
Photograph via snooOG

A place to post stories about the bad roleplayers you've encountered. Billy Badass that kills you in one shot? That one ERPer that's already tried to change your prompt twice? Someone who would probably be better off writing a novel but insists on controlling your character? They all go here!

This is a board to vent frustrations about RP sites, individual RPers, situations, etc. Have something bothering you about someone? Come and rant away! Things might be exaggerated and that's okay. This is for getting it off your chest!

For those stories where you run into just shitty people trying to RP. Be they just bad people, bad characters or bad concepts. Stories for when people are just awful and your board is worse for their existing. For stupid applicants, stupid plots and, of course, shitty admin. Because sometimes you need to vent.

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Everything wrong with RP, and why people still do it (AKA a cry for help from the whole community)

I know I am on my way to be a broken record, so feel free to leave a snarky comment about it. HOWEVER- RP is getting worse and worse the longer you do it. And this is not an exaggeration- anyone who has done it for at least half a year will agree with this, apart from some rare exceptions. It seems fine at first, but then shit stacks, until it feels horrid. So, here are some of the biggest problems I had with RP, having been in it for about 4 years

  1. (inhale, exhale). It’s absolutely PAIN if you’re a woman. Especially a lesbian. How do I know? I’m a transfem, and not into dudes. Not only is it extremely hard to actually find a fitting partner, you have to fight through hordes of dudes who see “f” in your post, and immediately message you wanting some… weird topics. Except that’s not all- you have to pray your ad doesn’t get massively downvoted for just… you existing. Which brings us onto…

  2. people don’t understand how downvoting actually works. A lot think that if they tank your post, it will just stop recommending your posts to them. Except that’s really not the way it works. Voting affects karma. Karma affects your general visibility, and your ability to message people. So, the “I don’t like this post. Downvote” doesn’t help at all, and only makes life worse for the person posting the ad

  3. people disappearing, or lying about why they are quitting. Nothing hits you worse, than getting a “yeah, I don’t have time for this.” getting blocked, then seeing 79 ads from that person getting posted. There has been a massive uptick in this- two posts, then you get ghosted or dumped. Finding a long-term partner is impossible

  4. ERP mentioned? Prepare to die. So few people actually understand, that you don’t have to center the plot around the big E. It’s fine to have it, but in most cases you will be hit with the “whips it out” really soon

  5. echoing. You write a big post, and 90% of your partner’s reply is absolutely no new information. One of the biggest causes of burnout, if you ask me

  6. not knowing how to set up boundaries, or ignoring yours. I genuinely hate it, when there is randomly an underwater rock, when I try to make a joke, that 99% of the world’s population would find innocent

That all, though, doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop. I’m still hoping to see a better day, and find a person who I can genuinely click with, in the RP.

The discussion is open- feel free to add your rant below. Surely it’s not bad for our common mental health- reading through piles upon piles of people’s annoyances with RP

11:02 UTC


Everytime I try, the more frustrating everything seems to get.

This post isn't specifically intended at anyone but just a summary of most of my experiences. I've been roleplaying..or rather tried to do so since a couple of years. NSFW, SFW both.

Yet, as of late atleast (since a year or so actually) my experience has been nothing but awful. I find a lovely plot written by who I'm sure is a talented writer, we discuss characters, scenarios, how we should go on about things and things seem to be progressing smoothly.

When the time to actually roleplay occurs, it just..goes dead silent. Sometimes it's after I send a starter, sometimes it's just..nothing at all in a response (not even finishing the discussion before the roleplay) sometimes the other person just lost interest all of a sudden. Sometimes, it's straight up ignoring with the excuse of being busy despite seeing the person to be free. I would not boast by saying that I'm the most professional or experienced writer but if I'm somehow able to write over 1000-1200 word starters, I don't think I'm bad by any aspect.

I know there's lovely people with experiences I'd love to have as well yet..all this is really demotivating. I've always told my partners to feel free and let me know if they want any changes or whether they didn't like something, they can go ahead and let me know straightaway since I'm always open to criticism.

I don't want to quit roleplaying but this really makes me question why I'm spending so much time and effort if I'm not even able to get past a few paragraphs with others. Ghosting seems to be a really popular trend and it really hurts me. I'm sorry for this rant, I wanted to say this for so long because it troubles me everytime.

06:48 UTC


I get it, multiple characters or harem plots and the like is difficult but...

Why is it the large majority of the people who answer my ads for it that get into the rp part of rp immediately have every character(fandom based or not) have the same cookie cutter slut from aisle 69 personality?

Like I understand maybe for OC's but canon characters with defined history, lore, and personality all just get flushed and dunked down the toilet to have them be the same mind broken/hypnotised/corrupted whore. It's personally only fun to see this stuff in comics or animated and imagined but in a story/rp? There's no meat to enjoy!

It just becomes a homogenized mess of senseless bland sex, I don't even care that much for plot as long as character interactions still exist but the character depth became puddle deep as soon as we got to the lewd bits! This just makes the rp have this zombie effect where it keeps going despite the complete soullessness of it all.

06:00 UTC


If you have a plot/ship in mind, why not include it in the ad?

Just curious. I've seen this for as long as I've been roleplaying and I always skip ads that mention they have a plot in mind but won't reveal any details until you contact them. Or for fandom RPs, I've seen so often that people will list the fandoms they want and mention that they're looking for canon x OC, but they won't actually say what canon characters they want to play against.

It seems like it would be really annoying to have to explain what you want to everyone that reaches out, only to discover that they're not interested in your idea or ship. Is there a benefit to withholding this information?

22:35 UTC


Controlling Partners

Okay okay so, I felt the need to post this here because I don't know if it's just me, but the audacity of this guy is kinda crazy.

So I'm just doing my thing, scrolling through rp reddits in the hopes of finding partners, then I see this post. The basic idea was a romance plot between a WWE superstar and a fan. I was curious and naturally read more into the post. Everything seemed normal at first, until I got to a certain part.

this guy want whoever so happened to be his partner to play multiple characters at once (along with established characters). Now usually, I don't mind playing multiple characters, or characters made by the person as long as I'm provided with enough details. But this guy CLEARLY stated that he would only be playing as his OC, leaving the partner to do basically every single character included.

Then, he went out to basically set out the main character the partner would play. Now, I can understand that a little small things have to be set out because it's important to the story, but literally EVERYTHING was decided. Personality, looks, height, family, friends, I even saw a blood type???

But yeah, I certainly dodged a bullet there. Those are the same people who wonder why they get no rp requests.

21:50 UTC


If you're not going to give me your discord then don't bother dming me!

I've just had someone say they wanted to rp...but let just say it was my biggest regret letting the fact that he didn't say the pass phrase from the bottom of my advertisement slide. Cause he wasted my time and killed off my mood. He said he could play certain characters then later said "I'm unsure if I can play those characters"

  1. Make up your god damn mind either you can or can't if you can't them leave me alone instead of wasting my time

  2. I am looking for characters to fit the plot. If you understand the ad then say the password.

16:01 UTC


Should people get a second chance?

I'm a novella writer and I started doing RP with another novel writer who is actually a published author. It was fantastic. She had way more RP experience than I did and it was a phenomenal learning experience. We each were in love with the other ones writing. This one on for 3 months and I can say without doubt that she was the best writing partner I've ever had.

It ended horribly. I was trying to stretch my boundaries as a writer and do a enemies to lovers story with her. It was absolutely her favorite trope to explore.

I think a lot of things went wrong between us but the biggest thing in hindsight was that I forced her to confront an issue between us. We both knew was there, it was the elephant in the room and I'm not the type to just ignore a problem. I want just to talk it out and come up with a workable solution. She absolutely hates confrontation and I think she just rebelled against this.

We had an explosive breakup and effectively stopped talking to each other for over 2 months. I missed her friendship and I reached out to her and got a neutral response, but I didn't push because it still didn't feel comfortable yet.

Recently and outside event caused her to reach out to me from a very caring perspective. We chatted and it felt more like old times. Then it happened again where she reached out and we chatted some more and it reminded me how much I enjoyed our OOC. It was nice to feel like I was getting her back as a friend.

We are on a server together where people look for partners but generally there isn't a lot of roleplay that happens on the server itself. However, she has in the past, tried to push to make that happen more. I have always helped out in that regard.

Out of the blue, she started doing RP with her character and so I wrote my character coming in. Normally we only go back and forth for a few posts and they go their separate ways. Not this time. She laid down the breadcrumb trail to lead our two characters towards ERP. Before, they had just flirted with friendly banter.

I'm nervous. Not about the RP because we both fall into it with an easy comfort after months of writing together. I'm nervous because I don't want to screw things up. I would rather have her as a friend than as an RP partner. Given that things blew up horribly specifically because I was pushing to talk them out, it feels like talking to her about these things is a recipe for disaster. I'm afraid that trying to talk to her about my fears and concerns will drive a wedge between us and create the very situation I'm afraid of.

To be fair, this is in a public channel on a server with thousands of users, it's not the same level of commitment as a one-on-one story so I'm not falling back into that same exact situation. My fear is that the ERP will go fantastic, as it always does between us, and she's going to want more. She'll want to go back to one of our unfinished stories that had been going well.

This feels like dating. Two people get in a fight and break up, some time goes by, they see each other and remember how much they enjoyed spending time together and then they start asking themselves if it's worth trying again.


14:32 UTC


I hate it when my partner asks for an inappropriate picture and ruins the RP

I'm someone who primarily roleplays as male characters and I generally like being on good terms with my RP partners, no matter their real life gender and I do my best to treat everyone with patience and kindness, roleplay is about having fun, after all.

That being said, if one of my RP partners is flirting with me OOC, I might playfully reciprocate, because, why the heck not? But I tend to draw a line as I want to make sure I'm not 'leading anyone on' or giving off the impression I'm looking for anything IRL, harmless jokes and lighthearted remarks is where it starts and ends for me. If someone tries to make any sort of actual move on me, I do my best to shut it down as gently as possible, but not everyone seems to get this.

I've been sent unexpected nudes out of the blue before and while the idea may be enticing at first, this is not what I'm here for and when someone does the honor of asking before firing away, I usually try to gently refuse the offer. However, this doesn't click with everyone and I've had RP partners try and get me to send dick pictures in exchange for them returning the favor with nudes of their own, or worse yet, send unsolicited pictures and then try and leverage this in a childish "I showed you mine, it's only right if you show me yours!" line of reasoning.

I know some guys are overeager with showing the world their dicks and I'm so sorry to those of you who got uninvited penises in your inboxes, that is utterly repulsive. I'm not that kind of guy though, I'm here to enjoy a roleplay, maybe make a new friend, not actually 'sext' or 'exchange pics'. More often than not, my refusal to comply with their request leads to a virtual cold shoulder and a slowing or entirely ceasing of communication, causing the loss of a usually pretty decent roleplay which is extremely frustrating.

Anyone else ever encounter a similar situation, or am I the only one who happened to get so unlucky with finding partners who are more interested in sharing pictures than actually do the RP we came for?

11:08 UTC


Something I don't understand

Not sure what the tag should be for this but w/e.

Recently I joined a group RP server. I'm not super experienced with them but I'm learning. There are a few things that I don't understand.

  1. Well, there have been quite a few pairs that join together and make ships. So they are either friends irl or in a relationship. This wouldn't be as weird if they would interact with more than just their partner. Why join a group RP just to make scenes with one person? Why not just do a 1×1?

  2. There are quite a few people who jump straight into shipping. Their characters meet someone on the street and bam 2 posts later they are married. How is that even fun? Why not let a ship develop organically? I could understand if it was in your characters background to have a partner and someone filled that role but that's not what I'm talking about. We had someone step off of a boat, bump into someone and they are already married through a time skip. The characters were made 5 hours ago and were strangers. I don't get it.

  3. Shipping all 10 of your characters almost immediately. It seems like the first interaction with some people will lead to an ic relationship. This wouldn't bother me so much if they did scenes after with other characters. It seems like once they are in a ship they can ONLY interact with their partner.

I'm just ranting ig but I want to create meaningful stories and that seems like it's not going to happen.

06:11 UTC


Genuine question for people who write more than 100 words per post

Disclaimer: I don't mean to come off as judging towards those who are able to sustain 100 words of content or more per post; I've met some amazing novella-style writers in the past who are able to put in so much immersive context towards a scene.

That being said, I am curious how some of you guys are able to maintain the level of patience and time to be able to write well over 100 words per post (especially those who are involved in a group RP server). I feel like the level of dedication required to write a post that long, assuming that there isn't any multi-threading of different actions taking place, makes it incredibly difficult to move the overarching plot point very far as more speedy responses like para roleplay or rapid fire.

Even if this sort of roleplay occurs over several months, I still feel like there are many other factors that make it difficult to pump out more than two or three scenes without intense commitment between both parties. Since these types of posts generally require more time to methodically write out, and that with the consideration of schedules between partners, I feel like this sort of method would end up carving a couple of hours out of the day. How does that work for people who have busy schedules?

I used to roleplay in this sort of format where I would write towards the Discord character limit, but I found that my RP threads with other people usually would not have that much story-wise happening between characters in terms of the amount of scenes or history shared between them. I would often dedicate writing the majority of the post to discussing the visual or sensory aspects of the scene, or to writing out my character's internal thoughts towards some subject, but this often made me feel like I was overcompensating and writing for way more than what was actually necessary for the interaction of characters to occur in posts that involved less emotional stakes than others.

03:39 UTC


Writing with men is so hard

Obligitory not all men statement; I know there's plenty of men who know how to be normal when roleplaying with women but fuck it's getting so hard to find them.

This is honestly just a general rant but damn I'm having such a hard time and I'm thinking about banning men from contacting me because the majorty of them don't know how to act right. I could say it seven times in my post that I'm not looking to write with folks with flirty personalities, people who find themselves 'catching feelings' for their roleplay partners because they can't separate roleplay and real life, and overall just nothing other than friendship beyond the roleplay but the men that come into my DMs simply don't have the reading comprehension to get it through their thick skulls. I swear I just keep attracting the folks who have a kink for pursing people who aren't interested and aren't available, then get off to playing the victim when I cut them off/block them.

I know there are men out there who genuinely like to roleplay because it tells a story they enjoy and don't try to come on to their partners, but fucking hell I can never seem to catch a break from the freak circus that constantly makes itself known in my DMs.

I took a break from roleplaying for a bit because I was just so exhausted from getting invested in a roleplay only to have my roleplay partner confess to me or give me a hard time because they're not attracted to my character and it's just happening all over again and makes me want to rip my hair out. When will the cycle end? Probably when I stop giving men a chance.

Makes me so mad and sad for the men who are normal and know how to be normal in someone's DMs. Sorry y'all get such a bad rep man.

02:58 UTC


Why is it so hard to find a longterm RP partner now?

(Posting from my seldom-used account as I don’t want to start any partner drama.)

When I first started RPing ten years ago, I never had a problem finding partners. And I never specifically looked for longterm RPs, but they always seemed to end up that way, with many going on for several months, and some going for more than a year.

But lately, nothing seems to stick. For some reason, no matter how excited potential partners seem at first, they get a few posts in and then just kind of drift away. I feel like I’m really easy going, not demanding, not a grammar Nazi. I never badger people or expect daily posts - heck, even once or twice a week would be fine.

Most recently I had a new partner who seemed to click really well. We each got a few posts in & we both seemed happy with where the writing was going. They let me know that they had a two-week work trip coming up, and wouldn’t be able to write much. Not a problem. I figured they might get in one or two posts on the weekends they were off, but no. Still, that’s ok, not a big deal. They got back a few weeks ago and I’ve heard from them once, last month. Their last RP post was back in March.

This kind of thing has become typical, and I’m hoping it’s not something I’m doing - or not doing.

I’m to the point of just giving up on RPs and writing solo. I don’t really want to, but that’s kind of where things are headed.

20:48 UTC


Please don't don't start drama right when the roleplay starts.

I honestly dislike when the roleplay has just started and out of the nowhere someone causes major combat or causes major drama out of the blue and I have a story where two people did that and I will tell you why I dislike it when people do this.

Keep in mind this roleplay was at a game and usually oc sheets aren't much required, but you do have to say what role you are so there wasn't much the hosts could do to backcheck every single detail.

It was at a kingdom where it takes place in a timeline where electricity wasn't a thing, I joined as a tailor for the royals who is secretly an angel in disguise and the roleplay started so I decided to try to do sewing while the others at the royal court including the royals trying to do casual things to start things up.

But once the roleplay JUST started, two people who want to be imp's just barged in and tried to attack the royal court right at the start of the roleplay, I of course used some of the magic to try weaken them since imps are considered demons and I was an angel who wanted to offer any help I could since the guards weren't given much time before being ambushed by combat.

One of these imps was trying to kidnap a princess, who fought back and called me over to help her since the guards were busy trying to fight the other imp. This imp proceed to say in the lines of "Stay out of this, let the damsel in distress have her shine" as if the royal wanted to do that and didn't just fight back while also calling someone to come help her.

These demons also tried to use chainsaws even though it's a roleplay taking place in a time where electricity wasn't a thing, so that made the host have to be involved and tell the two people that since electricity isn't a thing in the time this roleplay takes place, that means things like chainsaws don't exist. Unfortunately I don't exactly remember what happened next, but I still consider it to be one of my least favorite roleplay experiences.

Please don't start combat or any major drama from out of the blue right when the roleplay starts, it's not as fun as it sounds and it doesn't give much breathing room to interact with one another, not to mention after these things happen, it just drains any motivation to actually roleplay and have fun in the roleplay. I had times where I either made a semi major drama plot thing in the roleplay or was part of a few people who all wanted to spice the roleplay up and came up with an idea, but those plots didn't just happen out of the blue right when the roleplay just started and usually that drama occurs later or at least after people have had been able to interact with one another and were given enough breathing room.

20:34 UTC


What in the nine circles is ASL?

This is something I've seen in several rp posts for awhile now that I've been afraid to ask about because I feel as if I'm asking what 2 + 2 is, but has anyone else read an rp ad, gotten all the way to the end, and saw 'Messages without ASL will be ignored" or something along the lines of that? It left me stumped, because I was sitting there trying to guess what that could possibly mean in roleplaying context. My first guess was American Sign Language, which sounds dumb, but I litterally have no other ideas.

(Disclaimer: This post isn't meant to come off as rude or disrespectful to anyone, I'm just really confused.)

18:46 UTC


Partner using AI to write or at least supplement their posts.

So, I know when you plug something into one of those detectors to see if it was written by AI there could be both false positives and negatives. I know this. But there have been little things here and there that make me question this partner's writing. Their length is super consistent, almost the same exact amount for every post no matter what kind of scene we're in. Sometimes they repeat themselves from one paragraph to the very next with the words just swapped up "creatively". And sometimes the words or phrases they use are big red flags, I'm sure you know the type I mean. When you see something described in such a way, or you see certain specific words used in combination that's just.. odd or jarring.

So, I've been plugging their posts into different AI detectors. I've also been putting mine into these same detectors, I guess as like a control for the experiment. Mine always come up as human text in all the different detectors I've used and theirs ALWAYS come up as AI content detected in some part. Never the whole thing but always some percentage of AI content detected.

Which detectors do you guys use or know of? What are the best ones? (I'm not paying for anything, lol.)

How would I go about bringing this up to my partner? Other than just stright up asking. I like their writing, or I thought I did, but I work hard on everything I write and want someone who is going to give me that same effort back. I feel like this person can write to my standards if they didn't use the AI, the posts might be shorter but I wouldn't mind that.

What are your experiances? What would you do?

17:40 UTC


Why do people change up their character's during the middle of ERP or just RP?

A couple weeks ago I agreed to do an erp exploring a more erotic relationship between two characters in a fandom. This fandom was the Harry Potter fandom and yes the characters were all adults. It was between Harry and Hermione and then suddenly, before discussing it, Hermione, the character she was playing, is Draco Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goylen disguised as Hermione. It didn't make sense and then tried to explain it away with, "it's magic."

There was no prior conversation about it or anything and it just threw me off and killed my desire to write with them.

There is a wonderful partner that I currently have and she and I discuss certain ideas before we started to write and even during writing to change certain scenes or parts of the story. Again, bless those communicative partners. Don't take them for granted. They are rare and when you find them, treat them with respect.

16:39 UTC


Not every search thread or group roleplay is for you.

Some of you need to realize this.

Not every person, group or writing space is inclusive to every one and everything and it is absolutely impossible for this to be the case.

  • Not every writer needs to accept your two sentence response when they prefer to write in paragraphs.

  • No one has to accept your character because you like them.

  • No one has to write a story they are not interested in.

  • No one has to be chill with your writing schedule.

The reality is is that you will find someone who is down for what you're looking for, you don't have to force someone else into it because you want them to write with them.

You write two sentences, have a specialized character, want an overly specific story that character fits into and you need rapid replies? You will eventually find someone into that. Nothing in the roleplaying community guarantees you will find your partner immediately.

I've noticed this especially with people absolutely breaking down this week over others asking for at least seven lines per post. Those people aren't for you.

Why should others give up what they want simply because you want something else when you can find someone who wants what you do?

I hate incredibly short posts. They bore me. So I don't find low lit. writers and demand they give me a novel. I find other novella writers. I don't respond to search threads that clearly say they want a certain amount that I am not interested in writing. It's been incredibly easy for me to just hit the back button when something doesn't align to what I am looking for.

Sure, it sucks searching for something for a really long time. But it is just how it is. Some of you cannot continue to complain that others aren't giving you exactly what you want because they aren't willing to give up what they want for you.

And so many people post these things without even a hint of realization they are the problem.

11:52 UTC




I don’t role play as myself i write as a character! So I can’t stand using first person unless it’s for speech or inner monologue!

I am so tired of writing posts in third person, specifying I want people to write in third person and then finally when the role play is set up and we get going they start with “I do this” and “you see that”

Bruh…. I literally told you third person only!?

I’ve even had some get shitty with me saying “oh well you write in third and I’ll do first?” Like that’s going to be an easy and fun way to read!?

I am at my wits end!

05:29 UTC


RP That Never Was

(More of a lament than a vent…)

I was initially introduced to the concept of online RP by a crush who had started playing an MMO. Nothing came of it as I didn’t have time to play then but the idea of getting to know someone via co-writing a story lingered. Years later, covid shut my social world down & I suddenly had time to indulge in an MMO.

I spent my time casually leading raid groups and eventually connected with another player who was a long time RPer. They were funny, charismatic & smart. We bonded over parents we had both suddenly lost. We shared a lot about our lives offline, talked most days, and started playing other co-ops outside of the mmo. We lived a couple of hours from each other but I didn’t know them well enough to talking about meeting up let alone travel. So I probed them about how to RP.

I asked if they’d be interested in role playing with me. I come from a creative writing background and, though RP is different, the collaborative improvisational aspect seemed like an amazing way to get to know them better.

When we talked, I put a boundary down, that I wasn’t comfortable writing a romance with them if there wasn’t an openness to furthering a romantic connection offline. They had, at some point early into knowing them, expressed they had no interest in romantic relationships. This was my mistake, thinking that admission was bitter venting by someone who shared they’d been cheated on. They reiterated that sentiment & I said I’d be happy to create a new character to RP friendship and adventure. I ended up creating two different characters (who I didn’t have any attachment to as an avatar of my self) and they hemmed and hawed, complaining they weren’t interested in -those- characters. I did eventually concede, and created a backstory for my main avatar but maintained that romance wasn’t going to be a given.

Throughout this, we gamed together, watched shows, continued to know each other better. We texted & shared pictures from our work & personal lives. The flirting dialed up & conversations bled into personal sexual topics. RP started (one post, nothing romantic) and we made plans to meet up when I was visiting my hometown (which was near them). But then they got Covid.

It was, they reported, very bad. We stayed in contact through it but never resumed RP. A few weeks later, when they returned to our raid group, they struggled to focus, going from being one of the top performers in raid to dying to some of the easiest mechanics. Their participation decreased & then ceased, in part because they couldn’t reliably make it on time. We did not meet up or go dancing, as planned. An RP response from them never came.

I’d become so invested in wanting to try RP I took one of the characters they weren’t interested in and found other players to RP with. I wrote good characters, I wrote evil ones, I wrote both male and female characters. I wrote ERP with strangers for the novelty & thrill. It’s been well over a year now and I’ve met wonderful people & had many mostly fun experiences.

They did also go on to RP romantically with someone else. Our friendship became strained. I didn’t feel comfortable sharing about my own RP because they were often harshly critical. Outside of RP, other in-game friends found them abrasive and declined to join groups over it. What had started with fireworks became a slow fade of increasingly forgotten plans or belated/unresponded to messages.

We did meet up in person at a con related to the MMO. In person they were just as warm, and funny. I was single & curious if things could be different or rekindle in person… But I had unknowingly moved on, grown close to someone who would later became my boyfriend. I am grateful for the time we spent at the event and the meals we shared. But I wonder if he would have had a better time had I avoided him instead. On our last night, his behavior was reckless and it scared me. I worry that he sees the experience of my not being ok with it as more “proof” he’s unloveable.

He came up in conversation recently and I was stricken when I realized it had been over half a year since we spoke. I wish that I could tell him that I still think he is an inherently good person who deserves to be at peace. I eventually put distance between us because his inconsistent behavior was hurtful & draining (this was communicated). I hope that he can one day believe he does not deserve mistreatment or disrespect that holds him back in life. I wish that I could know he’a doing better without the risk of opening old wounds.

1 Comment
03:31 UTC


Reading is half of the hobby

I know its come up a time or two (or three dozen, whichever.) But I am continuously amazed that people refuse to read.

I run a couple forum RPs. Both have been around for years. Both have walk throughs on how to get started. And it never fails that someone will come through and ask every single question in the FAQ or how to do the most basic shit.

We had someone ask how to make an account. And another how to post. Another asked where to post an app. (Obviously not in the forum labeled APPLICATIONS.) It usually isn't an issue but, I assume, with school out we're suddenly inundated with people that can't navigate a forum, read guides or utilize reading comprehension.

00:07 UTC


Had to drop a partner because they set me up for some toxic drama.

A while ago, I had met this person that I had regularly rped with for a while. I mostly did Yuri or Girl/Girl related rps since thats mostly what I am interested in. Before I even begin rping with someone, I begin a sort of vetting process with questions. I always ask that if they have any triggers because the last thing I want to do is make someone uncomfortable with whatever I put into the roleplay. I also ask if they are fine with smut rps because if not, I am usually down to do something wholesome instead. She said it was perfectly okay if we did 18+ rps that I had nothing to worry about trigger wise except from the more disgusting depraved stuff like toilet stuff. Since I don't do that anyway, that's not really an issue for me.

Everything goes fine for quite a while. However, I randomly get messaged by someone I never met before. It was the girls boyfriend and he was very angry with me for whatever reason. He was not happy that I was roleplaying with his girl, but he also came off as possessive and there was just something about him that seemed flat out repulsive. It kind of seemed weird to me that he would have a problem with his girlfriend doing erps with another girl, but it didn't take long for me to figure out what kind of person he was; The kind of guy who views women not as people, but simply as objects for his pleasure. I dug a bit into his activity on other roleplaying communities and he proved my initial assumption correct; A total man whore who constantly made public posts with female players other than his girlfriend of a lewd nature and talked about women in a completely dehumanizing and disgusting manner.

I was pissed off at this guy for coming at me, but I was also upset at my partner. I asked her at the very beginning if she was fine with lewd rps because I don't ever want to force anyone into doing anything they aren't comfortable with doing and she told me she was perfectly okay with it. Her having a boyfriend wasn't really relevant to what I was looking for in a Rp since I wasn't looking to date her, just looking for a quality rp partner. If we became good friends, that was only a plus. I was upset at the fact that she lied to me, that there would not be any sort of problems with what we rped only for her boyfriend to start harassing me.

Since I wasn't going to take his abuse, I simply blocked his dumbass, and I blocked my now former partner. I blocked him simply because he is a abusive prick who sees women as playthings and I don't take kindly to someone I never even spoke to once suddenly ordering me around and giving me threats. I blocked my partner because of her dishonesty and withholding of vital information that would have saved me from all of this drama. If she simply just told me that she had a boyfriend that would not approve of our rps, I would have avoided her entirely but she didn't tell me. I feel like I was set up and now I feel like an idiot as a result.

I really hate this feeling.

20:39 UTC


Adhd + Roleplay

To everyone that I've roleplayed with I want to say I am very sorry. I've tried to respond in a timely manner and give you at least two posts a day but once I'm hixated on something else I just simply can't focus on the rp anymore.

I end up falling in this loop where whenever I start a rp I get this weird writers block that prevents me from responding immediately eventually the rp dies off or we both lose interest. I end up looking for another rp hoping I will do better then start the whole process all over again.

I'm trying. I swear. I really like to rp and I don't want to put my partners in this mess and I try to let them know before anything starts. It's worse because I'm dyslexic as well.

So imagine trying to retype a sentence multiple times only to forget what you were trying then get distracted with other tasks.

I just want to be normal and be an efficient rper.

17:07 UTC


Do you think this idea for a Discord Server could work?

So I think we all get frustrated with oneliners, people who ignore requests and so on. For reference when I write "literate partner wanted" in my posts I want someone who is able to almost write so much that it breaks the Discord limit. That is what literate is for me, but I usually just get one liners or semi-literate people.

I am thinking about making a server where this issue gets eliminated by having people do a very short roleplay (of their chosing) with me before they can enter. Just a short scene. And repeated reports of ghosting about the same person gets them banned. Otherwise it would be your average RP server.

I think those small changes alone would make for a great server. The main reason I think this isnt done is because having to roleplay with lots of people to see if they are literate takes time but I think there wouldnt be too many people whod be for it in the first place, making it a small but very good community. And if thinks really get too much I am sure one could get mods to help.

My point is I think a server like this should exist and I am thinking about trying it but I am not sure it would work. Does anyone have any input on if they would like that? I am asking here because I've roleplayed with a few people from here and seen the posts about people complaining so I wanted your guys imput

08:10 UTC


Being limitless doesn’t allow you to not have put any thought in your post at all.

The amount of times I get a reply to my Rp posts that simply put down for their kinks and limits. “limitless” like that allows them to have no kinks at all. I don’t want a mindless doll on the other side of the phone I actually enjoy writing to the person’s likings.

Especially after I state I’m a mirror writer and start the Rp off with at least t a few paragraphs of writing only to receive a line back. But they consider it fine because they’re limitless. If you want to Jack off so eagerly that you can’t even get through an intro post then maybe online Erp isn’t the place for you.

I see the word limitless now on other posts and i’ve started to avoid them it’s impossible to decipher who the serious writers are, the people that want others to think of plots, and the ones who just want one line smut. Then they come here to complain about how all they get is bad rpers when their post consists of ten images and “Come with a plot.”

I know this one is probably a tad conflictive and it’s great people are trying new things but please just put a little more effort in. First impressions are huge and that goes to both the poster and writer.

06:10 UTC

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