This sub is dedicated to the appreciation of traditional architecture, with a view to increasing the appetite for architectural revival. Posts should be of old and new buildings in a traditionalist style. Please read the rules before posting.
r/ArchitecturalRevival Rules
Be civil and please keep discussion based around architecture.
Please include the location (including the country) in any post.
We would like to keep this as an architecture-only sub, so all memes must be based in architecture.
Posts should include traditional architecture or architectural revival.
Please include an image (photo or meme or drawing) with any post.
Revivalist Quotes "Put usefulness first, and you lose it; put beauty first, and what you do will be useful forever" - Roger Scruton
"Architecture has its political Use; public Buildings being the Ornament of a Country; it establishes a Nation, draws People and Commerce; makes the People love their native Country, which Passion is the Original of all great Actions in a Common-wealth.... Architecture aims at Eternity" - Christopher Wren
"Beauty matters. It's not just a subjective thing, but a universal need of human beings. If we ignore this need we find ourselves in a spiritual desert." - - Roger Scruton
"Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire." - Gustav Mahler
"Styles may change, details may come and go, but the broad demands of aesthetic judgement are permanent." - Roger Scruton
Why Beauty Matters Brilliant documentary by the late, great Sir Roger Scruton called Why Beauty Matters. Highly recommended viewing for anyone interested in architectural revival.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5tuGjzXJ9k
Architectural Styles Post This great post from when the sub first formed details the different architectural styles:
I would really like to see a video/read a debate where people on the Revival side debate the architects.
If there isn't anything on Reddit, what's totally enough is anything similar, where people with those kind of opposing opinions talk about it. Do you know any videos/etc that might fit that description?