Anime titties, it’s in the name
1. AnimeTitties Only. - All submissions must be boobs focused. Small/Medium/Large size doesn't matter. As long as it in anime style it's allowed.
2. No Low Effort Content. - Examples of this include:
Considerably Amateur Art • Low Effort Titles (e.g. formatting, emoji's, relevance to image) • Spam/Bulk posting with vague title • Ai-generated Images
3. Source. - Source Your Posts! Use SauceNao to find the source.
4. Repost Rule. - No reposts within three months or from top. Please check /new every time before posting.
5. Extreme Fetishes. - Extreme fetishes such as gore, scat, and etc, are not allowed.
6. No underage characters. - This includes contextual or literal indications of character age, such as:
• Stated age of less than 18 • Attending elementary/middle school - Other tropes which indicate an underage participant • Characters with a small body are ruled as underage and removed.
7. No Redirecting Traffic. - Do not promote your own websites or other off-Reddit communities (Discord, Kik, etc). Breaking this rule will result in a permanent ban. Generally, an artist is allowed to promote their own communities and websites while sharing OC.
8. No Random Album Dumps/Spamming. - Albums must have some common theme or reason to be posted together.
Examples include:
The only albums allowed are ones by the same artist in the same set.
No excessive spam bulk posting in a short period of time.
9. Crosspost Rule - Crossposting is welcome in our community, but we ask that members contribute to our subreddit before crossposting content from other subreddits. We encourage active participation and engagement with our community to ensure that crossposts are made with the intent of enriching the discussions here.
Please be aware that if you're posting here solely for the purpose of spamming or promoting your own subreddits, they may be subject to being blacklisted.
If you wish to have your subreddits included in the approved list, kindly contact our moderators. Your cooperation ensures a positive experience for all users by preventing spam and excessive self-promotion. We appreciate your understanding and support in maintaining the quality of our community.
10. No AI-generated Images.
r/BigAnimetiddies - High quality images of anime girls sporting Japan's gift to the world.
r/HetaiVTuberGirls - Lewds/Hentai from any Virtual YouTuber
r/HentaiSchoolGirls - Art of school uniform
r/PublicHentai - Enjoying The Outdoors
r/SpreadingHentai - Spreading those holes and legs