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Professionals here to answer your psychiatric questions. Moderators have verified credentials for any member with flair.


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Is the test gonna be valid if i forgot to fill the time completed segment in the mmpi test?

I just completed mmpi test two days ago for job application purposes. But I just clocked now that I forgot to fill in the time I've completed the test, and I remember the examiner said I should complete the test in under 2 hours (I did) or else its validity might be questioned. So will it be fatal?

05:53 UTC


Is Clonidine a good med for PTSD?

26m 183lbs 5"10

I'm currently on 3mg of Intuniv (generic) for ADHD and off label PTSD.

While it's helped (honestly, quite a bit compared to baseline), I'm reading that Guanfacine doesn't actually have much (any?) data backing up its efficiency for PTSD in adults*.

Clonidine, however, has shown some promise in treating PTSD (I'm guessing due to reducing norepinephrine more than Guanfacine and/or acting on more receptors?).

In your clinical experience, is Clonidine more effective for PTSD than Guanfacine?

I have severe PTSD along with dissociation/anxiety/depression/OCD.

If Clonidine can help more than Guanfacine, I'm all for it.

Thank you and have a good day!

1 Comment
04:51 UTC


How do you taper your benzo patients?

I have used benzos for sleep and panic attacks however I was prescribed Restoril by my GP for 3 months. Trying to come off it cold turkey was hell. I was given Ativan 1mg by my psych PA for panic attacks. The problem was: coming of Restoril was like one long panic attack.

Long story short, I’ve been taking some form of benzo for 6-8 months. Now I’m trying to taper. But my psych NP (my insurance changed) wants to do a taper where I just simply don’t take any meds on some days. Lower doses on others etc. and basically do it based on my symptoms.

I’ve done some research and it seems this is not really a good idea and there are more structured ways to do this that are safer and less agonizing.

So, how do you do it?

02:31 UTC


Wondering what would be a good medication to take with my bad anxiety and depression? Olanzapine and Prozac, or lexapro and abilify or trintellix and abilify?

I don’t have an active life currently compared to the past, I get emotional and very anxious easily. I don’t want more weight gain. I already got to watch my weight hence hesitation with olanzapine again. Olanzapine and Prozac worked good in the past when I was more active. I’m worried the activating effect of Prozac will be more hard on my anxiety when I’m not doing enough to occupy myself at this stage in life due to depression and feeling stuck. I am looking at lexapro and trintellix but the potential teeth grinding from lexapro is a bit much as well as lethargy which I don’t need more of. Also the trintellix can potentially cause nausea and I worry about that too. I hate nausea and can get diarrhea easily on my own from an upset stomach. Also heard some people had fog on it and I’m already easily forgetful.

1 Comment
02:25 UTC


I need help

For context I used LSD (half a tab and then stacked another tab with a mixture of weed and alcohol) around september. It turned out to be the worst day of my life while I had a bad trip for the first time (looping thoughts). I regretted it so much. After the day was over I was finally able to sleep it off and the effects soon washed away with time, and I had this thing all blown over.

Fast forward to now, I don’t know what prompted me to look at this weird hallucinogenic drug called Salvia which can last about 20 minutes (I had no absolute intention on using just love researching), then I came across this forum webpage that talked about the bad trips of Salvia and for some reason I got really scared off of what I was reading. Then below the section of bad trips there were medical drawbacks that came from that drug. I was reading how people developed this thing called HPPD which basically means that the trip forever stays in your brain.

In all, this really sent me down the rabbit hole and I began testing if I was truly on that same trip from a few months ago. This all happened around friday, and I feel like I developed some sort of depersonalization behavior from it. It truly feels like I am dissociated from my body and I keep thinking about the bad trip and comparing it to things now which makes me sad.

The main problem I am having is a mixture of loss of self (I think that I am just doing the act without a reason to do it if that makes sense) and my eyesight feels very weary. If I had to describe more of my eyesight problem it feels like those eyes are kinda loosely dragging and tired kinda like if I was still in that horrible high state of mind.

I also feel like with this weird vision that it is not like what I had before knowing all of this stuff. If this sounds dumb then it probably is, but I am telling the truth. I want my vision and my brain to think better and clearly again like it did before. I need help.

My friends and family say that I keep overthinking it and it might be phantom symptoms, but I’m not totally sure. I really can’t shake this disgusting feeling off. I need help.

1 Comment
01:49 UTC


Bipolar maintenance medications that work but don't have horrible side effects?

I'm 29 years old and have bipolar disorder. Bipolar meds I've tried are lamotrigine (doesn't keep me from getting hypomanic episodes), lithium (literally makes me shit myself), quetiapine (makes me too drowsy to do anything), valproate (makes me gain a lot of weight), olanzapine (works but made me gain dozens of pounds and sleep 11.5 hours a day). Is there any medication that doesn't suck? my psychiatrist is putting me on lurasidone but afaict there aren't any studies supporting its use as a maintenance treatment for bipolar disorder. Is it likely to help? Are there any effective meds that don't have horrible side effects?

00:42 UTC


Is medication Effective Against Personality Disorders?

I just got insurance again and will start talk therapy after the new year. I'm considering a psychiatric evaluation and medication for some issues and have been doing a lot of research. Initially I just wanted to get some treatment for depression and anxiety. But In my research I'm starting to see "patterns" in myself and my family that line up with certain personality disorders. Both in how we were raised and how all of us kind of behave now.

I'm also starting to think I might have similar if not the same personality disorder, just not as severe. Obviously, I'll leave this all till the evaluation. But I am curious now.

I know my sister has been to therapy and is heavily medicated but I also know none of her admitted diagnoses involve personality disorders and she seems to be just getting worse, more and more textbook as time goes on (in this case lets just say its some on the nose Cluster B stuff.) She's impossible to deal with has basically alienated herself from everyone with this behavior.

So, what I want to know is whether or not a psych evaluation can miss disorders, do you have to specifically ask to be tested for something or is it like a large filter? Secondly, can personality disorders be helped through medication.

00:37 UTC


Looking for guidance about a broad screening of conditions

Hello People, Im looking to see if there is a test or collection of tests that can be used as an early indication of conditions on a broad scale.
My partner is diagnosed Dyslectic but as years have gone by it seems as though she struggles with issues outside of the Dyslexia. ASD, ADHD and perhaps some other learning and comprehension issues have become apparent and before going to see medical professionals about any particular 1 thing it is much better if we can go with some pre indications in order to reduce waiting times for appointments (for example to be seen by the Adult ADHD team there is a 2 year waiting list)

any tools, or early indication tests that are available would be a great start.

Thank you

23:59 UTC



F30, ASD, Depression, Anxiety, Trauma

I'll be going to a new psychiatrist this month and I'ld like some advice on what I should bring. He's not my regular psychiatrist though. He will have to evaluate my past traumas and all my treatments up until now to determine whether I qualify for euthanasia.

Since he'll have to assess my past, I was wondering which documents would be useful for him to have. I know I should bring a medication list, but what else?

23:31 UTC


Does Abilify + Lithium work better than just one of those?

Me: 31M, 5'10", 185lb, Caucasian, diagnosed with Type I Bipolar and long-term Functional Neurologic Disorder (Conversion Disorder not rooted in stress or trauma), only taking vitamin D. I see my general practitioner annually for a checkup and blood work and all my blood work is normal except for low good cholesterol. I got a brain MRI with contrast and it showed no sign of anything medically wrong with it.

Question: I am trying to decide between just Lithium, just Abilify, or Lithium + Abilify. Does Abilify + Lithium combination work better than just one of those? Does anyone have any studies comparing the efficacy of Abilify + Lithium versus just Lithium or just Abilify?

23:15 UTC


How much dopamine dose Caplyta 10.5 block?

How much dopamine dose Caplyta 10.5 block?

22:48 UTC


Wondering about a question I was asked

I was meeting a new psychiatrist today and they were going through all the basic mental health questions they ask you at the start when you’re meeting one of them for the first time.

I decided to tell them about my weed usage, and they asked pretty typical questions, what I thought they’d ask- how often I use it, how much, what I like about it etc.

Then they asked me if there’s anything I don’t like about the drug, and that threw me off a bit cause I wasn’t expecting it.

What’s the point of this question? Like what are they looking for with the answers? I can’t think of how this could be relevant in any way, like how I assume telling them what I like about the drug is used in figuring out healthier alternatives etc

The question doesn’t bother me at all, it just was not what I was expecting and I want to know what they’re asking it for- I should’ve asked in the moment but it really threw me off

Or was this maybe just a question not in the list you guys have to ask, and just my psychiatrist making conversation?

22:35 UTC


Clinic psychiatrist told me to leave immediatly

Have been a clinic patient for 3 months following an attempt. Bipolar, Bordernline, anxiety, hypervigilance, autism, traumatic childhood,and so on. Id like to give more info but I am at loss of what I myself am suffering from. I have not been able to sleep and I've lost 14kg in a month and a half. Iv had issues with my psychiatrist who is very difficult and very strict. I talk to patients with far more understanding psychiatrists, while mine wants to clock me out because she "rolls out patients every 3 months" while other patients stay as long as they need.

Shes been trying various meds without success and told me to walk before eating to develop an apetite or do sports(I have lost it, I can barely eat and my stomach constantly feels full) I am a passive if not joyful person, i struggle with my internal problems that seem to be too deep in my subconcious for me to find what to work on. I in no way am disrespectful, disruptive, or violent. I am just lost and depressed and at the end of my rope.

Last week she said something that broke me and my brain completely. I dont know what subconscious trigger she unleashed but something snapped. I am at loss. I dont know who I am and what is happening. I told her that she did something and doesnt take me seriously and I can no longer trust her and she immediatly told me we need to set up a date for me to leave the clinic. I told her I'd like to try with another psychiatrist at the clinic and she just. Snapped, and told me to leave tomorrow. No transfer, no taking into account my current state and how I am NOT ready to leave. Just... Leave tomorrow.

My mom called her and Idk how the psych turned the situation around but said I leave in a week instead.

Ive been sent to multiple clinics over the years and I am at my lowest, but this is the best clinic Ive ever been to. Because there is a great medical team that takes good care of me, and a psychologist Ive managed to do great progress with. I have a very difficult time oppening up. I barely can graze the meaning of "oppening up" yet. I cant imagine finding a clinic that treats me as well, or start psychological work from scratch in another clinic.

I am at loss of what to do. Am I being discriminated ? Why do other patients spend an hour everyday with their psychiatrists and can stay for months on end until they are better while mine treats me like a steak shes sending away on a plate to be eaten ? What do I do to be able to stay in this clinic ? I cannot seek counsel with upper management as they will 100% side with her, despite evidences of neglect (mainly, the weight loss that she did not give a shit about, disturbing paranoia that sometimes make me confuse dreams and reality, might be induced by the lack of eatingand sleeping) Discussion about switching psychiatrists seem absolutely impossible.

I don't know what to do and I am scared, shaken and confused. Do I crawl and apologize, stand firm ?Please help me.

21:25 UTC



Does antipsychotics change personality?

21:11 UTC


Been on paxil 12.5 mg for 7yrs and having problem with weaning off

Can someone please suggest a doctor who helps with this and any tips remedies etcc.. Appreciate it

20:59 UTC


How do medications cause suicidal thoughts?

Often, when I see an ad for medications on TV, one of the side-effects listed is that they can increase suicidal thoughts in children, teens, and young adults.

How do medications cause these thoughts? I understand the basics behind how medications decrease negative moods, etc., but I don't get how they can cause new thoughts to occur.

20:47 UTC


Do I get better benefits out of grounding myself to the present before doing anything?

I’ve been journaling for a few years now. But for many of those years I was stuck in fight/flight and constantly dissociating. This year I learned about mindfulness and grounding myself. I’ve made so much progress with my nervous system as well.

I realized that my journaling entries have more effect when I’m present. Back then if I wrote down my accomplishments in a stressed state, I would feel nothing. Now when I write down my accomplishments and show myself compassion after I ground myself first, I can feel the happiness and shift in emotions.

I also noticed that my habits are stronger. Before even if I was consistent with habits it still felt like a drag to do them. Now after 2-3 months journaling and meditating is second nature. It’s automatic. I’ve been making sure I ground myself throughout the day.

So my question is does being present and grounding yourself help with habits, mindsets, and other stuff like that? Or is it basically the same when dissociating or flight/flight vs me being present?

20:32 UTC


How would my school life be affected if i went inpatient?

My psychiatrist told me last time that if i dont get any better i will have to go to a mental hospital and for a fact i have not gotten better at all. Im afraid that if i show or tell them about my selfharm they will totally send me there. I go to a pretty strong highschool which is hard to get into and im really afraid that if i get put inpatient they will kick me out of the school or ill miss out too much and then be kicked out because of shit grades. 16F

1 Comment
20:18 UTC


Incidence of Delayed-onset Withdrawals?

I heard a story from a woman who said she got hit with withdrawals after a month of being off Cymbalta. She said she was essentially fine for a month off the drug and then abruptly crashed and became incapacitated.

Some questions I have about this are:

  • If you have seen this in your practice, how common is it?

  • Are there drugs where this is more commonly seen?

  • Have you ever observed someone crashing after 3+ months? (I've heard this reported anecdotally but haven't seen literature on it)

  • In what percent of people do you think it was withdrawals v. relapse?

If you have never seen this in your experience I'd be interested in hearing that too.

I've already asked Chat GPT about this so I am more interested in hearing people's clinical experience and observations.

20:14 UTC


In a person with IBS and a gastric sleeve plus GERD, is there a non stimulant medication that treats inattentive adhd

My wife takes adhd meds but needs a non stimulant due to addiction issues in the family, but she is afraid to trial a non stimulant medication because she has a weak stomach and is sensitive to meds. She takes 27.5 mg tablets of Ritalin LA I think is what it says but it’s extended release I believe.

Is there a non stimulant medication that doesn’t usually cause nausea or is easy on the stomach in most? I know the answer really is she needs to talk to her doctor but I’m trying to convince her to do just that and to do that I want to be informed because right now she isn’t hearing it.



19:16 UTC


Seeing fuzzy and white mist when infamily gatherings 😵‍💫

To professionals (psychiatrists or closely related professions and sciences) or anyone who has found an explaination to similar experience: For the past 2 years when in family gatherings (meaning even when my mother and granny cook and chat in the living room/kitchen area) I feel lightheaded and see something I can describe, for lack of a better word, as White Mist. A year ago some of my family's faces seemed kinda funky/melted/zombie like when I tried to focus on them.I have found at times the experience pretty off putting, recently I just try to leave as quickly as possible.

In general I have bad connection with them and I find the atmosphere in gathering pretty choking and annoying and antagonizing (in a person trying to regulate their sense of self through others kinda sense). I had struggled with drug use in my teens (not acid), im sober 4.5 years now (23 yo) and a psychiatrist has diagnosed me with bpd, I generally struggle with desicion making, especially in relation to relationships with people.

edit: in my country greece, family is very important

What do you think is going on?

18:40 UTC


Steroid induced psychosis. Its been a year 😭 please help 🙏🏻

I was diagnosed with ms last december and i was given a 3 day course of oral prednisone 1250mg per day abrupt stop to be taken at home. The 3 days went fine.. day 4 I was relieved to be done with it and on day 5 i went into severe panic attacks, severe insomnia, never been more depressed in my life, extremely agitated for months could not sit still, and the most depressing symptom that still exists almost a year later is the constant racing thoughts that will not let me concentrate on anything, EVER. My thoughts skip around to future, past, nonsensical BS all day long except for what I am trying to do in front of me. I wake up with these thoughts early every single morning.

On pred withdrawal i ended up in the ER to which they gave me ativan. A few days later my gp prescribed 25mg quetiapine for sleep. It made me feel dead and i started to twitch, had hypnogogic hallucinations, i swear I heard the ambulance driving by several times and nothing. I told my gp and she changed doseage to 50mg xr quetiapine and insisted i push through side effects. This went on for 7 weeks until I got mad and she swapped it to an actual sleeping pill.. dayvigo. Finally she doubled my antidepressant from 150mg daily of which ive been on for years to 300mg. That lasted a week.. im sure I had signs of seretonin syndromn. Dropped back to 225 and finally 6 months later i direct switched to pristiq 100mg. It was too much. Dropped to 50mg.. not enough. Why for the love of god is there no 25mg pristiq pill in canada? Now I am back on effexor to taper off pristiq and she wants to move me to sertraline.

Sleep has improved with the exception of early waking and ruminating the second I open my eyes. I have no access to a psychiatrist in BC without a massive wait list and cannot pay out of pocket for a private. I NEED my mind to shut up so I can focus on recovery. Doc will not prescrige add on for anxiety.. will not assess me for adhd until im stable on antidepressants but I will not be stable until I can focus on something?!

Do I have adhd? Did steroids crank the dial on it? Is it ocd? I am desperate to get back to my life and family. 🙏🏻

18:35 UTC


Why did my dr prescribe me 15mg olanzapine to sleep 2 years ago and make me gain 65kg in weight which ruined my life. Today i got a prescription for amiben and thats all i need!

seriously, im not even psycotic i was on that 15mg olanzapine JUST for sleep. Now I switched to quietipine because it gives me less of an appetite, I PLEADED and finally got prescribed 10mg Zolpidem and it works! why put me through all that, my heart is fucked I have high cholesterol

16:57 UTC


Greetings! I would like to ask why medication increases can at first cause negative affects that last a few days or weeks

So, I took lamotragine for BP2 and when I bumped up from 50 to 100mg, I had a mood swing 5 days later. I just want to know the science behind medications making you feel bad before they make you feel better.

16:40 UTC


How long does psychosis last?

If someone goes through psychosis, is it possible for them not to recover at all even with medication? I've had it for 7 years and I am under treatment but it's sometimes better and sometimes worse but never completely goes away. How will I know if it's getting better?

16:13 UTC


If I have true BD1 then why do prescription stimulants not trigger mania? Even in Supra-therapeutic doses?

So regrettably—after getting my career and life back on track I relapsed again on adhd meds. I think maybe I’ll just stick to taking them as prescribed because while they don’t cause mania in me the depression and scattered mind for the days after a large dose is too much anymore. I finally made it out of a very very dark two days follow one very large dose ( about 300mg ritalin) don’t feel like doing exact math as it was 27.5 mg LA variety but chewed.

I know this is not ideal and it’s not what I intended to do with my life. I am working with a therapist to help me get stay clean and have made great strides just slipped and had a curiosity that if I have true BD1 then why in all my time with stimulants I don’t know that I’ve ever had true mania and not just the active effects of stimulants.

Yet I was diagnosed with BD unspecified when inpatient at 17 and before I ever was prescribed adhd meds. So idk. Just why would t they trigger mania. Maybe Ritalin is less of a risk because less serotonin?

Idk. But usually I’m prescribed an amphetamine.

15:33 UTC


Clozapine + oxcarbazepine. Help?

My doc put me on clozapine 100 mg and oxcarbazepine 300 mg as mood stabilizers for bipolar 1. Clozapine works wonders, but it makes me fat and always hungry (I already put on quite a bit of weight). Doc added oxcarbazepine 3 days ago and I already feel a difference in my anxiety and overall calmness. I asked them if I could decrease clozapine a little bit and increase oxcarbazepine in order to be stabilized with less weight gain. He texted me back saying 'no'.

Is it really a stupid idea or should I insist?

11:10 UTC


What's the worst patient you've ever met ?

Is there any psychiatrist or related field doctor here? I won't take much of your time sir/ma'am but would be grateful if you could spare some minutes to guide me .

Thanks in advance

10:59 UTC


Med Options for BP1?

26 Afab, Currently taking 500mg Epival following decrease from 1250mg after toxicity following restart of medication after 2 months no meds.

Epival is making me sick. I’ve had toxicity 3x at different doses (1500, 1250 & 1000) since beginning it over a year ago. Anything lower than 1000 causes me to cycle through mania at the smallest of stressors.

I need to be on something to treat my bipolar that won’t cause more problems. I can’t take many anti-psychotics. My psych won’t prescribe Lithium or any Benzos.

I’m tempted to try IM Abilify again. My pharmacist said that wouldn’t treat symptoms unless i’m in an acute manic episode though.

Any suggestions appreciated. I’m going back to school in January. I need a game plan.

10:02 UTC


Everytime I try to ask my psychiatrist about anxiety related to hormones he dismisses me- why?

Everytime I try to ask him about anxiety related to my birth control or hormone issues, he says "I don't deal with anything below here" and will gesture to his shoulders.

He is more than willing to discuss my other non psych medications such as my migraines meds or blood pressure meds though.

I am an SA survivor and have PTSD, vulvodynia, and vaginismus, and it really hurts my feelings to be dismissed.

08:20 UTC

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