We are advocates for asexuals coming together to overthrow the government of Denmark and form the first asexual nation
We are advocates for asexuals coming together to overthrow the government of Denmark and form the first asexual nation
We outnumber Denmark by a lot, but not every ace will want to / be able to join the invasion. We need to figure out a solid population for the Ace nation, rather than just the population of all aces.
I'm at a loss fellow aces of the fight. Demark has (offered to buy us...)[https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/denmark-offers-to-buy-us] Maybe... we let them do the work? Or maybe they've learned of our plans & this is their retaliation under a false pretense?
Idk.. i really think i just wanna be danish? I kinda.. i kinda wanna just let em do it. 😳
^i ^know ^this ^is ^satire. ^lemme ^dream
so like I said if we are going to invade Denmark we will need equipment. My suggestion is to capture all of the US’s B-52 bombers so we can destroy their defense system then go In for a land invasion.
Also if we keep the US markings on them than Denmark will think that the US attacked them. this will cause a war and when Denmark eventually surrenders we will be able to capture the defenseless government
As asexuals, one thing we don't do is breed well. Sure, the population of Denmark is taken over by the population of Asexuals but the question remains: How do we achieve full world domination.
Don't get me wrong, I love the idea. I'm just not sure how we do this without immorally converting everyone else to asexuality (I'm all for that btw).
We could adopt other people's children, find the ones that are asexual and pop them in a cloning machine - might need some mad scientists for that one though.. I'm just not sure how we go about this.
Can we get some answers please?
Of course we can overcome the danish army but we may have trouble when we have other NATO countries attacking?
So I was wondering, do we have an ace anthenm that will become the national Anthem once we succeed to conquer the Denmark?
i mean greenland is a part of denmark and its cut of from the rest (because island).
It would also be an easier start, but im not that good with planning.
In the form of this Ai chatbot
In visiting Denmark to see my grandmother and I am hoping to aid the invasion, any suggestions?
So I recently went to Denmark for a few days with my parents, to see friends there. So I thought it would be a great opportunity to investigate and find out what I can to prepare for the invasion.
First of all, the garlic bread. We had some for dinner one evening and it was terrible. It was barely garlicy at all and was pretty much just bread with butter. I ate it anyway because garlic bread but now I'm worried they found out about our plans and tried to poison me.
Secondly, I was on a walk with my parents and their friends one day and they were chatting while I was just mindlessly walking along not really paying attention, but then I heard "getting ready to attack" and something about the UK. So this is very suspicious and concerning if the Danes know about our intention to invade and are considering fighting back. I don't know if or why they would be specifically targeting the UK, but that's where I live so I don't know if that has anything to do with it.
What does this mean for the plan?
Omw to Denmark rn, do y'all need any intel on anything?
To the government of AItD
I would like to request a partnership between this government and r/counciloftheblackring We are a council/government of asexuals that would be amazing help for you all in your invasion of Denmark
From: a low council member of the CotBR
When we can conquer Denmark we are going to have a concil that will be called 'the 7 aces'. Add more ideas in the replies.
Or them…
I recently found out that one of my great grandfathers was danish.
I... I don't know how to process this information... I'm... I have Danish blood in me? I feel like Prince Zuko when he found out that his grandfather was the avatar.
What do I do?
And will you open the gates for the rest of us?
who here - if anyone remains - remembers the acempire of 2021-22
Briggsy sends his regards.
If, as the ace community, we are intent on invading Denmark, what will happen to the aro community and those who are both on the ace-spec and the aro-spec? Do we have a map of how the country is going to be divided? Have we got an anthem yet? If not, I propose the song 'Churros in the Rain' as our anthem!
If, as the ace community, we are intent on invading Denmark, what will happen to the aro community and those who are both on the ace-spec and the aro-spec? Do we have a map of how the country is going to be divided? Have we got an anthem yet? If not, I propose the song 'Churros in the Rain' as our anthem!
If, as the ace community, we are intent on invading Denmark, what will happen to the aro community and those who are both on the ace-spec and the aro-spec? Do we have a map of how the country is going to be divided? Have we got an anthem yet? If not, I propose the song 'Churros in the Rain' as our anthem!
I just found out about this and I want to help (aego-aroace here). I'm gathering cake and garlic bread for the battle as it can take a day or two and after that we still have to kinda settle, are there any other foods for the a-spec folk? (I have 16 pieces of garlic bread and 2 boxes of cake)
I am ready to invade Denmark with yall
I saw that somebody did one of these things a long time ago, and quite a few people were interested, but they seem to have disappeared, and it's been a hot minute, so now I'm throwing my hat into the ring.
I am doing livestreams and interacting on Discord to bring the Asexual community together! I stream to build a community together, rather than just an audience. I'm hoping to get it to 50 followers as possible, so that I can enable channel points, and you goofballs can make me do all sorts of things. The channel point redemptions can be voted on by you guys as well!
Who am I? I am Lawrence, a 23-year-old Asexual living out of Maine. I have previous experience doing both YouTube and Twitch, but it's been a looooong time since I've actually done either one, as I both work and do college full-time.
What you can expect:
- An active, responsive and engaging Twitch streamer.
I have had a lot of experience doing Twitch, and even when I have nobody to talk to in chat, I have mastered the art of talking to myself. It wasn't too hard, since I'm already insane and talk to myself anyway.
- A friendly, welcoming community.
Everybody is safe from being judged in my community. I welcome people of all sorts of life, Asexual or not, and I expect my viewers/community to act the same way.
- Niche or engaging gameplay.
As of right now, I have been streaming The Division 2, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, and Europa Universalis IV. I plan to continue these games, and work in Counter Strike 2, Minecraft, Terraria, American Truck Simulator, and Mad Games Tycoon sometime in the near future.
- Nerd talk.
I have been in the IT field since I was 11! I will regularly talk about IoT, network defense, malware analysis, etc etc etc. If you don't know what any of that means, feel free to ask any IT-related questions! I'll be happy to answer whatever I can.
- Interactive Twitch streams.
On top of finding ways to allow you guys to interact with the streams directly, I will also play with my audience whenever possible!
Are you interested! Please feel free to check out the channel! The link is below.