keep and money grab. IT IS NOT an indication of what kind of Attorneys we will all be! It takes sacrifice and mental capacity. But No matter what you must choose you. Stay strong, don’t forget your why! Get up and try again when you’re ready! I believe in you all!

15:17 UTC


Materials in KY

Passed the KY bar and am now getting rid of all my materials. I have Themis books, barbri, JDadvising one sheets (MBE and MEE), etc. willing to give it to anyone if it helps.

14:58 UTC


DC results

Called DC yesterday. They said to not expect them before Nov. 10 because there was a “record number of takers.”

14:54 UTC


If I fail the February UBE, will I be able to apply for the July exam?

Hello there! What I know is that the UBE February exam results are released in between April and May. However, the application period for July is between March and April. Does it mean that people apply to the July exam without knowing their February exam results? Or they miss the July exam if they failed the February one?

14:28 UTC

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