Welcome. We are a legion of a brave warriors allied in the Antifa against the fascist GOP regime. We are the resistance. We will not be intimidated. We will not surrender. We will prevail.
This is the official subreddit for Antifa (/r/Antifa has been overtaken by white supremacists) while /r/AntifascistsofReddit is run by SHILLS. We are a powerful legion of brave warriors dedicated to resisting the fascist dictatorship of Drumpf. We welcome all discussion relating to Antifa, political correctness, destroying the GOP regime, and the like provided such discussion is civil and does not spread toxic HATE SPEECH.
The rules are as follow:
2) All content must be relevant to the progressive antifascist movement.
3) No trolling.
4) Be respectful.
5) Users of certain toxic hate subreddits are banned from posting here.
6) The use of emojis, even when "ironic", will result in a permanent ban. No exceptions.
7) Always use oxford commas.
8) Do not submit non-archive links to or speak positively of right-wing FAKE NEWS stations including, but not limited to, Breibart, Fox News, and the DailyMail.
9) Do not spread pro-white or male propaganda.
10) Do not disparage any of our comrades, including those who are redeemed cis white men.
Probably too illiterate to use a computer.
some exceptional new mods have been added. this sub should be excellent now.
You can look through my profile and decide what direction I'm going to take the subreddit in.
Guzman bailed on it, so I requested it and now I'm the mod for the sub.