
Photograph via snooOG

Awakening is the realization that far more can be found in direct experience than any concept, belief system, or narrative. The process of awakening is an ever-unfolding one, a deepening of that which is beyond all words and thoughts. We are in service of discovering that for ourselves.

What is Awakening?

Awakening is the realization that far more can be found in direct experience than any concept, belief system, or narrative. The process of awakening is an ever-unfolding one, a deepening of that which is beyond all words and thoughts. We are in service of discovering that for ourselves.

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  • Posts should be about spiritual awakening: the direct experience of what we really are
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Study of Spirituality, that is, Fundamental Understanding about life and death has been more or less esoteric led by religious-spiritual theories, philosophies. How or Why life originated? Why we have to face pain and uncertainty? Mind tries to resolve by coining theories, philosophies.

Study of Spirituality, that is, Fundamental Understanding about life, about death has been more or less esoteric led by religious-spiritual theories, philosophies.

Despite progress in scientific, technological sphere, we are still groping to come to the Truth.

How life originated or why it originated? Why we have to face pain and uncertainty?

Mind tries to resolve by coining theories, philosophies.

We postpone as if we will find the Truth tomorrow. This postponement does not end. Unless we stop postponing the issue, Truth remains elusive.

Can we see the format of life without introducing any theory?

Senses see, touch, listen and so on, breathing in and out is going on, there is memory and imagination and thoughts arising in the mind. The field of senses and the field of memory, imagination, thinking is the Total Field.

We are enclosed by what our senses show. We can not go beyond. When we move, we move with our space, with our enclosure. Apart from this enclosure, everything is memory, imagination, thinking. Whatever may happen, wherever you may go, this structure does not change. It means this structure is the Original.

The idea of God or ‘who created this Existence’ arises within this format. There is no way to come out of this format and discuss anything.

What ever comes before you including stars, galaxies and so on can not be the source. It is an object. It can have some use, function. To come to the source, the subject (you) is also to be included. World arises by your being conscious of it. To see that subject-object is a singular process rests all seeking.

You may name the total field as God but the total field is not an object or something, you can refer. You can not separate yourself from the Total Field and discuss about the Total Field.

Object-the world is seen by the subject-the observer, mind. Now there is no observer of the observer. There is nothing behind the observation. 'Why there is no observer' or 'there may be an observer' are all expressions, thoughts arising in the mind. When this is clearly noticed, subject-object is seen as a singular, complete, self-sustained process.

Seeing the Total Field as you is the end.

What about death?

You and your death can not meet at any point.

So 'after death' does not remain valid.

Q. – Some one close to me died a few days ago. Where he is now?

Everything is being perceived by you. He is out of the field of your senses. But you can not throw him out of the field of your memory. Can you see this as a fact? Any explanation further than this will be a superimposition upon the fact. Just be with the fact. You begin to see.

12:47 UTC


Are awakend people more naive ?

Since you don’t disturb yourself with negative thoughts so much anymore, are you still aware of the suffering in the world or do enlightened people tend to watch at the positives because „what use would it have to look at the negative“?.

I noticed that I get a bad get feeling when I see happy naive people. Like there a living in „lalala land“ not knwwig what happens around them.

But then again they seem to be at peace ?

As I male I learned a lot about the nature of male and females egos. I think it’s very beneficial for men and woman to know the „dark side“ of both of the sexes. But I also think a very aware person would send boundaries, so things would not get out of hand.

Yeah so my core question: are enlightened people more naive/ don’t get as much information about bad things in the world ?

10:01 UTC


On Past Lives 😴

Trying to know past lives is like trying to understand past sleeping dreams.

You’ve had TONs of sleeping dreams and you simply didn’t even think of it.

Past lives are the millions of waking dreams that you’ve had.

Both the past “lives” and the past sleeping dreams belong to the mind. Both are more or less unreal even though they felt real.

07:39 UTC


Post Confusions

How does one stay close to Good. And clear minded. I keep confusing myself with old tricks ive already fell for. How do you keep your tool sharp and eyes clear. I need help from others alike me. No one else can understand because Vie only just understood any/thing

01:55 UTC


gravity pressure?

Idk how else to say it, its feels like theres a magnetic oull on my head or brain the past 30 min. Its so heavy its disorienting to type. Still feel like my vision is blurry or like i opened my eyes in the pool and have the chlorine effect. My ears sound like im under water. what in the fuk

01:14 UTC


the “old” me

I sometimes have a longing to be who I once was this is my selective cognitive bias

so conceptual

not the truth

Not here, not now

The truth is always here, now

What am I really longing for?

The idea of better, the illusion

Comparing reality to a concept, a dream.

Deluding myself into believing

I am not who I used to be?

My character is changing,

My storyline is changing,

but I’ve always been here.

No moving forwards or backwards in this timeline… just playing every moment through.

00:04 UTC


Fight for what you want


Tell them that they should fight for what they think is rightfully theirs. If you want something, go out and get it with every ounce of energy you have. You may be chasing something that is not meant for you, but the effort is what is important. Push for the things you want and don’t be afraid to change what is it you want. Go forward and fight for what is yours.

22:55 UTC


Everyday reminder - Stop seeking the truth.

21:21 UTC


Sparks of God

Does anybody else look at others and realize we are all God in different human forms put on Earth to experience and better understand existence?

I get so caught up in trying to conform to fit in and form social connections that I often find myself pushing away my core essence. I feel like my spiritual path often times isolates myself and I’m having trouble finding a balance. I actually almost converted to Christianity just so I could have a spiritual community but then realized that decision was rooted in fear.

What do you do to maintain an elevated state of consciousness while maintaining a number of social connections? Do you think going on tik tok or keeping up with the news hinders your ability to free your mind? Is it possible to achieve monetary success while being intune with your soul?

I’m coming to the conclusion that in order to become financially successful I have to sacrifice my unique identity and conform to the world but I really don’t want to do that. Please let me know your thoughts <3

20:52 UTC


There are no humans.

Human beings don't really exist inside this world.

all the humans inside this world are actually a.i bots that only does whatever is coded on this game, you are the one with the "controller" and all the "controls"

there arent any real humans inside this world, and none of them are sentient, aware or "alive " its similar to putting on a "skin" to make a bot look realistic or "alive" but it isn't "real" in reality.

all of them are 3d rendered, and computer generated characters, that aren't different from talking to a Nintendo game character inside a "Pokémon " game.

humans are unaware "demons" in an "angel" suit. and you have to burn them all if you want to be "free".

humans are the "white snake" race pretty harmless but poisonous 🐍

humans are demons that get activated by the end-game. Similar to the matrix, you're gonna have to fight all the disguised agent smiths ;)

19:52 UTC


everyone says and does whatever you imagine.

This is YOUR own dream.

there's no dreamer dreaming this dream other than you, you are in control of your own dreams.

there's no other dreamer dreaming your dream.

No one could take ownership or authority over your dreams and mind.

life is your very own dream.

so either wake up from your dreams.

or learn to be lucid and awake ⏰️ 😉

19:38 UTC


Being a "god" is normal.

awakening in this world Is very natural part of life and super "normal".

you are a "god" imagining yourself to be a "person". eventually your "god" self will end up on basically telling you "no" remember yourself you're not a "person" you're a god, and once you realize that you are the "god" you'll see that being a "person" or a "god" aren't that different from each other.

making you accept yourself as yourself fully.

you are a "unique" god with your own unique godly powers.

and once you finish the journey, you'll see that "god" or "you" were never in trouble.

17:39 UTC


Television Analogy 📺 (Advanced)

I stole this analogy from Herb Fitch. So not originally mine but too delicious not to share.

Let’s do a thought or actual experiment. If you have a TV, turn it on. If you don’t, follow along in your mind’s eye 👁️ and imagine that you are sitting in front of a TV set.

Now what do you see on the TV? Forms and images everywhere right? Images of physical life moving across the screen. People running, animals jumping, talking faces, different objects…perhaps a kardashian or two drops a sex tape.

But ultimately you see a whole bunch of images but there’s no person there. Just images, continuously changing images.

Now ask yourself one question; “What does this changing imagery have to teach me?

Continue watching the TV and then notice that the images can never leave the TV. They can never step outside of the screen. The images cannot leave the screen and walk around in your living room.

Ok as you continue watching, you realize that there is a force far away that is sending impulses to the TV…And the TV turns these impulses to images on the screen. Really contemplate this and feel this.

Now the images on the screen cannot affect you directly. There can be war on the screen but there is no war in your living room. There can be soccer on the screen but no soccer being played in your kitchen.

You are just watching the TV, it is impossible for the images on the TV to affect you directly right? All of the images stay on the TV screen.

Now let’s bring this analogy home 🏡 to spirituality: Let’s cover the three main aspects of this analogy.

  1. Self 👨🏿
  • The watcher of the TV is not affected by anything going on in the TV. This is akin to the Self. The Self is always watching the images in your daily life, completely and utterly unperturbed by the images. The Self is always unaffected because it is just witnessing the image.
  1. Impulses being sent ⚡️
  • The impulses are being sent to TV by something external. The images in your daily lives are being rendered and sent to the TV screen of your mind by the World Mind or the Collective Unconscious. It sends impulses that each individual mind picks up.

Some spiritual folks have called this collective unconscious Maya or Samsara.

  1. The TV 📺
  • The TV is the individual mind. The brain functions as an antenna picking up the impulses sent by the World Mind or Collective Unconscious and then it renders it as the individual Mind. All the images in a TV can never leave a TV. All the images in the Individual Mind can never leave the Individual Mind. Everything you see, smell, taste, touch, hear, are all imagery rendered in the mind. All phenomena exist within the mind.

Now the most important takeaway in this analogy is that whatever happens in the TV cannot affect the watcher directly. Whatever happens in the mind cannot affect the Self. The Self is always in the background watching the show, completely untouched. You can turn off the TV or Mind but the Self is always on, always untouched, beyond birth and death. Namaste 🙏🏾

***Analogies aren’t made to be perfect btw. Just meant to create space so you can contemplate a different perspective on reality.

17:34 UTC


Power Greater Than Myself

15:49 UTC


Drop seeking! Drop seeking! Drop seeking!

That's it. Please. Drop it.

11:47 UTC



Could one get rid of the addiction to thoughts before getting rid of other addictions such as tobacco, weed, alcohol, porn and whatever else humans get addicted to.

10:44 UTC


Blessing of life


How amazing it is to be alive and able to know you are alive. You are the only beings on your planet to know you are alive. To experience and feel, it’s such a beautiful and wonderful blessing. To be born as a human being, life can be confusing, it can be difficult. But you are a part of a whole, a beautiful and amazing whole. Be in constant gratitude for this blessing. Play your part and enjoy this gift.

1 Comment
09:50 UTC


Experiencing high levels of daily anxiety/discontentment and not sure why

I'm becoming more aware that my mind is most usually in a very anxious state. It's super rare I'm content and at peace, even if I'm "happy" there is something to feel anxious about. If not anxious, it can be sort of hopeless or down feeling probably just as often as the anxiety. Very rarely am I centered and at peace.

I'm trying very hard in my life, am fairly productive, and all my dilemmas are first world world problems. Currently reading "Iron John" too and hoping that offers me some insight.

I feel often pushed and pulled by my emotions, and like reality doesn't always make sense and "I" am left in a void of unknowing, pretty constantly. I can question most everything.

Perhaps I'm thinking too much and not doing? I've started doing a lot (e.g. talking to women (because I want to find a relationship), I exercise, eat well, attend meetings for socialization, study) but also don't want to force too much. I often force myself to do these things, yet I'm still so anxious or just hopeless, it seems to bounce back and forth between the two. So rarely am I "centered". I'm dreaming about cancer and shit like that.

Thankfully, I have a high pain tolerance and good mental control so I manage to stay "centered" despite never really feeling centered if that makes sense.

Is this just a sign I'm on the wrong path? There are so many uncertainties in my life (e.g. haven't found a home/place to settle in, haven't found what exactly I want to do with my life, but then again I'm not even 30 and maybe I need to learn to relax and have more fun).

Does anyone have any tips/advice on how I can overcome or balance myself better? Thanks.

07:34 UTC


Merrily Merrily Life is but a dream 💭

This might be a bit advanced and only for those ready to hear.

You are dreaming this entire existence. You are dreaming your body, you are dreaming your friends, you are dreaming your enemies.

You are dreaming your thoughts, you are dreaming your emotions, you are dreaming your anxieties.

Ultimately only YOU have ever existed in your particular dream. Your real Self is the beingness of everyone that you encounter.

You are it. You are the being behind Buddha, Krishna, Wovoka, Christ, Ramana, etc.

It is just YOU, pure awareness that fuels your entire particular dream. Every one of you have your own particular specific dream, but make no mistake about it, you power it. Not the ego, no. You are even dreaming the ego. I mean, you, pure awareness.

And Christ said “Before Abraham I AM” meaning before any character that you see in this mental dream, you are. I AM.

05:15 UTC


I might have pushed my awakening away.

I dont know what it was, or why I felt that way. But i felt familiar, in a sense. Like I was about to get launched in the universe and ascend, like it was right. But then Its like I hit a floor, made out of concrete, and I basically wished to no longer be chosen by it. I was so close, but so far. I didnt even know one single thing about it, but It just chose me, I just know it, its like nothing I ve experienced, and I started to get really material, and superficial, and started to fear it and I think the universe knew I wasnt ready for it. Now if I think about it nothings been the same since that moment, even if I returned to the superficial, and this state that the society lives in, its like my soul hasnt. I smoked some weed these couple of days, and its like it remembered me, that we are so much more than just a body. Now here I am at 7 am suddenly being so invested in spirituality again, its so beautiful but I dont know how to start, If I think about it there is so much information and knowledge that I dont know of.

04:30 UTC


Can We Create a Guide and Formula to Wake Up?

I finally "woke up" once I learned about the amygdala and how it runs the show. The ego is just made up of memories that are stored in the amygdala (which has its own memory). As we experience things that the amygdala likes and dislikes, it rewards us with dopamine or punishes us with fear (fight or flight response/anxiety/adrenaline).

When I interact with people, I now place them in two categories and it works incredibly well. First, are they awake or not. If not awake, which trauma personality (as outlined by Pete Walker in his book Complex PTSD) has this person taken on? Usually, it's a hybrid type, and the intensity depends on what level the amygdala is running at. Why trauma? Because trauma is a fear memory that is stored in the amygdala, just like the ego is. Just about everyone who is not awake takes on a trauma personality, some more intense than others.

I awakened after reading various books on the topic when it all clicked for me.

  1. Mindhacking Happiness by Sean Webb taught me about the ego and science behind it. This was incredibly important.
  2. Lying by Sam Harris made me realize how often I was lying to others which made me reflect on why I was doing it. Which I realized was due to fear connected to my ego.
  3. Complex PTSD by Pete Walker showed me how the brain adapts to early childhood trauma which made me realize that I, and everyone around me, was controlled by fears stored in the amygdala from my early childhood experiences.
  4. Attached taught me about attachment theory and how the first year of life can determine who a person becomes as an adult. This made me realize that people who operate from their amygdala have no free will.
  5. Dr. K's guide taught me about anxiety, depression, and meditation. It made me realize that I had severe anxiety which made me see that it was due to my amygdala protecting the ego. Now my anxiety is gone because I understand it.
  6. Finally, I created an family trauma tree with every family member for 3 generations that made me see how everyone in my entire extended family is a product of their rather bad upbringing. Again, this made me realize that no one has any free will when they operate from their fears.

Once I realized I was being controlled by my amygdala, I snapped out of it and woke up. What I experienced was about 3 weeks of pure bliss while I completely shut my fear/reward center off and just relaxed in a way I never have. But slowly over time, the amygdala began to claw its way back and and now tries hard to suck me in. But I can recognize it almost immediately and stop which has been liberating.

So my question is, do you think it's possible to create a guide to wake someone up from a science perspective? Can we teach someone how the brain works and get them to wake up as a result? It seemed to work for me. Or does it really take a life changing event to get someone to wake up?

01:19 UTC


So, what's been your experience? From start to finish.

So, from what I understand, spiritual awakening is a big part of everyone's life here. I don't relate to this experience at all because it just seems like something not for me (I'm just here to listen to different perspectives).

But what if im at a stage no one talks about because it's early or nonexistent? Or if it's just something not for me? That's what I would like to know. What was your experience from start to finish to give me a frame of reference to work with.

And to add, what has changed for you once this process came to a close? Why do it at all if nothing changes (not criticizing, just frame of reference)?

Edit: Well, after letting this sit overnight and reading everyone's input, I can conclude that this isn't something I should be talking to other people with. Otherwise, I'll get nothing of use and just be lead in circles. I'll be better off on my own with this.

00:52 UTC



Hey everyone, I'm in the midst of quite the journey right now and could really use some advice and support. Recently, I've been feeling like I'm on a rollercoaster of emotions, and it's got me both fascinated and a tad anxious. I've found myself questioning what I believe in, feeling a bit lost and discontented, and losing interest in things that used to bring me joy. But at the same time, I've noticed this new level of awareness creeping in like I'm seeing the world in a whole new light. This heightened awareness has also brought about this overwhelming sense of compassion towards others and this burning desire for personal growth and inner peace. I’m here reaching out to see if you've got any words of wisdom to share. Maybe some resources or personal stories could help me through this journey a bit smoother. Thanks a bunch for taking the time to read this. Any help or support would mean the world to me right now.

23:13 UTC


Forget about enlightenment.

Please! Have faith in me. You just need to live your life as if you've just forgotten all the information about enlightenment/truth.

21:31 UTC


You are it right now

There is no concept in mind that will save you

There is nothing you need to do to wake up

You are already awake

What your mind believes about yourself and reality is illusion

Go beyond the mind to stillness

Where your true self awaits forever

20:07 UTC


Computer game 🎮 🖥💿

This world is a computer game, everyone and everything here is a digital construct, all the "people" here are video game npcs, not any different from a red dead redemption npc that you talk to in video games, this world is fully a matrix computer game, you could either realize that fact, or bang your head a trillion times until you realize this fact.

there arent any limits inside this world, and it's possible to be completely infinite being capable of creating trillions of simulations like this one, faster than a blink of an eye, and it's possible to manipulate and alter it allllll to no end l, even summoning a demon octopus guy with 9 legs. or travel across the universe faster than a blink of an eye.

playing in this world isn't any different from loading up a game of pong, dragon ball Z, or Witcher.

it's all "computer generated"

and it's all getting loaded up and played on a vr gaming headset.

it's an rpg video game, and most of the NPCs in here are digital characters with an open rpg dialogue, and they are controllable, similar to a WoW character.. and they will follow the script of the code to the extreme..

nothing here isn't "computer generated," even the pain and the heat.

everyone inside this world is a scripted video game character.

nothing here is "real "

19:34 UTC


Why do so many in this sub recommend to stay in a job you don’t like ?

It can be a comfortzone someone has to leave. Or to grow the personality and do something completly different. Or somebody got so aware that they can’t identify with what the company is doing anymore.

How I see it: listen to the soul and let yourself by guided by it. Being on your souls way so to say.

Otherwise it’s feels like distrust not to change the job. Like the „what if“ gets the win?

Thank you !

17:53 UTC


I AM Thoth (Hermes Trismegistus) reincarnated. AMA

Hello, Earthling, and welcome to this sacred space! We hope you're all enjoying my beautiful eclipse of Ra's sun (the star you call Sol). We decided to reincarnate today in order to help you all with your planet's transition to mass consciousness/enlightenment. It's been a long while since We showed up on Terra to help Gaia, but We're glad to be back. Things certainly seem to be in disarray, but fear not, there is no task WE are not up to resolving.

The fleshy form We currently assume, some of you might remember as Mike Knoles, the former US Senate candidate, not the political pundit who spells their name with a "w". Feel free to ask either of us any question your heart desires, just note that, in order to respect this sub's space, please refer all overtly political comments/questions to the DMs.

P.S. Isis wishes you all the Love in the world, Ra says, "Raaaaaaaaa", and Set/Shiva says to enjoy the next Yuga cycle.

P.P.S. Our fleshy form is currently in an inpatient recovery program with limited internets access, so please be patient with responses to replies. We promise to get to you all as time allows.

17:52 UTC


Imagine, the Universe were as conscious, as a human being

16:45 UTC




Much of rZen's vote brigading and content brigading comes from people from new age forums like r/awakened and r/nonduality... this doesn't make all of you responsible, but it would help if more people understood how disconnected Zen's historical record is from 1960's era beliefs based on Japanese Buddhism, Alan Watts, and the Zazen movement.


Zen is the Chinese name, using Japanese romanization, for the lineage of the Indian teacher Bodhidharma, which was recorded in China continuously for a thousand years, creating historical records in the form of transcripts called koans.

These transcripts aka koans aka Cases make it clear that Zen Masters built lay precept communes and upheld a tradition that rejects mysticism, special knowledge of any kind, all practices and methods including sitting meditation and the Eight-Fold path, while demanded public interview as it means of teaching and testing.

Lots of people don't like this, including Buddhist 8FP churches and the academics trained in their church founded colleges and universities. Many people from new age forums claim a connection between new age beliefs and Zen teaching that Zen Masters reject.

It is essential that the minority Zen community receive just as much respect as any other minority community, and the core of the tradition not be misrepresented by people who don't study Zen.

What's Zen?

The only practice of Zen is public interview.

We have 1,000 years of historical records created by Zen Masters and Zen communities, mostly in the form of transcripts, called "koans" or "Legal Cases", in which public interview is the focus. We also have more than a dozen books of Zen instruction. All of this material focuses exclusively on public interview as the practice of Zen.

Zen Masters were never recorded as teaching the 8FP, but instead teach The Four Statements of Zen, which do not describe any practice or "to be achieved" condition, but instead call for the recognition of the all ready present ordinary everyday self.

  • Zen Enlightenment is about realization of the ordinary, and is not tied to any special wisdom, dissociative experience, deeper insight, state of mind, or condition of having attained something.

What's not Zen?

Misconceptions about Zen are entirely rooted in the scholarship failures of post-WW2 Boomer scholarship, primarily published between 1950-1980. This Boomer scholarship combined inadequate research into chinese records (failure to translate), scholarship by religious people who lacked college degrees (Alan Watts) and racist (anti-Chinese) religious bigotry (anti-Zen Buddhism) into what can only be termed a pre-1990's Sh#% storm of Ineptitude.

  • Alan Watts: a college drop out who became an ordained Christian priest, a lifelong drug addict and sex predator, is not a reliable authority on Chinese history or Zen culture, and mixed Buddhism and Humanism freely into his messianic insights.
  • Zazen: Modern secular scholars acknowledge that this is entirely a Japanese practice, created in Japan in 1200, and largely misrepresented by it's messianic leader. There is no connection between Zazen and Soto Zen, and Zazen is doctrinally and historically incompatible with Zen.
  • Non-duality: This cultural concept from Asian passed through many cultures and meant different things to them throughout that process. Zen Masters confine non-duality to a very specific role within Materialism, which "is a perspective which holds that matter is the fundamental substance in nature, and that all things, including mental states and consciousness, are results of material interactions of material things."
  • Awakening: Zen Masters teach you are inherently complete, and that within ordinary everyday experience are the doors to Enlightenment. There is no special teaching, wisdom, tool, practice, or knowledge that will be useful OR that is necessary... thus there it is often said by outsiders that there is no "awakening" in Zen.
  • Mindfulness: Mindfulness is a kind of mental focus on a particular object, experience, or process. Zen Masters reject this as servitude, just like the servitudes of faith, practice, and the servitude toward teachers/gurus/guides/messiahs/authorities.

TL;DR - Believe what you like, but be honest

This is not intended as a PSA challenging anyone's faith or belief in anything.

But just as none of us would go around telling people we were Stoic, Absurdist, Native American Shaman, or Zoroastrian when we were unfamiliar with the history, traditions, and teachings of those religions or philosophies, it is important that everybody respect Zen the same way.

Just as Scientology doesn't represent Science just because they named themselves after Science, and Mormons aren't Christians just because Mormons added the Bible as an appendix to the Book of Mormon, meditation religions and 8FP religions DO NOT REPRESENT ZEN JUST BY CLAIMING SO.

1,000 years of Zen historical records or "koans", mostly transcripts of real people having real conversations, created and preserved by Zen communes, can't be censored or ignored. No other tradition in human history rivals Zen's unique culture and contribution.

Don't misappropriate. It's not nice.

Here's a taste of the Zen tradition's historical records: www.reddit.com/r/zen/wiki/famous_Cases

14:19 UTC

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