Share your hilarious and awful commercials, anywhere from late night local ads to popular commercials with awful acting. The lower the production value, the higher the karma.
Share your hilarious and awful commercials, anywhere from late night local ads to popular commercials with awful acting. The lower the production value, the better.
All commercials must be real and represent a real business. Do not submit spoof commercials.
Keep all comments civil. Although we're here to laugh at bad commercials, it is in a lighthearted manner. Bullying will not be tolerated.
What somebody considers "awful" is completely subjective. Please try to avoid "This isn't awful, this is great" comments or anything similar.
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Ya think she's just poopin, and then they just hit you with that
Does anyone remember a creepy Burger King ad from the mid 2000's? In the commercial it was a guy painted in white paint and he was supposed to be portraying some type of demon or vampire. He had blood around his mouth and Burger King was using him to advertise their new burger. I remember watching it around Halloween time. Um I can't remember too much about it because I ran to my dad because I was scared. All I remember is seeing some black screen with some text in white, his face, and a Burger King logo. If you do remember this, pls just let me know. (Btw the picture has nothing to do with the story. It wouldn’t let me post this without attaching something soo yea)