AshiHentai is all about juicy anime feet.
AshiHentai is all about juicy anime feet.
Submitted Images should have a focus on the character's feet. Submissions of characters without a notable focus on feet will be removed. Furthermore, once an image has been submitted, please flair your submission with it's appropraite flair by clicking the "flair" button under the title of your post after you post it (if applicable).
This subreddit is entirely 2D in nature and as such, images of feet of people from real life are banned. If you are searching for this type on content, then let me refer you to r/Feet.
When possible, please credit the artists by including a comment with the original source, if you can find it. SauceNAO and Iqdb can help with this.
Do not repost anything that was posted less than 3 months ago, or is in the top 100 posts of this subreddit. RedditBooru has an image search function to help check for reposts.
Do not abuse the report button for something you don't like, only report things that you believe breaks our rules listed here.
Albums are limited to a maximum of 100 (one hundred) images, any album longer than 100 images will be removed without warning. This rule is put in place to make it easier for moderators to enforce our rules and to prevent people from attempting to hide rule breaking content in larger albums.
Submission Titles
Titles to submissions should be as descriptive about the content as reasonably possible. If the artist or source material is known, please add it as a comment. Gag, clickbait and shitposting titles will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
No Monetising Free Content or Advertisment
This subreddit is not an advertisment platform. All content that is posted must be available in it's entirety for free. NO PREMIUM CONTENT. Do not attempt to hide links within Imgur albums, or by redirecting traffic away from Reddit to get the rest of the content.
Any Other Concerns
Message the moderators by clicking here if you have any questions, concerns, comments, or are contesting a ban. We welcome any feedback, but are not obligated to act upon messages.
r/AnimeLegs - For 2D Leg Lovers
r/AshiHentai - Juicy Anime Feet
r/BluePopsicle - Cute Girls and Their Popsicles
r/EmbarrassedHentai - Lewd Embarrassed Anime Girls
r/HentaiCleavage - The Best Part of Boobs
r/MasturbationHentai - Simple Solo Action
r/OralHentai - Jaw-Dropping Hentai
r/PublicHentai - Enjoying The Outdoors
r/Uniform_Hentai - For Ladies in uniform