
Photograph via //r/bjj

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that focuses on grappling and ground fighting. /r/bjj is for discussing BJJ training, techniques, news, competition, asking questions and getting advice. Beginners are welcome. Discussion is encouraged.

Welcome to /R/BJJ

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that focuses on grappling and ground fighting. /r/bjj is for discussing BJJ training, techniques, news, competition, asking questions and getting advice. Beginners are welcome. Discussion is encouraged.

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  1. Follow the rules of reddit and use reddiquette. Be civil in submissions and comments.
  2. No reposts or low-effort content. Utilize our community-curated BJJ FAQ wiki and use the search function before posting. People who are thinking about training or have been training for fewer than 6 months should look at the BJJ FAQ wiki and use the search function. If that doesn't answer your question, please post in Fundamentals Class megathread (visible every day at the top of the subreddit).
  3. Save your first tap and new stripe/belt promotion posts for the weekly bragging megathreads on Sundays unless you have an interesting photo or story to go with it or you earned a black belt.
  4. Don't ask for medical advice before you have seen a doctor.
  5. Use [Spoiler] in your title when posting BJJ or MMA match results within 24 hours of the event.
  6. Don’t share, request, discuss, or imply possession of pirated content, such as ripped PPV streams or instructional DVDs.
  7. Company owners can make one post announcing their store (ideally with a coupon code) but need to follow reddit's rules for self-promotion like buying reddit ads.
  8. No Animal Memes. Yes, we know animals grapple. They just don't do it here.
  9. Fight videos must show competent grappling. Videos must contain at least one person who obviously trains BJJ and is applying that training.
  10. No reaction gif/pic memes. Posts may not be a simple reaction gif/pic meme.

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  • Questions about tournament preparation, rulesets, gameplans, etc.

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  • Questions about everything and anything related to BJJ

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  • Any question related to BJJ goes!

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  • (Puts on mom voice) "OK. What'd you do??"

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  • Posts about accomplishments including stripe promotions, training breakthroughs, etc.

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    Best stores in Paris for a great selection of rashguards

    Hey everyone!

    I'll be visiting Paris soon and I’m looking to find stores that offer a great selection of rashguards with a variety of brands and designs to choose from. Any recommendations for shops that have a solid range of rashguards?

    Thanks in advance!

    12:39 UTC


    Mat fall out

    Hi I am 38 yo, purple belt for a bit over 2 years now. Recently I had a fall out with a black belt competitor at my local gym which I have been attending for 12 years.

    It was during open mat. I was fighting with different people, including my purple belt competitor friend where I won and another black belt competitor which I was under pressure in defense all fight. At the end a female brown belt asked me to roll, I agreed. She was pretty good, started off with a kick (sweep attempt I guess), I jokingly asked if that was MMA. The fight was  not easy. I was about 15 kg heavier, but it was my 6th fight in a row. I was working on my balance so did not want her to sweep me. I passed her guard and later secured side control with some pressure. I asked if everything was fine, she told me yes and that I should move more to score more points, so we changed positions a few times. It was difficult for me to control her let alone try a finishing move; I had control most of the fight but she managed to gain initiative a few times too. During the fight I asked like 3 times if everything was fine, primarily due to weight difference and pressure. After the fight we said thank you, both bowed and that was it.

    During the fight I heard two black belt competitors watching us and laughing. After the fight one of them shouted out to me “nice fight!’. I approached them and asked what’s up if maybe I did something wrong. One of the guy, who I am pretty sure does not like me, told me that it was a disgrace, that I am much heavier and was forcibly tugging the female fighter. I was surprised by that comment. He then went on that he could also have such a fight with me and that I would not like that. I told him that we can fight if he wants to, idc. He said that yea let’s fight “because you really pissed me off now”.

    So the fight went as predicted. He was 15 kg heavier, he tapped me a couple of times, but he was really trying to inflict pain by pressing fists / elbows over my face, forcing knee on belly / sternum etc. I managed to throw him once. I was defending most of the time and trying to give him a hard time. I told him during the fight that I never was doing such things to anybody in a fight. 

    During the fight a group of other fighters joined to watch, somebody was even filming. I was feeling horrible. After the fight I approached the group and asked if anybody else had a f***ing problem with me. The guys said that I approached them aggressively. That I should not make a fuss like that bc it was stupid. I asked if they think this whole situation is smart. One told me that I should not swear and act like that bc there were kids. One guy who didn’t see the fight (he was rolling at the same time) said that I aggressively attacked the girl and that the black belt did the same to me. Another said that it was all just jiu jitsu. I said I was disappointed for such a thing to happen, I apologized for the swearing and went away. 

    I don’t agree that I was aggressive to that girl – at all. I wasn’t trying to inflict pain, just doing normal sports. She was a difficult opponent, despite the weight difference.

    This situation feels like some childish fall out. I like that gym and I have respect for the rules and all people. I hate bullies, and this time I feel like I got bullied. What pisses me off is that the given reason is that I was being aggressive to a girl. I know I stood up for myself, but also kind of lost my cool in the fall out. I don't come to the gym I wonder if I should act further on this.

    What do you think about this?

    Edit: about using the word “fight” — I am Polish, we mostly use the term “fight” for rolls. It’s the most popular term. I don’t care about winning rolls, I am happy if I make a planned sequence or a nice sweep or a pass

    12:34 UTC


    Young girl gets choked out, dad comes to the rescue and headbutts the ref.

    Recent comp in the Philippines. Ref fails to recognise that the girl has passed out. Girl's coach rushes to the mats to intervene, lifts the girl and inadvertently bounces her head on the mat as he proceeds to do a maneuver that is not the correct thing to do if you know basic life support. Girl's dad comes to the rescue and head butts the ref.

    The girl's team gets quite aggressive towards the ref, who probably was worried about his own safety, exits the venue.

    12:23 UTC


    r/bjj Fundamentals Class!

    image courtesy of the amazing /u/tommy-b-goode

    Welcome to r/bjj 's Fundamentals Class! This is is an open forum for anyone to ask any question no matter how simple. Questions and topics like:

    • Am I ready to start bjj? Am I too old or out of shape?
    • Can I ask for a stripe?
    • mat etiquette
    • training obstacles
    • basic nutrition and recovery
    • Basic positions to learn
    • Why am I not improving?
    • How can I remember all these techniques?
    • Do I wash my belt too?

    ....and so many more are all welcome here!

    This thread is available Every Single Day at the top of our subreddit. It is sorted with the newest comments at the top.

    Also, be sure to check out our >>Beginners' Guide Wiki!<< It's been built from the most frequently asked questions to our subreddit.

    11:02 UTC


    Advice on entering a competition

    Hey everyone. So I'm a former wrestler, now coach, 42 years old. I still enjoy rolling around and have entered some wrestling tournaments but in the open divisions there is never anyone else that enters. I've looked at some BJJ No Gi competitions and thought about going that route just to give me something to train for and go compete in. Here's the thing. I have no BJJ training and there isn't a gym anywhere near me to even learn basics. (Very rural area.) Is this a terrible idea? If I entered, most of these ive seen make you classify your grappling experience. Im not sure where I would fairly place my grappling experience for a BJJ tournament. Any advice?

    10:41 UTC


    Are people actually networking at BJJ camps now?

    I feel like James Smith (UK PT with a huge insta following and a couple of books) posted a while ago about a BJJ camp where everyone was pretty high up in business, and referred to it as kind of a networking opportunity. I'm not saying this is a positive or negative, but I just find it interesting that BJJ has gone from weird niche sport done in basements to a sort of much more violent version of golf.

    Does anyone have any experience of this, or can anyone point me to the camp I'm thinking of please?

    10:28 UTC


    Monday Strength and Conditioning Megathread!

    The Strength and Conditioning megathread is an open forum for anyone to ask any question, no matter how simple, about general strength and conditioning as it relates to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

    Use this thread to:

    - Ask questions about strength and conditioning

    - Get diet and nutrition advice

    - Request feedback on your workout routine

    - Brag about your gainz

    Get yoked and stay swole!

    Also, click here to see the previous Strength And Conditioning Mondays.

    09:01 UTC


    Drop in sessions in Dubai

    Going Dubai on holiday in April, anyone got any recommendations for a drop in session or two?

    08:51 UTC

    08:24 UTC


    Offensive De La Riva in no-gi

    I purchased Lachlan's "Half-guard anthology", because it's my go-to game and I wanted to hone it further.

    In the introduction, right after showing a recovery into single-leg-guard from a passing attempt using De La Riva, Lachlan says that he doesn't think that DLR is a great attacking position in no-gi, and he rather uses it to recover and set up shin-to-shin, single-leg guard or knee-shield-guard which he prefers.

    On the other hand, we all saw Levi Jones Leary use DLR effectively in the CJI tournament, with Lachlan in his corner, so what gives?

    Has Lachlan changed his mind since 'Half Guard Anthology", or is that just the stylistic difference between him and LJL?

    08:02 UTC


    I got ankle locked trying to ankle lock a guy during comp

    I tried to switch to a butterfly ashi to finish the ankle lock, he took my leg just like that and ankle locked it, just could not stand up, no juice anymore

    I tapped early as I was scared but not a bad decision as my ankle was swollen after lol

    I will work on my subs

    07:26 UTC


    System for SLX/X guard/Butterfly

    Hi all,

    Just wondering if anyone had system for the above guards and how they like to play them/the interplay between each one?

    Thanks 🙏🏼

    06:28 UTC


    Is Octupus guard a sweep or reversal?

    Is an Octupus guard sweep a legit sweep for 2 or just a reversal. I am under the assumption based off what people have said that from bottom half it's 2 but from side control it's a reversal. Any thoughts or confirming my question/thoughts? Thanks

    05:10 UTC


    I’m the blue belt, still won so it’s whatever, but how did this sequence get him 4 points?!

    He just escaped my side control and got a reversal basically. Idk how he got 4? This is the same ref that dq’d me one time just for talking to him during a match. Also he’s given me over 6 stalling penalties this year single-handedly lol.

    04:17 UTC


    For those who have lost it before - how did you regain your passion to train?

    Hey all

    I'm hoping people here can sympathise but I've been away from the mats for around 6 months. Partly because I've been injured, but that healed in 2 months and I've just been away for the remaining 4 because I got bored.

    I've been training 4-5 years and, to be honest, all the techniques have been feeling kinda the same for me. Same for my rolls - I keep on ending up in the same spots - even when I try to branch my game out.

    I thought taking a break would help but, one week after I've been back, I'm still feeling quite meh about the sport.

    For those of us who have felt the same as me, how do you reignite that passion...or is it time for me to move on?

    03:08 UTC


    Registration/start-up/initiation fees .. thoughts?

    Title says it all.. I notice these fees for joining are becoming pretty common.

    Usually between $100-$200

    Or maybe half a million at your local Gracie Barra

    Just curious your overall thoughts?

    02:54 UTC


    Receiving feedback from coaches

    I've been to a few gyms where once in a while id receive specific feedback and things I needed to adjust to help improve my game. I'm at a spot where feedback is not something I expect and I generally can figure things out but lately I need it, and honestly haven't received any in like 6 months plus. I kind of feel lost as to what I need to work on or focus on, I know I have some holes I need to patch but I'm not sure of what others feel. I did just reach out to a few coaches about feedback

    How often do you get feedback, or ask for feedback?

    02:50 UTC


    Uniform for bigger people

    I've tried two brands (elite and sanabul) for A3 uniforms and they fit too tight but the length is good. What brands offer more of an option for people who lift regularly?

    I intend to compete at the beginning of March and the uniform I have has too much reinforcement in the sleeves and pants. I watched my buddy in the last competition get refused because he had too much reinforcement in the sleeves. He had to buy a gi at the competition. I didn't want to go through all that.

    An aside: why does the IBJJF keep you from participating in no-gi and gi if you're a white belt? When I was signing up the website said that no-gi was off limits because I'm a white belt. I thought that was weird

    01:50 UTC


    How useful is judo in nogi/mma

    Basically the title, finding decent wrestling as an adult Is basically impossible, I do train with an Olympic wrestler twice a week but for how bad my standup grappling is in comparison to my ground grappling it doesn't feel like enough. How applicable is judo to MMA, what are the main throws I should focus on other than something like a whizzer kick

    01:49 UTC


    Need help with beginner K-Guard

    I started trying K-guard since all the cool guys do it now, watched a few videos and throw it up anytime I get a chance. I find people just grab my free foot and peel my other foot off their hip leaving me helpless. Tips appreciated!

    01:41 UTC


    Rolling with a stinky lazy guy

    Pretty much what the title says, the guy I’ve been training with never seems to wash his gi and he always takes up all the time we get to practice techniques so I can never get them down. He also just out powers me when I’m still trying to learn a move. I’ve told him that he should wash his gi but he always stinks and never lets me practice techniques. Any advice?

    01:20 UTC


    Question about online platforms to meet drill partners.

    TLDR: looking for chat groups, subreddits, apps and other platforms to meet local drilling partners.

    Long hand post: Preface- I know the general advice is ask at your local gym, go local to open mats, etc. I'm primarily looking for online resources so I can text/chat/discuss stuff with a like minded partner and also meet in person to drill for a ton of reps.

    Ideally I would like to pipeline this task i.e. text during my lunch hour or off times. Coordinate and potentially make a group of training partners. Maybe a discord server or something?

    So I'm curious what kind of ways this community meets new people online. Thanks for the read and happy rolling!

    22:00 UTC


    Recommendations for Instructionals i can use with a Grappling dummy at home?

    Im a pretty new white belt and I go to BJJ Three times a week but i want to supplement that with something additional i can practice at home with my grappling dummy.

    I know its nothing like a human but i could spend alot of time at home working with it so i was wondering if anyone has any reccomenations for insturctionals i can go through and drill with the dummy

    I saw a comment saying someone taught themselves danaher's 4x4 mount system completely at home with a dummy so im presuming working on top position is going to be the most beneficial.

    But in summary i am looking for ANYTHING that i can develop my grappling through training at home specifically an instructional, i've tried working escapes and stuff from bottom and i still will but it's really nothing like a human so i'd like to work on something where it could somewhat even a little bit convert to real grappling

    any reccomendations will be greatly appreciated sorry for the long post thank you

    23:57 UTC


    As a white belt, how do you know if you’re ready for a IBJJF tourney?


    23:10 UTC


    Inside sweep

    My favourite takedown

    22:24 UTC


    Need to cut 20 pounds by february 22nd

    i have a comp feb 22nd where i need to weigh in 168 lbs, there’s a 2 pound weight allowance for going over. i just weighed in after a full day of eating and im 188.5. what’s the best way to drop to the weight? is this do-able? i’ve never experienced weight cuts for tournaments to be honest. i’ve done two other ones at 168, and typically am around that weight but i’ve let myself go a bit recently. is this going to be extremely difficult? possible? what’s the best way to go about this? thanks

    22:24 UTC


    How many hours of drilling collar&sleeve?

    Will it take to get my omoplata game near the level of Nolan Stuart? He has pretty dangerous collar&sleeve guard. u/trumpetdan

    22:01 UTC


    Do you conserve energy for big brackets?

    How do you coach students who compete in big brackets?

    21:33 UTC


    Twerk escape

    Is that the correct name?

    20:55 UTC


    Deep half guard sweep

    Learning more ground techniques

    20:54 UTC

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