
Photograph via snooOG

Ants are social insects that form colonies that range in size from a few dozen predatory individuals living in small natural cavities to highly organized colonies which may occupy large territories and consist of millions of individuals...

Ants are social insects that form colonies that range in size from a few dozen predatory individuals living in small natural cavities to highly organised colonies which may occupy large territories and consist of millions of individuals. Their success in so many environments has been attributed to their social organisation and their ability to modify habitats, tap resources, and defend themselves. Their long co-evolution with other species has led to mimetic, commensal, parasitic, and mutualistic relationships. Ant societies have division of labour, communication between individuals, and an ability to solve complex problems.

https://discord.gg/c7qCmfYqYZ, from /r/ants/comments/oc0dlc/official_rants_discord_server/, for the official Discord to chat. /r/Hymenopterans for other social insects (wasps, bees, etc.) beside ants.

If you want to be an ant online, then please visit https://www.reddit.com/r/AntColony/.


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Ants Perform a Special Song for Our Amazing Fans – "Thanks to the Fans" | Epic Bug Muzak!

23:25 UTC


Why can't you rehouse ants like bees?

Why don't ants follow the queen whenever she's rerouted in a new nest unlike bees?

20:53 UTC


Any advice?

My left foot is swollen after I was bit by something. I only noticed I was bitten a little later when it got really itchy and so I have no idea what bit me. More than 28hrs have passed since I was bitten. No pain but still really itchy. The yellowish colour is due to the turmeric and honey I applied on the foot. Would this go away naturally or should I consult a doctor? And sorry in advance if this is not the right sub to ask this question. I have no clue where I'm supposed to ask this :(

17:18 UTC


Camponotus festinatus growth

I got this queen in October with four workers, and I think they’re almost ready to move into a bigger nest? Watching them explode in population has been both a joy and a horror, especially when I’m trying to feed them and they are trying to destroy my tongs. I don’t have a fluon barrier on their tiny outworld so feeding time is a battle of speed that I almost never win. Their next outworld will absolutely have a fluon barrier, lesson learned that I am not faster than 20-30 defensive ants 😂

1 Comment
16:48 UTC


We can't be more proud! Our game Empire of the Ants has been nominated in France for Best Artistic Design and Best Independent Video Game at the Pégases 2025 Awards!

16:32 UTC


Advice for a returning antkeeper

20:56 UTC


Looking for a small colony of trap jaw ants to adopt in SG!!

Hi, I am looking for a small colony of trap jaw ants to adopt/buy in SG. If any of y'all have one it would be great!! Thank you!!

11:59 UTC


Whats the Largest Single Ant battle ever recorded?

I don’t mean war, but a battle part of that war. Use ChatGPT and it said Hidaka, Japan had the largest single battle, but chathpt being chatgpt, im asking to check

08:25 UTC


Queen Ant with a wireless head


It's a Camponotus Cruentatus, and this is the result of a fight with another queen.

1 Comment
22:53 UTC


Which Species?

For reference, the tube is not a standard one. It's a smaller tube of diameter 1.5 cm. Collected this species from my bedroom in West Bengal, India. The ants flew right in, attracted by the lights. I prepared a tube quickly and captured it. Fast forward to a month, several workers ants were born. I cared for them, fed them honey and fish food. This went on another month or two. The colony boomed and I decided to let them settle in my garden. I left the tube open and placed it gently on the ground. I wasn't sure if the ants would continue to use the tube as a nest or move out completely. 2 days later, I found no ants left in the tube. Thinking they might have moved out, I observed another week just to make sure. When no ants return, I took the tube away.

10:10 UTC


Ants coming to my window to die?

Hi everyone, not sure if this is the right subreddit but I am just perplexed. I have two large windows in my room with large window sills. For the last year or so, ants show up on the window sills and just die. I’ve never seen them go anywhere, never seen a line of ants. There aren’t many, just a random amount (sometimes one, sometimes five) just scattered. I hadn’t paid attention to the window for a while and went to clean it today. Lo and behold, there were several dead ants. There’s also a stack of books in the corner, and I noticed more dead ants in some cobwebs, perhaps where a spider friend has been getting a meal. I wiped down the window today (I left the spider corner just in case they came back) and not two hours later there’s more. The weird part: some are alive and some are dead. They just, walk up to the window sills, and die. No explanation. They never move in a line, and never leave the window to go elsewhere in the room that I’ve ever found. I have a plant on the window sill, but it wasn’t always there and I haven’t found any ants on/in/around it either. I decided to make this post when I saw one ant crawling on the window sill, carrying possibly another ant or maybe a small spider. If it was an ant, it was a different kind than the one carrying it. Is it possible my window is where these ants take their dead? What’s going on? Any theories? Sorry for formatting, I’m on my phone.

00:35 UTC


Would an human sized ant win a fight against a human?

When I googled this question I got the response that humans would win over ants because humans can use tools and because ants strength wouldn't translate if scaled up - but I disagree.

Do you?

Where my ant supporters?

If you agree please explain why.

18:48 UTC


Aphaenogaster tennesseensis with Dendroides sp beetle larva.

04:57 UTC


Odorous House Ant (Tapinoma sessile)

04:53 UTC

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