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Tracking the First People into Ice Age North America: Craig Childs on Youtube

17:44 UTC


Questions about prehistoric humans from Northeast Asia

Who did diverge from Basal East Asians before, the ancestors of Paleosiberians and native Americans, who later got admixed with Ancestral North Eurasians, or rather first Ancient Northern East Asians, and then the ancestors of Paleosiberians and native Americans from Ancient Northern East Asians ?

Which group has more Neanderthal and Denisovan introgression between Paleosiberians and ancient Northeast Asians (ancestral only to Mongolic, Turkic and Tungusic groups, a subset of the similarly named Ancient Northern East Asians)? How much introgression can they have at the most ? Are they, concerning the introgression percentage, anything close to the Papuans ?

Could an uncontacted tribe, of Paleosiberians or else, have survived for the last several thousands of years somewhere in Northeast Asia, without ever being found by Russians, and have stayed uncontacted until now ?

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17:43 UTC

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