
Photograph via snooOG

Ask questions of Reddit users over 60 years of age.

Ask questions of Reddit users over 60 years of age. Any responses starting with "Well, I am not over 60, but..." or the equivalent, will be removed.


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Seeking participants to understand Senior Healthcare Needs (65+)

Dear Redditors,

I'm working on a research project at Freie Universität, Germany, focused on understanding the health challenges faced by people aged 65 and above. This research aims to identify areas where healthcare services can be improved to better support the elderly population. To gain valuable insights, I'm seeking participants for brief, 30-minute interviews. Your participation is completely anonymous and can be conducted through your preferred method: direct message, email, video/phone call, or any other messaging platform.

During the interview, we'll discuss topics like:

  • Daily health related activities
  • Accessibility of desired healthcare services
  • Medication usage
  • Comfort level communicating with doctors
  • Sources for learning about healthy habits

Your participation and insights will be invaluable in helping us gain a deeper understanding of the challenges you face. Rest assured, you are not obligated to answer any questions that make you uncomfortable.

If you're interested in participating, please DM me or comment on this post. Thank you!!

12:17 UTC


Seeking interviewee for my Master's of Social Work project

I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to post this.

My name is Kat, I'm 33, and I'm pursuing a Masters in Social Work.

The final project for my Human Behavior in the Social Environment course is to interview someone about their life story. This person needs to be 64 or older. I am then to write a reflective paper about the interview, integrating some of the developmental theories that were in the course curriculum.

The interview should take about 2 hours. The particular focus will be on young adulthood up to the present. You can choose if there are any areas or periods you don't want to discuss. I'll also be happy to send you the paper before submission so you can correct any inaccuracies etc.

If you'd be willing to be the interviewee for this project please message me or comment here! You'd be really helping me out. To be transparent, I need to complete the interview by Friday night, April 19, to have enough time to write the paper. We could do the interview via Zoom or phone, whatever is more comfortable for you. We can also split up the interview into a couple sessions.

Thank you!

00:49 UTC


Those in long term marriages. Care to share the story on how it all started?

I'll be glad to start. High school in 12th grade I went to work at a store called Drug Fair. Kind of a precursor to the future Walmart. Too long of a drive for me but I was young. Met a gorgeous 11th grader and we attended the same school but did not know each other before then. One early cold Sunday AM three of us arrived to do inventory with a manager who was not there yet. I was sitting in my 65 Ford with no working heat and it was in the low 20's. I was cold as can be. After a bit I knew I had to ask one of the two girls in the lot if I could sit in their car to wait. One was the cute one I mentioned and the other was a cute skater girl. I chose the one I mentioned and she was happy to let me sit with her. This turned out to be the best decision of my entire life. We've been together 47 years and to this day she is still the only one for me.

10:51 UTC


70 m4m dg/joco kansas

How to post a senior male friend or two wanted by 70 yo m4m joco dg county without breaking the rules and why rules anyway. they seem to vary by day time place etc- hence my inquiry - thank you so much for your trouble

18:52 UTC


Redditors with laugh or frown lines: What was it like developing those lines? How did it make you feel?

I ask because I'm 32 and have been going through some tough times... I guess I've been furrowing my brow so much lately that I've started to develop a crease between my eyebrows. It feels like a permanent reminder of how awful I've been feeling, and it really scares me in a vain, but also in an existential sort of way. I would be happy to hear your perspectives on this matter, and on getting older in general. ❤

22:23 UTC


Did you find your life purpose over your journey till now or you are just living?

12:43 UTC


Looking to Interview Someone over 65+

Hello, I have an assignment for my nursing class where I have to interview someone 65 or older. It’s been difficult to find people in my personal life who are in that age range and are also willing to get interviewed too. I would not mind doing the interview through emails as I have premade questions already!

The questions mostly consists of personal questions such as:

• daily living • childhood (hometown, parents, siblings etc) • traditions • expectations/importance in your life • risks

05:32 UTC


If You Think You Lack Art Skills, Remember This

Is there anyone who missed out on going to art school? Care to share you story?

22:46 UTC


More than a friend?

USA - Me 60+ Female and widowed. Him 60 and married. He helped me over many months in a professional setting. Knowing he was married kept me from wishing for anything more. He just admitted to getting having gotten a divorce. He didn't mention it before because it was embarrassing and he feels like a failure. All I could think was, "OMG! He's available!" Like, I am fantasizing and dreaming of him. I want it to be more than a professional relationship, but I don't want to scare him off by being too upfront and forward. Thoughts?

06:21 UTC


What wake up call?

What was a happening or a thing, that made you realize you were actually getting old? For me it was when my daughter turned 45. I wasn't paying attention to it until it snuck up on me. The years flew by before my brain caught up.

19:52 UTC


80 Year Olds Share Their BIGGEST Mistakes

23:57 UTC


Best of Mrs Oliver - Part 1

Anyone know which car is in this 3 minute video?

19:15 UTC


Generational Attitudes Towards Work

Hi all! I'm a high school teacher, and one of my students is conducting research about work/life attitudes of different generations for her senior thesis. She has a very short survey to supplement her academic research that I told her I would share here (for obvious reasons, I can't advise a student to go on Reddit...). Any responses are much appreciated!

If you have any comments (please be respectful, and remember that she's in high school, not working on a doctoral dissertation), please leave them below and I'll pass them on to her!

Generational Attitudes Towards Work

18:05 UTC


What do you think of the parents you know who have estranged kids?

21:11 UTC


Hands Across America

Did any of you participate in Hands Across America in May 1986 when approximately 6 million people joined hands to try and form a chain across America? I am more than plenty old enough but I did not participate. Did you?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hands_Across_America

1 Comment
22:33 UTC


Small Thanksgiving

After my mom died two Thanksgivings ago, the 24+ guests who she used to host have scattered. Last year the three of us went out for Portuguese food, which was good, but it didn’t feel like Thanksgiving. It is not easy to find a traditional Thanksgiving meal in a restaurant. What do you do to make your holiday festive if it’s just a small gathering? Anyone else having a small Thanksgiving this year?

23:34 UTC


Senior Dating

If only I was talking about High School! My (71M) wife of 35 years passed away awhile ago, and I am ready to put toe back in the maelstrom of dating. What have your experiences been from both a male and female perspective? Any sites to recommend? I know each experience is different but personal stories also help.

14:02 UTC


Looking to interview someone 65+

Hi there, I'm looking to interview someone 65 or older for an assignment for my social work masters program. I'm struggling to find anyone in my personal life who's both 1)65+ and 2)willing to be interviewed about some semi personal stuff. The interview can be in dms or comments if you'd like! Or we can work something else out if that's more comfortable for you. There's 2 categories of questions

  1. biographical - asking questions about your life, how you grew up, major life events, etc
  2. aging related - things like "how do you think you looked at the process of aging when you were younger, and how do you look at it now?", that kinda thing.

I understand that this can be a little personal, but if you'd be willing to be interviewed/let me ask some questions, I'd be really grateful. Thank you!!

13:57 UTC


Anyone Else’s World Getting Smaller?

13:18 UTC


Need to interview someone 65+

Is this a permitted request? If not, is there a sub I can turn to for this?

It's for a social work course. Here are the questions to expect:

A short description of the older adult and their living situation.
What does successful aging means to that person?
Do they feel they are aging successfully?
If not, what are their barriers?
If so, what factors have helped the person to achieve this?

22:55 UTC


Is earning 79% Guaranteed Interest with an Annuity Real?

20:26 UTC


Bucket list items

Anybody else thinking they better get to work on their big want to accomplish items before it’s too late? M60 wanting to hike the AT and or another big trail in 2024.

15:35 UTC

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