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Mostly everyone is going to hell if we're being real about sin. So, once you know you are going to hell, then what? How does that sit with you? How does it affect your day to day life? What the point of anything? Do you have any desire to change the world and the systems that are designed to create sin? Do you want to try and prevent others from going to? Or do you want to take as many with you as you can?
I'm sure many will say as forgiveness, repent, etc etc...but hoping and wishing and praying aside, because you can't save yourself and you can't be sure you will be saved...what then? What do you do once you know?
New Christian here. I’m alittle shy to ask my church members.
I know not everyone will agree but I’m just looking for various opinions
I'll keep this brief. Google's been useless thus far; I've never read a bible, nor am I familiar with many stories outside of the very few that my peers have briefly mentioned in the past and that I've seen in pop-culture. Maybe someone here can provide some insight.
If in the event that there is not a single believer left in this world, what happens? Does anything happen? Is it an end of days situation? Or is it just business as usual on Earth?
I've finally over come my battle with lust and sex before marriage. Now im battling with pride. All my life i have realized i snap back at people and because of my pride i instantly retaliate when ever i get offended. I need to stop that and i need to find a way to forgive and be humble.
Recently ive learned to walk away from confrontation. I pray to god to make me humble. I tell god i for give them but i be lying because deep down in my heart i love to retaliate.
Anyway i can just forgive and not carry it with me. Anyway i can forgive and not be mad. I feel its not healthy for me to bottle it up.
I feel like being kind get more disrespected and a green light to people to walk all over. For some reason when your mean and show how bad ass you are. I feel now a days those are the type of people who gey respected.
Hi, after many years of reflection I've come to the conclusion that I do not believe in Catholicism anymore. As I still attend a Catholic school, is it disrespectful to still take communion, as I'm still pressured by family to take it whenever they are at mass with me. What are your beliefs on this?
If yes, what was the sin, and why was it a sin?
If no, why was he justified?
My opinion: Abraham was justified in laying with Hagar, as she was his slave, and it was accepted practice at the time.
Furthermore, God's promise to Abraham in Genesis 15 did not specify that his son had to come through Sarah. Hagar became pregnant in Genesis 16, but it was not until Genesis 18 that God promised Isaac through Sarah.
Does the Bible record any of Abraham's sins? No.
God said Abraham obeyed him.
[Gen 26:4-5 NASB95] 4 "I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven, and will give your descendants all these lands; and by your descendants all the nations of the earth shall be blessed; 5 because Abraham obeyed Me and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes and My laws."
Paul said Abraham did not lack faith.
[Rom 4:19-21 NASB95] 19 Without becoming weak in faith he contemplated his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah's womb; 20 yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, 21 and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform.
My brother once told me he experienced something undeniable, something so real that no one could convince him it wasn’t. He never went into the details, but I could tell it was something profound—something unsettling. He said that something spoke to him, only to him, and this experience haunted him long after. He tried to escape it, to outrun whatever truth or presence he encountered, only to end up in trouble with the law. Recently, I’ve found myself experiencing something similar. Not exactly what he went through, but something that makes me pause, question, and realize how little room we give to experiences that don’t fit the mold.
When I tried to tell a few people, their reactions were predictable: skepticism, disbelief, an immediate search for holes or signs of weakness in my story. Some questioned my sanity; others just laughed it off. But here’s the twist—my brother, the one person who might have understood, wouldn’t even entertain the possibility. He shut it down as quickly as anyone else. It made me think about the nature of belief, about what it would take for us as individuals and a society to actually accept something extraordinary.
This brings up a big question: what would happen today if someone came forward, claiming to be a figure like Jesus? How would people respond if someone genuinely believed they carried a divine message or revelation? History shows us that when Jesus spoke the truth, he was dismissed, even killed for it. Today, society celebrates his message, but back then, he was seen as a threat, a disruption. And it’s not just him—many religious figures, prophets, and spiritual leaders were ridiculed, cast out, or worse.
Today, we live in a world that’s more skeptical than ever. Our faith is in science, evidence, and collective validation. Yet, ironically, the very scriptures we lean on remind us to stay watchful, to be open to signs and messages that might come without warning. How many of us are actually prepared to recognize something divine if it doesn’t come with an escalator from heaven and a symphony behind it? Would we even consider it?
We’ve trained ourselves to look for deceit, to protect ourselves from being misled. It’s a reflex of survival—after all, we don’t want to be tricked into believing something false. But there’s a cost to this skepticism. In shutting out the possibility of the extraordinary, we risk missing the very thing we claim to seek. In truth, if someone came forward today with a profound message, most of us would dismiss them outright.
So where’s the balance? How do we stay open without being naïve? The answer isn’t simple, but maybe it lies in embracing a mix of curiosity and compassion. Instead of shutting down claims that seem outlandish, we could approach them with openness. This doesn’t mean blindly accepting every extraordinary story but rather holding space for the possibility that not everything fits within the boundaries of what we already know.
History has taught us that truth doesn’t always come in predictable forms. Jesus’s message was revolutionary, so much so that it threatened those who held power. It was challenging, uncomfortable, and radical—and he paid the price for it. But today, we find meaning in his teachings precisely because they were different. If we shut down every unconventional voice, if we close ourselves off to anything that doesn’t fit our preconceived ideas, are we not risking a similar mistake?
Perhaps, instead of expecting a grand, undeniable display, we could practice recognizing subtler signs. Perhaps being “on the lookout” means more than waiting for big, dramatic events. It could mean paying attention to the whispers, to the small, inexplicable experiences that feel like more than just coincidence.
At its core, this isn’t just a test of belief—it’s a test of humility. Are we willing to admit that we don’t know everything? That maybe, just maybe, there’s more to reality than what fits neatly into our logic and science? Being truly open to truth, wherever it might come from, requires letting go of the need to control, to label, to explain everything away.
The question isn’t just about whether we’re prepared to recognize something extraordinary—it’s about whether we’re prepared to risk being wrong. Would we recognize a modern-day message of truth, or would we, like those who condemned Jesus, dismiss it out of fear, skepticism, and disbelief? The answer might reveal more about us than we realize.
I did have AI help me write this to get out faster because I really am curious. Thanks!
I’ve been feeling really distant from God lately despite my efforts. I pray every morning and night, study the Bible daily, and have even freed myself from some self-indulgent habits and other sinful aspects that once held me back. While I feel good about these changes, it all still feels numb, like my relationship with God is somehow distant and forced.
It’s frustrating because I remember feeling a closeness, a warmth in my faith, but now it’s like all of that is missing. It feels so empty, and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
Adding to this, I feel lost about my future. I’m torn between two career paths that both seem promising, and it feels like they’re both blessings from God but I can’t tell if that’s just my own instincts and desires confusing things. I’ve prayed and tried to find clarity, but I still can’t seem to make a decision, and I don’t want to choose without truly discerning what’s right.
How do you go about finding meaning in your faith again, especially when it feels like you’re stuck or numb?
Look all I'm saying is that as soon as the sperm enters the egg, you shouldn't be thinking you have the right to take your hatred out on a unborn child by killing it when it's slowly developing.
Yes I feel bad for any women who were raped,I really do. But I kid you not,do you guys not realize how easy it is for a woman to sleep with a man,say she gave consent,then suddenly cry wolf in front of a judge and say he raped me?
There's days where I kid you not some women will WILLINGLY sleep around,cry he raped me and then THINK they can abort the child.
I know I have probably enraged a bunch of women on a Christian reddit server and I'll also PROBABLY get banned for it,but let's keep it how I see it and I'm a man saying this.
I personally believe that women who don't want their rapist's child can STILL put it in adoption why? Because I'm adopted and I hate the old excuse where women will say that adoption is worse than abortion.
lol no it's not. What would you benefit from killing a child because you don't want it? Just stop the nonsense and put it at the adoption,do other women who do support abortion not realize that there's women who literally cannot have kids? Yeah I didn't think so.
But of course,time and time again,I just shake my head upon hearing the tales of a woman who was "raped" and how she doesn't want the child. Or if she wasn't raped,BUT got willingly pregnant and wants to abort like a coward.
Am I a horrible person for having literally thought about all this stuff cuz it is what it is. Abortion is murder and inexcusable in God's eyes.
Sorry not sorry.
I wanted to pursue course for fashion/historic costume designer next year in capital. But idk if it is God's will for me. How to know?
If "works don't save you but faith does" and you can't do anything to reach salvation but by the grace of God alone, then why are works neccessary? Faith without works are dead, but isn't that contradictory to the whole idea of it not being something you achieve but can only recieve from God? Why is someone who acts very good but without faith still not alive, would their good heart reveal they are actually faithful even if they don't think so, or what does that even mean? I understand that we are all sinners, but if you can't do anything about it why bother anyway? This opens up a lot of questions to me like the idea of "don't judge a man on what he does but how he does it, if it's love it's all good" If good work isn't defined to be an intentional action that strengthens your connection to get a positive outcome, then what does it mean. How can faith be achieved even if some of the most stellar examples of faithful people had to struggle through life. If God is with you even when life is horrible to you then what is God for? Where whould be the difference if the same circumstance happened without God being there? What's the plan there? How can we know God's plan if God is beyond our grasp? Wouldn't it be bold to assume there is one if we're too limited to percieve what God is? God seems to me more like ultimate reality as such, the ultimate mode of being and not an entity, which would shift the whole narrative to something reaching beyond good and evil. But that's maybe for another post
Thanks for any help, I know I might come across a bit difficult but I'm genuinely asking.
I haven’t posted in a while, and I decided instead of a critical question or theological disagreement, why not post something positive.
I like to try to build bridges and good dialogue between Christians and former Christians.
What is something you can genuinely say you appreciate former Christians for?
For one, the Bible seems to say pretty much the only reason one should marry is when he/she is too horny. Otherwise, it’s better to stay single.
I think it’s a very interesting advice. For me, it seems as if God is saying, avoid getting married at all costs! But if you think you’re about to sin against me, only then get married!
But almost everyone would say it’s a bad idea to marry for sex. There are so many things to marrying someone than just sexual compatibility.. of course, you don’t even know you’re having what you want because as Christians, you can’t have sex before marriage, so even if the goal is sex, it’s a high risk low return gamble.
So I have been debating an atheist friend since May, I finally got him to agree it is more likely a God exists than not because of the argument that talks about the probability this universe exists without a God.
What evidence is there for Christianity as opposed to other religions?
If God is truly just and merciful, how can the doctrine of unconditional election in Calvinism align with His character? It seems like choosing some people for salvation apart from their actions or decisions might conflict with God's justice. How do Calvinists reconcile this with the idea that God desires fairness and mercy for all?
My opinion: no.
Men clearly have more authority over women as followers of God.
In the Bible the men make the decisions for the women
In the Bible a woman must marry her rapist and can be forcibly married if she is a slave. She also must be a slave for life, unlike men who must only be slaves for a limited time.
Michael Heiser's studies have been very influential in biblical studies, and I'm curious about your thoughts on his interpretation. He believed that Ezekiel's vision has astrological/astronomical symbolism prevalent. With the cherubim representing the four winds, the four Cardinal directions, as well as the constellations. Among other things.
My opinion: no.
The child should not be punished for the parent’s sin.
Look, I do feel for the rape victims, I do. I have to grapple with that one, and I know it's the enemy doing it, because of my empathy. Because at the end of the day, the woman can immediately have the child adopted, etc. I think rape is worse than murder, but then again murdering a child? It's kind of a wash. Incest. Why is that even on the table? If they are two, disgusting, consenting adults, and have sex with each other, and get pregnant, why would there be a need for abortion? I don't understand how that one gets used. If they are talking about non consensual, then that is just rape... Health of the mother? That has to be the most selfish and disgusting one of all. For the mother to think that she is more important than a child God has created. So selfish. You leave that up to God and hope you survive, have faith that whatever is in God's will, will end up in your favor. Their lives are not more important than the baby. For every other reason? They should get life in prison, MINIMUM. Just to get an abortion because you can't use any contraceptives, and decide not to "pull out" feels quite intentional. Like they have a fetish for killing babies. Those people are pure freaking evil. Nothing less.
So Halloween is coming up and my personal opinion is: NO!
Why? It is a holiday based on the pagan festival of the dead and trying to make the dead happy by worshipping and offering them things. By celebrating Halloween, you are inviting Satan into your home.
I have been going back and forth between many things: doubting Christian, atheist, Gnostic, and back. But now I have turned back to Christ! I realized that instead of worrying I should trust the Lord and hope what he does is good and he has some secret context or knowledge to why he does things.
If a non-Christian family who is very much Atheist and/or Agnostic and hates religion raises their children to be that way and so, they show hostility towards Christians who are just trying to reach out to them and befriend them or be nice because they're threaten by their beliefs regarding politics, God, Jesus, sexuality, gender, abortion, etc. Is the child accountable for such sins? or are the parents accountable if they raised or allowed their child to grow up not knowing Christ.
I never hear trinitarians talk about this. You use the name for the Son. You apply YHWH to the trinity.
So what name is Jesus referring to in your opinion?
“You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.” (Mat 6:9)
“I have made your name manifest to the men whom you gave me out of the world. I have made your name known to them and will make it known, so that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them.”(John 17:6, 26)
“I will declare your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will praise you with song.”(Heb 2:12)
I'm trying to build my relationship with God however I've felt really lonely. I've prayed for Christian friends yet I still do not have any. I feel like having Christian friends would help and also encourage me on my walk with Jesus. I've looked up young adult christian friend groups in my area and have come up with anything. I watch church online in my free time and can't attend church regularly seeing how I have work. As far as I know the church I watch doesn't have such a club nor do I rarely see anyone my age. I'm just lost, lonely and bored of just being by myself all the time. Any advice?
How many spirits does God have?
There’s the Holy Spirit.
There’s the spirit in Jesus.
And the spirit in the father.
All 3 spirits distinct from one another. But all 3 spirits are God.
Is this correct?
Firstly, in John 3:14-15, Jesus clearly states to Nicodemus:
Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up so that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life.
Now, the key word there is "everyone," not "the elect" or those that God has chosen. So, given that Jesus makes it clear that anyone who believes in him will have eternal life, how can you hold onto your position that God chooses the elect to save?
Secondly, if Calvinism is true, would you not say God is immoral? I ask this because if what the Calvanists say is correct, then God chooses who to save not based on actions or beliefs but based on his will. So, this means that potentially Hitler could be in heaven, not based on anything he did or believed but simply based on the fact that God felt like bringing Hitler to heaven. Is that not immoral?
Hi, I’m a new Christian, 20F, and I just started taking Christianity seriously in July. I pray every night and day, I talk to God as much as I can, speaking to him about the little things of my day as I’m supposed to.
I’ll have really good days, where I feel connected with Him in the best way possible. My prayers would be long, I’d praise and worship in the car, I’d even read my bible for longer than usual.
Unfortunately, whenever I enter my ovulation week, I always feel like I’ve thrown that away as my hormones take over. I try to ignore them, but more often than not, I always find myself back where I started: overcome with lust.
I’ve read that reading the Bible more helps with overcoming sin because you’ll learn more about God and know how to be more like Jesus, but I feel like it isn’t working for me. How do I get better with ignoring my flesh and focusing on Christ in moments like these?
TLDR: I want to be good for God but when I ovulate I’m always giving in to lust and masturbation.