nmls witht ncks
1. No Reposts.
We'll delete them as we see them. If you didn't personally photoshop the neck off that cat, it's probably been posted here before.
2. No Vowels in Post Titles.
Vowels are the necks of words. Use vowels in comments at your own peril (Or just use spoiler text by putting your comment in brackets and adding (/spoiler)).
3. Keep Humans to a Bear Minimum.
If you must post something that clearly isn't an animal without a neck, you post a bear in the comments. No more un-edited pictures of fat guys. No more celebrities. No more blatant disregard of our love for neckless bears. No matter how popular it gets, if there's no bear in the comments, we delete it. Fair?
Besides, /r/PeopleWithoutNecks exists and it is beautiful.
Please do post the original picture, but keep it to the comments. Imgur albums are like pictures with necks.
Smlr Sbrddts:
sdly h s n lngr wth s :(