
Photograph via snooOG

r/AutoImmuneProtocol (also known as The AIP diet) is a place for people following or wishing to learn about the Auto Immune Protocol diet. AIP is similar to Paleo but removes additional foods that are pro-inflammatory. It is designed to help people suffering from autoimmune disorders and other inflammatory problems. Post recipes, discuss anything about the diet and your experiences, learn to eat and be healthier!

A more detailed AIP intro from Dr Sarah Ballantyne who helped create the protocol: What is The AutoImmune Protocol?

The Paleo Approach by Dr Ballantyne is a comprehensive intro to AIP and gut health: The Paleo Approach (Book)

More AIP Resources


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is 3 weeks of no dairy enough to re-introduce?

Hi, I’ve been doing AIP for 3 weeks now and I think i’m noticing some very mild improvement (so the majority of my symptoms are still active). I know it takes a different amount of time for different foods to fully be out of your system (and thus to reset any built up tolerance). I looked up how long dairy stays in the system and a few articles allege 72 hours. My question is: Would not consuming dairy for 3 weeks be enough to reintroduce it and note any new symptoms (like diarrhea which I’ve never had due to dairy) or could the intolerance only manifest as my existing symptoms (brain fog, memory loss, hair loss)?

im just trying to justify making a banana milkshake 😭

02:05 UTC



I’m wondering if anyone here has had melasma and seen improvement with AIP. Cutting out gluten and dairy is common in the melasma community but people don’t see full remission with just that. I’m wondering if full AIP would help.

00:50 UTC


How do you keep calories and carbs high enough to sustain muscle/weight?

Weight loss is a big concern for me. I’m having horrible autoimmune symptoms like fatigue, mouth ulcers, extreme and widespread joint pain. So I feel like I need to bite the bullet and do the AIP.

I’m capable of being extremely diligent in my diet. I’m not worried about cravings or being hungry etc because I’ve always been very methodical in what I eat for fitness reasons.

I’m already losing muscle mass from the disease process itself though and I really don’t want to lose any more. I don’t understand how to eat this diet while still getting a reasonable percentage of macros from carb sources. A sweet potato per day and vegetables is NOT enough carb fuel for an active person who is trying to hit 3500kcal with roughly 30-50% of calories from carbs.

A lot of the people who go on these diets talk about weigh loss as if it’s a benefit but I can’t afford to lose more weight. And I don’t want to accidentally find myself in ketosis because I’m not convinced that it’s safe for someone in my medical situation.

How on earth do you maintain muscle mass and not lose weight on this protocol?! For reference, I already avoid: processed foods, most dairy (whey isolates is the exception), nightshades, and most sugars aside from fruit. But I do eat a LOT of oats and rice to fill my carb needs.

19:49 UTC


AIP and MS

Has anyone done AIP for MS?

19:15 UTC


What kind of support has helped you to stick to AIP?

Eating this way feels daunting. My family does not eat this way at all. I need outside support. What have you found helpful? Facebook groups? Any apps? Dieticians? Coaching? I saw there’s an app called WellTheory that offers coaching but I’m not seeing much feedback. Any suggestions welcome, thanks!

18:19 UTC


Help finding a good rheumatologist

Hello, I am in western PA and need to find a rheumatologist who can be compassionate, respectful, and able to figure out difficult diagnoses. I’m sick of AGH and UPMC. One of the docs actually told me “you look fine to me. At least it’s not cancer”
I have been suffering for at least 40 years (I’m 55) and have the bloodwork and symptoms to prove (what I think is) a pretty specific diagnosis. However these docs don’t look at patterns, only what they see in front of them. I need the best! I am willing to travel, say to Cleveland Clinic or Hershey Med. I’m done playing and sick of “maybe it’s this, try this med”. I don’t even care if I get meds, I just want an answer! FWIW, my 27 year old daughter is now having the same issues and the exact same run around. Please help. Thank you 😊

16:32 UTC


Still burning stomach while on AIP

I have only recently started so I am definitely not symptom free (plus there were some mishaps). I still have a burning stomach occasionally while on AIP. Would you say that this is definitely a reaction to an ingredient or do you think that my stomach just needs time to heal and I should wait until like a month mark to see if they subside or not (and if not then look for the ingredient that is messing with me).

21:37 UTC



So I just had to start the AIP diet about a week ago. I’ve been exhausting the internet trying to find recipes and foods I can eat. I’m hungry and tired. I desperately wanted pancakes for dinner but couldn’t find any recipes that were AIP friendly with the ingredients I already had. I had the frustration born thought to ask ChatGPT for a recipe and listed the main ingredients I had and lo and behold, a pancake recipe!!!! Not only were the pancakes FIRE but I’ve been using ChatGPT for the last two hours. It’s supplying me recipes that would’ve taken me hours to find online and it’s running on a previous list of foods I already have. Idk if I’m stupid for just finding this out and being so ecstatic about it but I’m literally just using the free version and my life if changed. Hope this helps someone as aimless and hangry as I was!

21:05 UTC


Didn’t realize my vitamins had soybean in them… I feel defeated

If you are starting the elimination diet please check your vitamins.

I’ve been on the elimination diet for 2 weeks and I just realized my vitamins have soybean in them 😭😭

16:30 UTC


Trying the AIP Diet- Any tips or help

Hello everyone, beforehand, I’m starting this diet probably when I start living at my moms flat which is in 1 1/2 months. I have been to multiple doctors, having satiating & hunger problems ( I rarely get hungry or full), as well as some kind of IBS.

My diet is, let’s be real, awful. I have a severe caffeine addiction& an overall awful diet. As far as I know, I don’t have an autoimmune disease, but struggle with some sort of back pain since I had Covid once( and some cough tho).

For any kind of Tipps on how to get onto this diet I’m very grateful ( having a kickstart, how long etc.)


( I’m 20, just moving back Bcz of some mental problems)

12:21 UTC


week 3 and improving cognitive function!

I’m 3 weeks into the diet (with some slight slip ups) and i’m noticing a lot of improvement cognitively! 3 weeks ago, my brain fog, memory loss + retention were so bad, I was convinced I had a brain inflammation. Today my brain fog is a lot milder, and I was able to remember a regular customer’s name and another one’s order. I’m very happy :D

22:06 UTC


Question about reintroduction & heart rate

Does anyone else have issues with increased heart rate after eating certain foods? Has anyone kept a heart rate log as part of reintroduction of foods?

17:38 UTC


Only on day 4 and my bloating is already going down 🥳

I’ve done low fodmap and so many other diets, I didn’t think I’d see results so fast on AIP. Since I’m very new to this do you guys have any tips or go to foods ? It’s definitely pretty restrictive and I miss nut butters quite a bit.

15:38 UTC


AIP Honey Chicken

I’ve been on AIP for 9 months now and this is by far the best tasting ecipe I have ever made.

I subbed chicken thighs for chicken breasts though.

This is not my recipe but you can find it here: https://sonorainbold.com/easy-aip-honey-garlic-chicken-paleo-aip-chicken-breast-recipe/

02:43 UTC


AIP Sweet Potato Sliders 🍔

00:50 UTC


Camping food

I’m going camping for two weeks. I will be bringing a vehicle and plan to drive into town to get groceries on the weekend but wont be able to get specialty foods.

Not going to lie, I’m a little daunted by it. I was vegan for a decade and vegan food is so easy to do camping. Canned beans keep in a cooler. I’m not used to cooking meat and I’m not used to thinking about food spoilage while camping.

Best AIP recipes for camping? My chronic illness leaves me very weak and fatigued so I can’t do anything too labour intensive or that requires a lot of chopping. I’m planning to cook most things ahead of time by making doubles of dinner and freezing things so I want recipes that freeze and reheat well.

ETA: I don’t mind purchasing a few speciality items to make my life easier ahead of time. I’ve been looking at AIP cassava pasta and coconut cereal kind of stuff.

17:27 UTC


AIP Crockpot Asian Beef Roast Recipe

23:20 UTC


Is this an okay AIP compromise?

I am doing AIP because I've got a lot of conditions that are related to/ worsened by inflammation (migraines, POTS, Fibromyalgia, Ehlers Danlos). Traditional treatments haven't helped and I'm in pain all the time.

I've pure AIP for 10 days. Before that, I did about half my meals/ snacks as AIP compliant (I already didn't drink alcohol or caffeine), to get used to it as I was very carb heavy before.

10 days in and I am feeling a little better. Still fatigued and exercise intolerant, but my near constant migraines have gone away.

However, I'm not sure i can do another month of AIP. Weirdly I don't miss any foods like carbs. It's more that AIP meals take a lot of prep work, especially with the tiny kitchen I have. I work full time and live alone and I don't think I can maintain the level of effort needed to stay AIP compliant.

I thought I would add in eggs and nuts/ seeds, taking inspiration from paleo which allows those foods. It makes breakfast easier, which is the meal I struggle with (boiled eggs or chia seed pudding), and gives me easy quick meals and snacks when I'm really busy, which is what I'm struggling with now.

Will this complete ruin the benefits from AIP and make the diet pointless? Is there a better compromise I could do?

Edit: Hey! Thanks for the response. I think I'll look at the modified AIP diet.

I've not been doing complicated recipes, and I can't really batch cook as I have a very small kitchen. Very little countertop space, and a tiny fridge with letter box size freezer. I have been doing 'simple' meals like veg and meat in the oven, but if you have severe fatigue, the cooking, prep and wash up for that 3 times a day can actually be very intense. If I'm struggling to shower, i don't want to have to cook as well.

18:32 UTC


Compliant food places in Washington DC?

Hi everyone, I’m about to go to Washington DC for a week, flying over from the midwest. Are there any compliant restaurants near the DC “mall” area? I know steakhouses are usually best because it’s easier to get plain protein and a veggie there but the ones I’ve been seeing online are a little over my budget. I’m staying in a place with a kitchen, but since I’ll be out sightseeing everyday, it’d be nice to be able to stop somewhere for a meal rather than having to travel back to my room each time.

22:22 UTC


Grocery Shopping with Autoimmune diet and Suggestions for symptoms

Hi, I'm new here.

I am still not quite diagnosed yet, however, I am getting told we are looking at Multiple Connective Tissue Disease and they are specifically looking towards Lupus.

Because of this, I have been doing research to change my diet. I know what I am suppose to stay away from, yet no matter what when I'm shopping I can barely find anything organic or lower sodium, no garlic, etc... Any suggestions?

My Rhuematoid Factor had come back very elevated. They said I need to be in a 3.0 to 5.0 and I was at a 15. All my symptoms do correlate with Lupus. Lots of swelling in the face, hands, feet, ankles, etc.. lots of bruising all over my legs, memory loss, dizziness, hearing loss, FATIGUE, difficulty breathing, and lots and lots of pain in my lower back in the pelvic area, shoulders, neck, arms, and fingers. I've always had knee issues so idk if the knee pain is apart of it or not. I'm having a small amount of hair loss, nervous ticks, and muscle weakness in my shoulders, arms and wrists, and sometimes in the lower spine that makes sitting feel really weird and I have to lay down. If you guys have any suggestions to help that would be great. I do get to see the Rheumatologist fairly soon, I get in May 23rd. Which my mom says is really good because it takes like 3-4 months for a specialist like that. idk. But especially for the swelling, if you all have any suggestions that would be great! Thank you guys!

06:09 UTC


AIP Hot Cocoa and Marshmallows Recipe

03:53 UTC


Yeast infection as reaction?

Hi everyone. I’m just starting out with reintroducing foods. This weekend I tried rice (I know that’s out of order, but my therapist insisted). I thought it was going well. I had no reactions that I was aware of. But this evening, I suddenly came down with the worst yeast infection I’ve ever had.

I was out of town this weekend—regional differences in water can be YI triggers for me sometimes—so it could just be a coincidence. But it has made me a bit nervous to try rice again. Is anyone aware of this as a possible reaction?

03:36 UTC


Dealing with breaking the protocol due to other people's mistakes

This is more of a rant than asking for advice, ngl. I just feel a bit frustrated. I re-started my AIP journey a while ago, and I have been careful with my food choices, making sure everything is compliant. I wanted to buy some sausages from my local butcher for a dish but on the ingredients list it just said "spices" (that's legal here). So I made sure that it would not have paprika in it and the butcher reassured me that it doesn't have any. I go to eat them, and guess what sausages were a bit spicy and had flecks of red in them? I got a slight heartburn, nothing serious fortunately, but it is still frustrating to eat something against my wishes because of a mistake of another person. (Reminds me of a time when I was eating gluten free and wanted to buy buckwheat bread and I double checked that it only had buckwheat in it and the seller reassured me that it only has buckwheat only to see on their website later that it has 50% good old wheat in it... sigh....).

23:24 UTC


Expectations for recovery?

Hi everyone, I've been on AIP for a little over four weeks (Hashimoto's and some unspecified gut issues and food allergies). I immediately noticed a difference in almost all my symptoms, including things I didn't expect might be related, but within the past week or so I've been feeling some symptoms return and it's disheartening. I know the healing process might take time and is rarely linear, but I was hoping for some reassurance. Did anyone else experience this during their journey? Is this expected, or is it an indication something might need to be adjusted? Things like that. I'm still in the elimination phase, fully compliant. I am willing and prepared to make AIP a long-term change, but am curious what the typical recovery timeline looks like since, I'd heard people typically feel worse or the same at first, but haven't seen much info about symptoms improving and then returning while still in compliance. Thanks!

23:09 UTC


What are your favorite snacks/quick meals?

What are your go to snacks that you always have on hand in case you get hungry and don't have time to cook?

09:39 UTC

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