
Photograph via snooOG

All things Armada fantasy naval battles

All things Armada fantasy naval battles


357 Subscribers


MUP is starting a regular Armada series if anyone is interested called MUP Armada. First episode Mark and Andrew interview Mantic Games Blake Shrode regarding Armada things and tournaments

10:12 UTC


Squadron guns

Do the guns on squadrons count per model or for the whole base? For example the slave squadron for EoD comes with two models and one heavy armament. Is it one for both of the models combined or one for each model?

1 Comment
10:34 UTC


Help getting started needed

Hey there - I have an invitation coming to learn armada - I want to start a dwarven fleet with digital files. What do I need to buy/print/create rules? Any good first steps?

I’m kind of a quick painter and would prefer to print and paint everything necessary for a fleet in one go, so what should I aim for model wise?

20:59 UTC


How popular is the game, any support out there?

So I'm part of a gaming community that has recently discovered the game. There does not appear to be much in the way of YouTube presence, the models also appear hard to obtain. Are there any forums for it or any content creators I should be following?

20:48 UTC


Armada Terrain to start with

Ahoy, fellow captains!

I am planning to print some terrain to start playing Armada in the local community.
Which terrain and how many of it do we need to have fun games?

P.S. I know that initial games are supposed to be terrain-less, but want to prepare in advance

13:28 UTC


Your ship vs the guy’s ship she tells you not to worry about :)

TK fleet is amazing, hyped to jump in the game! :)

10:59 UTC


Twilight Kin starter fleet

23:36 UTC


Balance of the Starter Factions

Hello! I have been looking into armada for me and some of my friends. The plan would probably be to buy the starter and then factions for people.

Are the starter set fleets in the same league as a normal army starter box, or do we need to buy many boxes?

22:21 UTC


Subscription not working. Any way to get scenarios?

I have subbed the silver tier on the app. 9-10 hours later and I still dont have access to the content that I should. I have a demo game in a couple hours, and I doubt this will be resolved by then. Is there a place I can see one of the basic scenarios?

(I'd also take any suggestions for why my subscription is not working. I have the receipt/invoice, but when I log-in it says I am not subscribed)

13:51 UTC


3 vs. 2 battle, 300points per side.

Orc, Orc, Salamander vs. Dust and Spooky things.

23:27 UTC


It's me again. another ruling issue. - The Ferryman

Hi all, it's me, I am trying to break the game again.

The Ferryman captain for the ghost fleet states: "if this ship inflicts the final damage required to destroy an enemy ship of size S or greater, its weapons profile will be doubled for the remainder of the game (e.g. 3H-2L will become 6H-4L)."

so my question is. what if this happens twice in a game? Does it quadruple and so forth?

Ty :D

18:48 UTC


Mark Marber thinking of writing sequel to Pious.

Mark Marber posted in the Armada Fanatics facebook page about a possible sequel to his book Pious.


The alternative was to do another book of short stories from different authors.

I quite liked Pious and thought a sequel or at least another Armada book with links/references to Pious would be good.

Something like a big epic journey across the Infant Sea. Maybe a convoy that starts at the City of the Golden Horn (Basilea) and needs to get much needed aid to the city of Chill under attack from Varangur and/or Abyssals.

Each chapter something could happen - ghost ship, sea monster, Twilight Kin pirates/slavers attacking convoy ships. A trip to the Forsaken Isles ties in the Order of the Forsaken. Now you can introduce Fliers to the story and can even have the first Fantasy aircraft (dragon) carriers.

A resupply/rest at Therrenia Adar before the long trip North. Some Varangur engagements from the Iceblood Coast and finally the trip up the Iceblood Fjord to Chill. Mantic has released some Northern Alliance stuff this year so it would be good it give them a mention as well.

Anyway, has anybody else read Pious or any of the other Tales of Mantica series? What are your thoughts?

12:45 UTC


Just finished the first two models in my starter fleet, is there a good tutorial for doing the bases?

Going to be starting on the Smasher soon as well, is there any good tutorials for making the bases look good that you all would reccomend?


04:09 UTC


Trident Realms Ruling

So I picked up the new fleet Trident Realms recently and have not played with them yet. However looking at the rulings for the 2 upgrades they cannot have (additional weaponry and magical rudder) I have a question:

Can I put lightweight weaponry on it. I have attached image of the exact wording from the companion. As TR don't have broadsides... can I use this?

personally. I see it as I reduce the weapons by 1 but there aren't any so it's just benefit. However if I can't reduce it by 1 then would I get the benefit?

09:24 UTC


Impressions of the two player set?

It looks like a few people here have posted pics of first games with teh two player set.

I'm considering buying.

I won't have anyone to play with besides family I can sucker in, so there's no chance to try before I buy.

I really like ship games more than army games, so I think I'd like it, but what's everyone's take specifically on the 2 player set?

Is it fun? Easy to learn for non-gamers with me helping? Is there enough variety in the ships of the set that it makes for fun games?

A lot of 2 player sets aren't that fun to play by themselves, so if it's better to instead buy ships individually to make my own 2 player set, I'd like to know before I buy.

12:51 UTC


Ship Cards?

Edit: I had asked mantic support about these cards and they just got back to me now that are looking to add the cards to their digital store for digital download.

Recently bought the mantic vault for these ships but without the original ship cards the ships are useless. Is there a way to buy/get the ship cards without buying a whole fleet of ships? I was hoping to use the stls and play this game without having to spend alot of money on each faction.

08:57 UTC


Morning Captains, we’re back in the water for another game of Mantic’s Armada, thanks for looking and have a Nerdy day!

13:19 UTC


Do Not Buy Mantic Vault STLs Yet - Quality Control Problems

The following is the text of an email I sent to Mantic regarding their new Mantic Vault Armada STLs, almost all of which contain some quality control issues which could create resin traps or have parts of "one" STL that are actually separate parts. I've also included some images of the issues.


Hello Mantic,

I recently purchased the first month of Mantic Vault to start printing ships for Armada and I have noticed some issues which could cause significant printing problems in most ships. As an example, the orc BloodRunner hull seems to have the upper and lower side cannons (and attached parts of the hull) not actually connected to the rest of the hull, which means the STL that is "one" hull piece is actually 4 different pieces but printing as one. This could cause major print issues as there is nothing actually supporting the unattached parts of the print, holding the cannons. If it does print correctly, this could still be an issue as liquid resin could be trapped in the gap, not be fully cured, and cause the model to split later, after printing and painting, due to resin off-gasing.

Looking at the ship hulls, the following files have this problem.

  • GoblinsM_BloodRunner_Hull
  • BloodRunner-Front-Sail has a strange hollow spot in the mast at around 27.76mm high
  • BloodRunner-Rear-Sail has the same strange hollow spot at 38.5mm high
  • BombBoat-Hull has a strange "crevasse" running between the middle portion of the hull and the forward portion, appears between 9 and 13mm.
  • BombBoat-Sail has the strange hollow spot at 27.5mm
  • Hammerfist-Hull has detached cannons/hull areas on the left and right of the ship. The file also needed to be repaired in Microsoft 3d Builder before printing.
  • Hammerfist-Fists has a hollow at 29.4mm
  • Both Hammerfist sails have same hollow in the masts
  • Rabble-Hull, the front of the ship is detached from the rest of the hull. STL also needed to be repaired.
  • All of the Smasher STLs need to be repaired.
  • Smasher-Hull has multiple detached portions of the hull. Mostly guns and the gunports.
  • Smasher-Hull-Prow has a hollow in it, visible at 16-18mm.
  • Smasher Sails, the sails and masts never seem to actually connect.
  • Abbess-hull has gaps between the gun ports and the hull that will trap resin.
  • I stopped looking at the files at this point because they all have some sort of problem. I assume the rest of the Basilean ships have similar issues.

I would like to request that you pause the ability of people to download these files and repair them before reposting them. The best case scenario is that these small gaps between gunport pieces and the rest of the hull are small enough that the UV exposure bleed from the 3d printer causes the gaps to cure anyway. Even if this happens, however, there are still larger hollow areas in some files that will trap resin which can damage the print over time. These ships have the chance to be a very negative experience for even veteran 3d printer owners if they didn't notice the problems.. Again, I urge you to repair these files and then repost them.

Additionally, although it is not required, I do find it disappointing that these large, complex files are not already presupported, prehollowed, and include drain holes. These are the sorts of steps that even small STL Patreons take to help customers and would go a long way in allowing people a smooth printing experience and enjoy Armada.

Please let me know if you can see these issues in your master files and your thoughts on the matter. If I don't hear from you by Monday, May 29, I will contact you again regarding the issue.

21:02 UTC


Played my first game this weekend, had a blast!

15:07 UTC


Elves versus dwarves?

My friend and I played our first game with the starter kit yesterday and we are looking to add a couple new races

He already got the dwarves, and I've got my eye on either the elves or the northern alliance.

Love the way the elves look, but worried that "stay away and shoot at a distance" will make boring games versus the dwarves. I tried searching for battle reports on this combo and didn't find any.

Appreciate any insight into this matchup. Thanks!

13:33 UTC


Magic deck?

Hey all. Kinda new to this and was lookin at picking it up with a friend. We decided to go without the starter pack and I had a question about the magic deck. Is it necessary to play? We decided on twilight and dust. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

04:52 UTC


can grappled ships shoot?

Can grappled ships shoot at all? Either into the ship the are grappled with or out the other side at passing by ships?

1 Comment
23:05 UTC

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