
Photograph via snooOG

Anything related to aircraft, airplanes, aviation and flying. Helicopters & rotorcraft, airships, balloons, paragliders, winged suits and anything that sustains you in the air is acceptable to post here.


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David Clark C130J headset for GA?

Hi all, I found a pretty sweet deal on a headset P/N 40696G-01 and I’m hoping to see if anyone has used it for flying GA? It has a military plug that I can’t seem to nail down a name for other than maybe U92 A/U. I found an adapter for “low impedance (military type)” plugs on the DC website that I’m thinking may work. Has anyone had experience with this?


1 Comment
12:13 UTC


Hypothetical thought — what if Airbus decided to buy Boeing?

As unlikely as this may be, what if Airbus were to buy up Boeing, how might this play out? How would they manage the branding? What might Boeing’s commercial lineup be renamed as? Would this help resolve the management and corporate culture issues at Boeing right now?

11:23 UTC


Climbing out next to thunderstorms

Mexico in the summer can make for stormy weather. This was an A32N departure from GDL

07:29 UTC


United Airlines Mainliner 180

03:43 UTC


GPS tracker not working anymore in modern airplanes and no mobile data on the ground (boarding)


I fly at least once a year and always use my external gps tracking device (the size of a match box) to track the flight. If i have a window seat I shove the tracker between the window "glass" and the blind. If i sit on the middle, I just hang it on the right part of my front seat - I always could track the whole flight - no issues!

I even could track the flights with my old LG G5 mobile phone. no issues there. I track flights for probably 20 years now. Well, until now:

But on the last flight I wasn't able to get a GPS signal. Not with my tracking device and not with any of our 4 cell phones of friends. There was just no satellite in reach. As soon as I got out of the plane into the shuttle bus - the tracker got a signal.

So there must be something different with that airplane.

The aircrafts in question are:

  • Airbus A321-231
  • Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner

both are operated by Etihad Airways.

I have flown with A321 and B787 before - never had that issue. But probably there are newer type revisions of those aircrafts which now prevent GPS reception?

The same thing is with mobile data. As soon as I board those aircrafts, still on the ground, still waiting for people to board, the mobile data signal / GSM / GPRS / EDGE / LTE signal is gone. just gone. This is quite anoying if you board early and then have to wait none the less 45 mins until taxing!

As all my gps devices work flawlessly outside those airplanes, what changed? is it the aircraft? or is it the operating airline? Nowadays you can buy on-board wifi - for sweet sweet money. Do they therefor block any of those signals? I might assume, as Etihad placed us on different rows - although plenty (30+) seats available and thus one of us had to do a seat reservation and pay $15!!!!

02:28 UTC


What’s the deal with this A330 in Buffalo?

Thought Buffalo couldn’t take large planes like this. It’s just sitting in the cargo area of the airport, and has been here a while.

02:11 UTC


Spotted landing at Centennial Airport today.

Looked much closer in person, this was zero zoom though.

1 Comment
00:59 UTC


Estimated Time of Arrival. Is it arrival to the airport or arrival to passenger boarding bridge?

I'm now in charge of doing the schedule for the personnel of a GHSP (catering). My question is that of the title: Estimated Time of Arrival. Is it arrival to the airport or arrival to passenger boarding bridge?

I highly appreciate your help.

00:00 UTC


[N/A] - Underside of a P8 Poseidon making an unexpected landing at Love Field

Took off from there a couple hours later

23:58 UTC


[N134TT] - 1953 Beechcraft T34P Mentor shortly before engine failure upon landing at Addison Airport.

Damn I need a better camera 🤣

23:56 UTC


How can I ensure that a claim I made for an aircraft accident is covered?

The short version: I'm a student pilot and was involved in an aircraft accident. What do I need to say/need to NOT-say, to ensure that my renter's insurance company pays the deductible that the school has to pay for its claim?

The long version: my dilemma revolves around whether admitting fault will prevent or facilitate the insurance company's payment of a claim to cover the deductible from an accident I recently had. The incident occurred during a solo flight as a student pilot, resulting in a wing/prop strike. The school, covered by the same insurance company that issued my renter's insurance, has asked me to file a claim to cover their $5000 deductible. The claim manager told me "don't tell the school it's your fault". The insurance claim manager's advice seemed more geared towards absolving them of paying, than honestly absolving me of fault. He was emphasizing uncontrollable factors like weather conditions and air traffic control decisions. While asserting innocence might boost my pride, my priority lies in ensuring the insurance company fulfills its obligation to cover the deductible. Otherwise, I would personally be liable for the $5000, a substantial sum.

I acknowledge my responsibility in the incident. I could have chosen not to fly or disregarded the tower's clearance for landing on that runway, despite the crosswind and slight tailwind conditions. Despite potential implications for my flying future, either way they are documented by the FAA and NTSB, my preference leans towards avoiding a $5000 personal expense to cover the school's deductible. It appears the claim manager's encouragement to deny fault may serve the insurer's interests rather than mine, despite my personal belief in my culpability.

What do I need to say to ensure that this insurance company pays the deductible?

23:28 UTC


C177RG - crash landed at GAIA

A Cessna F177RG Cardinal RG (Reims) experienced a landing gear malfunction and made a gear up landing at Grantley Adams International Airport (BGI/TBPB), Bridgetown. The three occupants were not injured and the aircraft received minor damage.

22:33 UTC


All Nippon Airways (Star Wars R2-D2 Livery) Operated by Air Japan 🇯🇵 Boing 787-9 Dreamliner HND-LAX

What awesome livery’s have you seen lately? Any recommendations I should look for I’m near LAX.

22:04 UTC


Just lost my job as an aviation maintenance apprentice. Now what?

24m, and well, I just got let go from my dream job a little under a few hours ago….to say i’m hurt and feel lost is an understatement.

Ever since I was a little kid being raised by my pilot grandfather, I knew I wanted to work around aircraft. Growing up was rough and by the time I was 16 I was moved out on my own but never gave the dream up. I worked a meaningless for big box hardware store for 6 years but left to become a custom art framer, a job I loved. Unfortunately that soured as the store made less money and fell under new management.

In September of 2023, I decided that before leaving my framing job, I would try my best to find a way into my dream career field of aviation. I didn’t want to be a pilot, much less would I even qualify with my medical history of asthma and diagnosed depression. I decided that due to my love of technical engineering and how stuff works, being a mechanic would be an amazing fit. I sadly found out just how much it would cost for me to go to a trade school, and additionally, there is none in my city. I’d have to move and would have no financial support to do it.

I started to give up and ultimately got a job changing tires. Despite this, I reached out to a few companies and inquired about if they had any need for help around the hangar such as mopping, dusting, that sort of thing. I ended up getting offered a dream opportunity of an on the job A&P apprenticeship as an independent contractor. I had freedom to make my own hours, and as an added plus, get free flight training for my private pilots license with the company airplane. It was a dream opportunity. Over the last 10 months, i’ve learned so much and began planning my career. I had big dreams of using my experience to work on rockets one day. Two weeks ago, I was even offered the opportunity to have the company pay to send me to a trade school and cover my expenses to hasten my learning experience.

Everything was amazing and going better than planned until after I got out of the meeting where my schooling was offered to be paid for. I started feeling ill and by the following day, I had a severe asthma attack that wound up with me being hospitalized for 7 days. I not only had the asthma attack but it was discovered that I also had a blood infection, although it’s unknown how I developed this. Despite this, I still was heavy with the communication with my work and my boss was very understanding and told me to take all of the time I needed to get better. I returned to work this Tuesday 6/25 and all was well this week despite me being tired and a bit foggy.

Today was going great up until my boss and my cooler went to lunch. I stayed at the hangar and was cleaning up when my boss walks up to me and hands me a check and says “(name), here’s a severance check. As of today, your services for employment are no longer required. Thank you and have a nice day.” I felt like the wind was knocked out of me. I politely asked, “Thank you, but may I ask what the reason for termination is?” And with s liege smile on his face says “Your services for employment are no longer required.” before turning around and walking back to his office.

I just stood there. Shocked. Heart racing. Feeling like my entire life was just ripped away from me. I put the check down and finished cleaning up and putting away what I was working on before walking into his office and politely asked again, “(bosses name), you don’t have to answer if you don’t feel you need to, but may I ask again what the reason is? Is it performance related? Attendance?” And with a large smile he looks me up and down and says again “The only answer I am going to prove you with is your services are no longer required. Thank you and please have a nice day.” I nodded and left his office. While walking out, he asked me to fill out a final timesheet so I be paid for this week. After filling it out, I handed it back to him and somberly told him that I’ll be back on Monday to pick up my toolbox and bring it home. He said “Sounds wonderful, please enjoy your weekend. Have a drink, or two. You’ll need it.”

Now I’m sitting here completely devastated. I looked on indeed, zero jobs available within my career field for an apprentice. Much less will my boss sabotaging me getting hired elsewhere? Aviation is a small community. Despite there being 3 airports in my area, everybody seems to know each other. Without knowing my reason for termination, I have no idea what to expect of I reach out to any other facilities and they decide to reach out to my former employer. Will he share my reason for termination with them? Why not with me? What do I do? My severance check is only enough to float me for two more weeks and after having missed an entire week of work due to being in the hospital, i’m even more short on money no saving or family to fall back on.

Really feeling so alone, lost, and genuinely without an idea of what my next step is.

21:48 UTC



Just wanted to share the stoke, and give y’all notice that the skies are no longer safe! Onward and upward!

20:34 UTC


What are these planes?

Just saw them flying over Toronto

20:23 UTC


Belgian Air Force F-16A MLU - Show of force

Video made in Kabul, Afghanistan. Guy filming’s reaction is “zot!” Which is Dutch for “crazy!”.

Know those videos of women posting something about a sound all men like. Well I think this is a nice contender.

1 Comment
20:22 UTC


Why are there so many different Cessnas in the flair tab?

There are SO MANY CESSNAS! It would be nice if there was a few more passenger planes. Personally I would like a few Lockheeds, McDonnell Douglas', etc.

20:19 UTC


Lancaster over Toronto With escort right now

A dry run for Canada day July 1st

20:10 UTC


College and flight training

I am currently at a part 61 flight school about to finish up on my instrument. I want to go to college for engineering as a back up plan but don't know how to go about it. I think the three options that are opened to me are good but don't know which to choose and would like feedback. Keep in mind I am 17 so I am in no rush. If there are any options you guys come up with other than these 3, let me know. My main concentration is airline pilot but family is bugging me about going to college as well. If anyone has been in the same shoes, tell me your story.

Option 1: continue and become a CFI while taking online college classes for engineering.

Option 2: finish up my instrument and then go to a 4 year and get my bachelors then from there starting training again for my commercial.

Option 3: Don't go to college at all and pursue Aviation fully.

19:59 UTC


Looking for recs for small university for aviation ...

to become a pilot. prefer southeast in US

19:55 UTC


EDKM always worth a visit

Just a day for the smell at my Home Airport ;)

19:40 UTC


EWR runway excursions

Just went around, into EWR and was informed of an AC ran off the runway. Nothing else reported, no photos yet. NAS Status website reflects it as well. Please post info as it happens

18:23 UTC

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