Hey Kid, got any great Back to the Future memes? Well, I'm sure in 1985 you can get them from just about any corner drug store, but right now, they're a little bit harder to come by. So why not post them here?
All stuff welcome, like questions, polls, and discussions, not just memes, feel free to be yourself here! (As long as it’s BTTF related!)
Hey Kid, got any great BTTF memes? Well, I'm sure in 1985 you can get them from just about any corner drug store, but right now, there a little bit harder to come by. So why not post them here?
When this baby reaches 88 subs, you're gonna see some serious shit.
Be Civil. Follow Reddiquete, and just generally be a good member of society. Don't be a Tannen.
Back to the Future Topics Only. I mean, this should be obvious.
Mod's Discretion. Whilst rules against blatant self-promoting and the like should generally be respected, it's the mod's decision as to what stays and what goes.
Don't Spam The Same Post. I'm going to be reasonable. Sometimes reddit doesn't work prime hours and we accidentally spam click the post button, only for our internet to break and have around 27 cloned posts. If this happens, please delete all other cloned posts. Maybe leave an apology in your comments explaining why Reddit didn't work for you. Trust me, even as a mod I've had this experience myself, so we're more than forgiving if Reddit doesn't feel like working, especially on Microsoft Edge or Safari.
Be Creative! Don't use "Great Scott" or "This is Heavy, Doc" over and over again. I'm not gonna argue, they're the most famous quotes. However can we have something besides those two quotes over and over in the titles posted? Like hell, I haven't seen "Where we're going, we don't need, roads" for the past 3 months.
Minimum comment karma. Posts from accounts with 0 comment karma will be automatically removed without warning. This measure is in place to combat repost bots.
Thomas F wilson singing
I'm cringing, help I'm fading away as we speak. Holy shit this is heavy Doc!