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Ask Americans is a sub all about the United States of America and its culture. It's a place to respectfully discuss the USA's history, current events, politics, culture and people. A forum for residents and foreigners alike.

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What would you do with the extra money when the federal tax rate is 0?

Tariff❤️, the most beautiful word.

1 Comment
00:18 UTC


Are most American aware that races is a social construct?

To me, an European. It's evident that the races as intended in the American way is a construction developed as it is right now, in your society.

Mean it, I am not saying that in other society there are not similar categorization of citizen based on social group and consequent discrimination.

In italy, we are in a way aware our categorization is due to social phenomenon like immigration for example. ( Italian are very xenophobic). So you have people hating other people who are not in their same social group. As it happen everywhere.

Although there is not a reason why social group should be inherited. Which is good because societies changes quite fast, generation by generation. As it happens for Italian communities in American during last century history which legal "races" attribution changed a lot.

We received a lot of post on the subgroup for Italian culture (r/Italian) which instead of asking about Italian culture often talking about races and genetic. Which does not fit well within culture which is something transmitted not inherited.

Are they black sheep or it is a common way of thinking? The average American would understand me when I tell him races are just social construct?

22:54 UTC


What do you think of these national days?

Given that there are wild celebrations on the 4th of July (Independence Day), I was wondering what you all think of these other national days.

  • 🇮🇪 Saint Patrick's Day (17th March) 🇮🇪
  • 🇨🇦 Canada Day (1st July) 🇨🇦
  • 🇫🇷 Bastille Day (14th July) 🇫🇷
  • 🇩🇪 German Unity Day (3rd October) 🇩🇪
  • 🇪🇺 Europe Day (9th May) 🇪🇺
18:50 UTC


What do you actually think of Europe’s?

There are Americans who think USA is the best country and Europe sucks and stuff like that but I feel it is the loud minority. What do you guys actually think?

17:15 UTC


What is a smaller town like in America?

I’m writing a story set in 1999 about teenagers which takes place in a smaller town,the issue is I’m from Central Europe. So far I’ve been building up this town from my experience living in a smaller town.I’m curious for things like:

  • How many highschools are there in a smaller town on average.In my home town, which is relatively small, we have 3 highschools so I’m curious.This would be really important for my story.
  • Can a mall be in a smaller town?And would it be realistic if it had a mall?
  • Are there apartmant complexes in a smaller town? Something like the image I attached.

Where I live,half of the town is just apartmant complexes,but I don’t know What it’s like in America.

Please take in mind that the story takes place in 1999.

13:08 UTC


Is the use of German expressions a trend?

Good morning,

In the past few months I have been noticing more and more American people using German words in their speech, especially educated people. Jordan Peterson used German adjectives in his book 12 Rules for Life - An Antidote to Chaos. Right now I am watching a Behind the Scenes movie in which someone from the producing crew used the German word "Angst" (fear).

That makes me wonder: is this a trend u have noticed? Amongst what demographic/social groups is it spread?

06:13 UTC


Do you believe tariffs on Canadian goods are helpful to Americans?

TLDR: Why though?

The trade surplus only exists because of oil, and the US buys Canadian oil at a huge discount (now 25% more expensive anticipating tarrifs) Same with hydro electricity. Theres no way that they are turning off the tap on these. We actually dont produce much outside of natural resources, so our entire country is pretty confused by this game. I see growing anti-american sentiment (believe what you want), and turning tides where Canadians seek to be disjoint from the US, charge more, and get the much sought after resources to different markets. These are infustries that cant "come home" to the US.

Whats the move? Who gains from this? What is the US actually trying to do? Do you actually believe that Canada is catching the bill, when Americans pay the tarrif south of the border?

Fent and migrants have been mentioned, but what contributing factors exist that Canada actually has influence on? Seems like a drop in the ocean on our border when looking at the scale of those issues.

05:24 UTC


Moratorium on Trump "support" questions & "fight back" posts.

We're getting spammed by these. If you want to know why people support Trump, there is a perfect sub for that- r/AskTrumpSupporters . The focus of our sub is not inherently political in nature. We do not endorse or advocate for politicians or political parties. If you're actually interested in those topics, there is no shortage of political/specialized subs. r/Askpolitics

05:11 UTC


Do migrants enter Puerto Rico?

There's a lot of attention on migrants and undocumented residents in the USA right now for obvious reasons.

But Puerto Rico is geographically in amongst many less wealthy island countries.

Is the issue of Birthright Citizenship a factor in Puerto Rico?

04:46 UTC


What do you think of Valentina Gomez she seems completely unhinged

00:40 UTC



I've been thinking about traveling to America for a long time, but money has held me back as everything seems so expensive.

Now I'm planning a trip but not sure where to go. I'm a 22-year-old guy into sports like golf, Formula 1, and rugby.

Motorsports are a big passion-I've tried dirt bikes, but it's not easy to access in the UK.

I also want to experience nightlife, meet loads of people my age, and explore the differences in lifestyle.

Any recommendations on the best state to visit ?

17:11 UTC


What's tge difference between sheriffs and policemen?

14:55 UTC


Whats an avg price of a steak that have some bio certificate and in general is good quality without any growth hormones usage.

Is this kind of food sold at every market or its more like you need to go for it to the specific place?

10:23 UTC


Malaysian airlines 370


We are an 8th grade in Norway that is doing a project and the students are supposed to interview a person of interest in a subject they are interested in. I have a groups that are intrigued by disappearance of Malaysian.

Is there anyone here that knows a bit about it and could be willing to do an interview online for 10-15 min with them?

We are open for mainly anyone with any knowledge on the topic.

If you have any questions please contact me here, and sorry for reaching out. But I figured I might as well try.

09:41 UTC


Freedoms & Rights

Hi I'm just curious about something, can anyone post any footage of people online in the USA?

For example, police with body cams enter the house of a suspected criminal, and the footage of the inside of this persons property and their identity is later published online.

Also inside court rooms which later televise and publish online, whole cases with defendants and prosecutors identities.

How does the constitution allow for this when you have so many protections, rights and freedoms available to you, which are encoded in the US Constitution?

In my perspective it's that you guys have no right to nor expectation of privacy even in your own homes or on your own private properties.. is this correct?

If so, why & how do you allow this!?

05:46 UTC


How do Americans nowadays feel about the Kennedys? From JFK to the current RFK ?

I thought JFK was a widely respected president with a great legacy and just found the things RFK is known for. How do people perceive the Kennedys in the current days? Has it changed since the 60s ?

03:14 UTC


Recently I memorized the word 'niggardly'

It means stingy and unwilling to share. Is that meaning derived from N-word? If so, is it racism to use that word?

00:24 UTC


Why do you let politics divide you?

We have more in common than separates us. Especially compared to the 1%

23:54 UTC


Is impeachment an option?

If I remember correctly, President Clinton was impeached for lying about his relations. When does impeachment become possible? How come this isn’t being discussed widely?

Edit: Thanks for clarifying! I’m purely curious, and I’m less familiar with the American political process than you.

21:17 UTC


Survey what are the differences between British English and American English.

Hello, I hope you’re doing well! I’m conducting a survey for school, and I’d be grateful if you could take a few minutes to participate. Your input would be incredibly helpful.

Edit: thank u for those that have commented and explain to me. That is have excluded native speakers i have learn alot!! So thank u!!

16:46 UTC


hey, good morning. i bought this at a local supermarket. i just opened and it was… already open. is it correct or it was meant to have a seal?

12:25 UTC


What do Americans think of Australia?

I was wondering what Americans see Australia as? If you can explain in detail that would be great but you don't have to!

05:51 UTC


What are the limits of the power of the POTUS?

So I always assumed the POTUS was the head of the executive branch, but had limits to his powers, and that the Judicial and Legislative branches sort of balance that out.

Separation of powers, checks and balances.

But lately in American politics, a lot of stuff has been happening, medicaid cuts, federal loan stops. deportations. So much.

I thought this was impossible tbh. Why is the POTUS able to do so much in so little time?

00:40 UTC


What does the Medicaid freeze mean for Americans?

Hello this is a tough question but I was curious, I’m an Aussie for context. I heard last night Medicaid was taken away and I have multiple online friends scared because they have appointments in the next week. Will this come into effect immediately or is there a cool off period beforehand? I know this is unprecedented times but I’m having a hard time making heads or tails of it. Cheers! (Also stay safe out there!)

22:31 UTC


Is there any Direct reciept of All previous administrations govt spending.

I am working on a project and wanted to see if anyone has access to or knows of a place where I could find the Direct Data corelating to the expenses of all previous administrations. Obviously i dont expect expense reports down to every bagel but just a report of any kind detailing exactly how much the govt spent on what. Anything is appreciated.

20:18 UTC


Moving from France to the US - good or bad idea?

Hi guys, I'm French, and my partner (who is French too) cannot cease whining how bad France is and how urgent it has become to leave the country. He is thinking about going to the USA. I'm not happy with this idea, as I have a stable job, and I don't want to move on a different continent. Are the US still that Eldorado? He believes in american dream, but at the same time his job is very "french" and cannot be applied elsewhere, besides he earns a minimum wage, so nothing to lose. My language level is c1++, he is around b1-b2. Sorry if my question bothers, but he doesn't stop talking about moving, but doesn't have any idea where, why, to do what, and it drives me crazy. Thanks in advance for all your answers

19:14 UTC


Who is in charge of writing the "presidential actions" documents on Whitehouse.gov?

They start of speaking in first person "By the authority vested in me as President...", and they are signed by "THE WHITE HOUSE". I am just curious if they are written by Donald Trump or other people. Also, do they count as factual sources or are they biased?

(If this isn't the right place, please let me know where else to post. I tried r/askpolitics but my karma is too low)

19:02 UTC


Can states truly secede from the Union?

Asking this as a French guy who saw a story about California’s independence being on the ballot in 2028. My gut tells me it is impossible because leaving the Union is illegal (and it’s not like California expressed this desire when a Republican was president, just like how Texas threatened to become a country when a Democrat was president), but I would like a little feedback from people from the country. So?

13:22 UTC


What are the most illiberal (as in opposed to liberalism) presidents in the history of the United States?

I know that liberal has a particular meaning in the US, but by liberalism I mean it:


Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, the right to private property and equality before the law. Liberals [...] support private property, market economies, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), liberal democracy, secularism, rule of law, economic and political freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion.

So an illiberal meaning the opposite of it

15:13 UTC


Canadian looking to move to a comparable state.

I've been growing increasingly interested in moving to the USA, Canada has become a failed state. I'm looking to move to a state with similar geography, like mindedness and personal freedoms. And low taxes. Our lowest taxed province is still higher than the highest taxed state in the US. So in reality anything is better than here. Just curious about options and where my family would fit in best. We are a conservative(republican) valued family. And I love my guns. From a small town in saskatchewan.

14:36 UTC

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