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/r/NASA is for anything related to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; the latest news, events, current and future missions, and more.
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From Andøya Space Facebook page:
"Research on northern lights and space weather is very important for the modern society. Powerful space weather can affect both satellites in orbit as well as GPS signals.
Two American research rockets from NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration are ready for launch from Andøya. The rockets will perform simultaneous measurements inside a northern lights arc, but at different altitudes.
Read more about the launches from Andøya here."
From Andøya Space Facebook page: "Today is the first day of the 73rd International Astronautical Congress Paris 2022, an annual meeting of the actors in the discipline of space. We are participating in the Norwegian pavilion with among others Innovasjon Norge, Norsk Romsenter, NIFRO - Norsk industriforum for romvirksomhet and Spaceport Norway.