Apples are a pome fruit of the apple tree Malus domestica. The main species is the focus here, though related fruits may be discussed as well.
My favorites.
I bought two bare-root trees that will be delivered to me next week. I bought them with the sole intention of hacking them up for scion-wood (these varieties are available only as whole trees and only this time of the year). How do I do that?
Should I collect the scion wood now and store until January/February? Do I have to plant the trees temporarily in the ground (I don't want to... that's a lot of extra work). Could I maybe plant the trees in pots temporarily?
Yo. Ive recently started a diet and have been eating more apples. I doscovered pink ladies and decided DAYUN! now THATS an apple. So sweet. So good.
So i looked up whats considered to be the sweetest apple and was amazed when i saw pink ladies as the second least sweet and fuji apples as the sweetest. I was skeptical bc i sawnthe typical red ones higher then pink apples and i KNOW ive had those and theyre not that sweet. Nevertheless, i decided to try fuji apples and....wtf isnup with these charts?? Does sweetness mean something different in the apple world? Fujis justbtaste like vagely apple tasting bland water. Do i just not like sweetness? And maybe im confusing good with sweet? Im just baffled by how untruebthat chart was to me.
Where can I find cosmic crisp apples in Germany? Which supermarket if any? HELP NEED TO EAT COSMIC CRISP APPPPPLES
I got a kissable rouge apple [texas] and it's the best thing I've had from the apple world. I'm afraid soon my store will stop carrying them and need to find similar.
I hate grainy meat ones, like a good crisp, and can't fan in love with the classics like a galla
The kissable is this beautiful pink meat and sour sweet flavor
I didn't know what these were till I tried them at this orchard. They were so sweet and juicy, and the watercore gave them a different flavor.
Apparently watercore is a disorder some apples develop, and which most farmers find unwelcome and will not sell. But in some countries, including Japan, it's considered a delicacy. Some Americna consumers have discovered a taste for them, and at Kiyokawa Orchard in the Hood River Valley they charged a premium.
Anyway, I can't seem to find them in California anywhere. I was wondering if anyone has heard of any grocers or even California-based orchards that might sell them.
Just yesterday I tried a honey gold apple for the first time and I am amazed, obsessed, in awe, flabbergasted, I don't know what to do with myself. They are magical. The best fruit I've ever eaten, by far. How are these apples not a global phenomenon?!?! The need for any humanly pleasure is gone, honey gold apples can solve it all.
Just wondering why are honey crisp so expensive compared to other apples?
What is so great about honey crisp.
Been looking all over for some, any suggestions on how to get em? Apparently people don't like them anymore so my local stores don't carry them. In St. Louis area in MO.
5 or more years ago one of our customers at my workplace brought in some apples of a "different" variety than you can get in your typical grocery store - I am in SW Ontario by the way........ and they were absolutely delicious. Unfortunately nobody knows how to get a hold of this person. Not sure if this apple was grown in Ontario, or maybe British Columbia??????
Best way to describe it is that it is very close to a mutsu (called crispin in some regions), but it is not that. I seem to recall them saying it was a hybrid of some kind. It is a small apple, greenish with brown type of speckles on the skin......
I am sure this is quite vague, but hopefully someone on here might know what I am talking about.