
Photograph via snooOG
Welcome to /r/BabyExchange! A place to receive, give, and trade children's items.
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PLEASE, NO SOB STORIES! People will help if able. It is not a prerequisite that you be poor, or unemployed, or whatever else to give or receive items. It's ok and preferred that you just ask, circumstances aside.

Kids are expensive! They require clothes, shoes, toys, food, and a plethora of crazy things. That being said, they are expensive little people.

This is a place to go if you need help with baby or kids items, or you want to donate or swap said items. If you're struggling, this is a good place to look for a helping hand. It is not for monetary assistance, however.

Anything pertinent to children is acceptable, from prenatal vitamins to childcare, from nursery decorations to school supplies.

Kids grow fast, recycle their stuff to someone who needs it!

Please use (offer), (request), or (trade) in your title and try to list your location in your post. Thank you kindly!

Other communities that you may find useful:

Assistance: for monetary, and general requests.

Parenting: to discuss and ask questions about parenting and kids.

Daddit : for geek, nerd or neuro-atypical dads.


2,601 Subscribers


Pampers coupon, where oh where they are

We got a new newborn, does anyone know where I could find diaper coupons. Am in West Virginia

23:16 UTC


If anyone is in the East TN area...

I'm looking to give away a whole bunch of gently used baby stuff. I live in a very rural area, our Nextdoor is not very active and I don't use FB, so here I am! My kiddo just turned 20 months, so we are ready to turn her room into a toddler room.

Things I have to give away: A Delta baby bassinet (gender neutral), Graco swing (gender neutral), Bumbo seat in blue, Mini crib mattress (no stains, bought new), bassinet sheets, mini crib sheets & regular crib sheets, several boxes and bags of infant girls clothing (all seasons/sizes run from newborn up to 12 months. Hats, sleep sacks, etc included), Evenflo infant carseat with base (date is still good for a few years), an older Munchkin diaper pail, and a tummy time mat.

I can't afford to, nor do I have the time to ship anything. But if anyone is in need and is close by, please leave a comment if you are interested. Our home is small and I really just need this stuff gone. If nobody responds, I'm just going to donate it somewhere. ❤️

Editing to add: I can provide photos as requested.

00:13 UTC


Enfamil//Nutramigen Coupons


After trying literally EVERY kind of formula we have finally made the switch to Nutramigen which has been great for my daughter but it's SO expensive 😩 I've contacted Enfamil 3 times and actually created 4 different accounts with them and they still won't send me coupons or anything. I've given up so here I am 🙃 if anyone has any Enfamil//Nutramigen coupons to mail me that would be greatly appreciated!! We are a single income family, my husband works his hardest but he is self employed so he's not always guaranteed work. Brtween special formula and special diapers, we are spending close to $500 a month just on diapers, wipes and formula for my ultra sensitive 6 month old daughter 😭 I tried to get insurence to cover the formula but my insurence declined the request and I've tried signing up for WIC and I don't qualify for some unknown reason.

Thank you to anyone who is able to help out!

23:44 UTC


Single pregnant mom in need of baby boy things new or used

Hello, I am a single mom of 4 just barely getting by as it is. I am pregnant with my 5th due in January. I am self employed and was on pua but that has now ran out. I am working some here and there but it is still tough out there because of the pandemic and now I have a high risk pregnancy so I can’t work like I used to before this. I am struggling to make ends meet but we are surviving. I really just need items for the new baby boy. I would take anything off my registry I am posting or anything else new or used if it could be shipped to me. I am starting over as my youngest is 7 and this was a surprise to say the least. I appreciate any help. Thanks.


13:24 UTC


Formula Exchange???

Baby only taking Enfamil geantlease but our wic only lets us get Similac we tried him on Sensitive, Alimentum, Total comfort, pro advance but the enfamil is only working or if anybody can help or has some they aren’t using would really help out.

15:33 UTC


ISO Unwanted Similac Pro-Sensitive coupons, Pamper codes

Dear everyone, I am looking for unwanted Similac Pro-Sensitive coupons for my 3 months old as 100% formula feeding. I completely dried out from my breast milk 😔 I also would love to collect unwanted pamper codes as well, so I can get the prize for my baby. Thank you very much in advance 🤗

07:10 UTC



ISO of Similac coupons? Thanks in advance

01:58 UTC


Research Study: The Workplace Environment and the Postpartum Return to Work

Hi all! I'm a psychology doctoral student at the University of South Florida. I'm conducting a paid research study examining what organizations can do to help new moms successfully re-transition to the workforce postpartum, and what resources organizations can offer new moms to benefit their health and wellbeing during this transition. I would be very appreciative if anyone interested would click this link to learn more, see if you are eligible, and take the first survey: https://usf.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bIRPq2HKgaMdlSR.

Participation Requirements: Living in the U.S., at least 18 years old, currently pregnant, currently employed at least 32 hours per week, planning on returning to work (working 32+ hrs/week) within 3 months postpartum, working a standard (day) shift

Participation Involvement: Participants will take a total of 5 surveys regarding their experiences upon returning to work, readjustment, and engagement in health behaviors. These surveys will be administered electronically via an e-mailed link, and the surveys will begin in the later stages of pregnancy and end within six months of returning to work.

Compensation: Participants will receive $5 per survey, plus a $25 bonus for completing all surveys in the study. Participants can earn up to $50 for their participation.

^(This study has been approved by the University of South Florida Internal Review Board, IRB Study #002023.Please direct any questions to the Principal Investigator, Aashna Waiwood, at) ^(awaiwood@usf.edu)^(.)

23:01 UTC


Tons of formula Enfamil neuropro Enfacare and baby girl clothes 6m To 9m

I have tons of formula because my daughter switched of to whole milk and wouldn't use the formula anymore . And clothes and shoes she grew out of way to quick 6m-9m . I do need clothes and shoes for her she is 13 months so 12 -24 months in clothes and 3c-5c in shoes I'm hoping I can get some one to help and trade me being covid has me furloughed and unemployment isn't cutting it so really tight right now or I would just donate it if I can't find any one that is what I will end up doing . I feel so awful even asking for trades I'd honestly give it for free to baby and mama in need .

20:10 UTC


I am working on tech+fashion tools to enhance the buy/sell/trade experience in online groups and would love your thoughts. <3

Hi fellow exchangers! I am working on a tech+fashion platform to enhance the buy/sell/trade experience in online groups.

Do you use this group or others on Reddit, Facebook, or Instagram to buy, sell, or trade? To make it the work best for you I would love to understand what you currently like or dislike. I will be providing one $20 Amazon gift card at random to one of the people who fill out the survey. :)

The survey takes 3-4 minutes. I really appreciate it: https://carleylake22.typeform.com/to/mFb1YlEW

20:19 UTC



My son is 3 months and was discharged from the emergency room and was give cephalexin and doxycycline along with Prednisone steroid and a nebulizer with Albuterol. He has insurance buy there is a 3.60 copay per prescription...$14.40 is the total is there anywhere I could get help on paying that or a place that offers that kind of help? I need to get it soon it's time for another breathing treatment.

15:57 UTC


Similac neosure coupons to give

I have several $5 off Similac Neosure checks. Free to whomever wants them. First come first serve.

1 Comment
13:35 UTC


Similac alimentum coupons

I have a ton of Similac alimentum coupons from my pediatrician. Shes a gem!

They are save $10 on 2 cans. The coupons expire dec 31 2020

DM me your address and I'll get them in the mail.

01:07 UTC


in need of pamper reward codes

if anyone has any pamper reward codes they can spare I would be so so grateful!! Im so close to finally getting a prize :)

00:14 UTC



Im cureently pregnant and feel really bad about not being able to start getting the things that my daughter will need at the moment. Im a 21 year old mother of 1 little boy who turned 1 yesterday. Im 17 wks and 2d pregnant with my 2nd child whos a girl. Im due for a repeat csection dec. 15th 2020. Im currently very high risk so she could come before then. I live in oklahoma and i dont currently work so i cant due to being high risk and the pandemic going on.This wasnt a planned pregnancy but i def. Want my baby girl. Their dad helps where he can with diapers for my older son and clothes but thats about it. I know im really early BUT im reaching out to see if anyone can help me with getting what i need for her.


22:54 UTC


FTM in need of assistance

Hi guys.. I am normally just a lurker on these forums as I don't find it easy to speak up or make my presence known - in real life or online. But I am in need of some help if possible. I am running out of baby food for my daughter and I don't have any resources to buy any. I have enough formula for the next two days and I have three 4 oz. trays left. I have $31 dollars left on my food stamps card which is just a couple dollars short of a can of formula from Walmart but that would leave me with nothing for her trays or pouches. I am not asking for money, I am sure I can find some coins somewhere to make the difference to buy the formula. But if anyone has any spare pouches or food trays laying around they don't mind donating I would be so extremely grateful.

My daughter is about to turn ten months old so she is on Stage 3 but I would accept absolutely anything as it really is kind of all the same. I am so embarrassed to even be posting this. But I don't know what else to do. I am on my last baby wipe too but I figure I could make do with rags and water as food is more important and I am afraid to ask for too much. Especially in times like these. I am in South Florida if that helps.. Thanks for reading guys. Wishing everyone the best in these dark dark times.

03:44 UTC


Pamper codes

looking for pamper codes if any of you guys dont used them. It would help alot thanks.

17:12 UTC


Looking for unwanted pampers codes

If any one has any pampers codes they won't be using may I please have them

00:54 UTC


Enfamil Neutramigen??

Does anyone have any samples of enfamil Neutramigen or any enfamil coupons I could have??

1 Comment
17:15 UTC


[OFFER] U.S. only Happy Family baby food coupons

I know it’s not a lot, but I’d like to offer these coupons to someone in need. These expire 06/30/2020


1 Comment
02:12 UTC


Help through the Holidays

Hello! We could really use some help with diapers, wipes, formula, and baby food for our busy, hungry little 10 month old. My husband and I are still trying to catch up from some of my unpaid maternity leave, and most of our money goes to bills and getting stuff for baby. If we could have some help with stuff for her, we could have a little room to breathe with the holidays coming up. Thank you so so much in advance for your thoughtfulness! Amazon wishlist posted below! I put lots of different options :)


13:47 UTC


Baby formula, diapers, baby wipes, kiinde, Breastmilk

I have a ton of different formulas because we had to change a few times. I would love to do a trade, if anyone's on long island. I'm interested in baby wipes, diapers any size, Breastmilk Storage bags, kiinde bottle accessories, formula checks and coupons. If you have other stuff we could work something out, I have a few friends who are pregnant, so it could be trades I could gift to them.

04:09 UTC


Pampers codes

Looking for pampers reward codes.

02:44 UTC


Similac baby formula


Similac manufacturer coupons, Similac checks, Similac sample cans, & Target Similac coupons


20:06 UTC


(request) Desperately need high chair, baby gate, car seat.

update: someone purchased the high chair for me! I have been crying tears of joy all morning, i am so excited and so happy. thank you so much! i really, REALLY need car seat ASAP, so any guidance there would be great. keep in mind I have NO money at the moment unfortunately.

Hi there. This is so embarrassing. I have an 11 month old girl, and she is getting so big, and ready to start walking. I am coming out of a hellish situation & building my life back up basically from absolutely nothing. I'm trying my best but i'm not working yet as i'm working on child care since I have literally NO ONE to care for her. My daughter eats in her stroller because I don't have a high chair. I don't have a gate for our stairs to let her crawl around. And she is about to be WAY too big to safely fit in her infant seat, and I desperately need a convertible seat that still can face backwards. I'm wondering if anyone has any of these things that they don't need anymore, or maybe has some Amazon or walmart/target/etc credit that you don't need that I could use for at least one of these things.. i'm going to post my Amazon wish list so you can see kinda what i'm looking for as far as the car seat & gate. The high chair, really anything goes. Thank you in advance for any guidance & non judgement... i'm truly trying to come back up from a very, very dark place.


12:39 UTC


Any site or app for fair, credit-based exchange?

Had anyone found an existing website or app or something online for a credit-based exchange? It seems like a few sites I’ve found (swapbabygoods, Swapmamas, kizoodle, among a few) went away. Maybe Thanos snapped them all away? Found a neat storefront in San Diego area called Baby Exchange.

I’m a dad and a husband, with our 2nd kiddo on the way... I don’t much care for all the new spending, and I HATE to let it go to waste.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was an app or website, where we could all post a picture of stuff we want to donate, but rather we could just get some sort of credit for in exchange for the next size up??? Burning through those N-3 sizes, only to need to spend another $40 or $50 for the next 3-month stash, and another $60 for the 3-6 stash? And another $75 for 6-9 because now they need shoes or a warm jacket?? Then you got rid of all your N-3 but you’re expecting again???????

What if there were a “give one, get one” deal for like... baby onesies? Or turning in a three 4T pants in exchange for six Newborn size onesies?

Would people be into that sort of forum, service, site, app?

20:02 UTC


Moms in metro Detroit area!

If any mom’s have size 3-4 diapers or formula they could trade for baby cereal my son can’t take and some size one diapers please let me know it’s an urgent need. Me and two kids were kicked out of fiancés house with no access to our things. Applied for child support and any state assistance I could so waiting on interviews with them. Thank you!!

I am editing to say I received some very generous help and I will be able to get my sons things he needs until our appointment!! So if any mom’s are local to me and are in need of size one diapers and baby cereal please let me know and I will give them to you!

15:41 UTC


I’ve decided that I’m going to cloth diaper, and these are the top 5 reasons. Are any of you cloth diapering? Let me know your thoughts.

18:52 UTC


(Request) baby wipes

I am really embarrassed to do this, but I'm gonna swallow my pride because i don't have another option. I got paid today and i paid all of my bills. I forgot to grab baby wipes and i only have maybe 5 left, i dont get paid for another 2 weeks I'm gonna hope i can make the diapers i have last until then too. I would be extremely greatful if someone could get them. I've put them on a wishlist on amazon. Thank you for reading ❤


00:10 UTC


Enfamil coupons

Hi my daughter was put on Nutramigen and it's really expensive, any extra enfamil coupons laying around will.be a great help..xoxo

15:16 UTC

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