A helpful place to discuss and answer questions about your AirPods and if they are authentic or counterfeit.
Everyone hates "are these real or fake" posts on the main group, so this is dedicated to that specific question. Here's how it works: If you're skeptical about the authenticity of your AirPods, make a post with many images of the AirPods, the case and box. commenters will try to (and most likely will) identify the authenticity of your AirPods.
I lost my left AirPod then I found it but it seems bigger then the right one and I’m not sure if it’s mine anymore
Im trying to get my hands on an airpods pro case since I lost mine but so many of them are fake.
They seem legit from what I can tell but was hoping for another opinion. Thanks in advance!
Just a quick question, I did a search, and found nothing recent, and don't want to assume.
Is the best way to authenticate any AirPods is by testing whether they are cross-device compatible and can update the firmware?