
Photograph via snooOG

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Anarcho-Capitalism Wiki
Responses to Ten Objections - R. Long
What It Means to Be an AnCap - N. Kinsella
Comprehensive AnCap FAQ - B. Orton


The Possibility for Private Law - R. Murphy
The Market for Liberty - M. & L. Tannehill
Market Chosen Law - E. Stringham


But Wouldn't Warlords Take Over? - R. Murphy
The Private Production of Defense - H. Hoppe
The Machinery of Freedom (Ch. 29) - D. Friedman


We Need Private Money - J. Herbener
The Ethics of Money Production - J. Hülsmann
A Free-Market Monetary System - F. Hayek


Voluntaryism Wiki
Fundamentals of Voluntaryism
Comprehensive Voluntaryism FAQ
Non-Aggression Principle (NAP) Wiki
The Non-Aggression Axiom - W. Block
Relating the NAP to Property Rights - S. Kinsella
Self-Ownership and External Property - R. Long



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What are some good historical examples of times where, after a central government collapsed or was abolished, the area it previously controlled did not descend into fighting and warlordism?

00:39 UTC


What stops me from jamming all wavelength communications in my region under AnCap?

Jamming any kind of signal is actually really easy, whether it’s radio or cell phones or WiFi. All you need is a transmitter strong enough to just bombard the airwaves. That’s how it works; military communications jammers are just ‘noise generators’ and receivers can’t parse through all that junk to get what’s really important.

So in an AnCap society, what stops me from buying and making use of such a device for the sole purpose of screwing over everyone around me?

This doesn’t violate most definitions of the NAP- I’m not harming your person or your devices, I’m just making your devices useless in a radius around my house. This sort of thing would even happen naturally on radio frequencies if enough people had powerful enough transmitters to cover entire towns.

So how can you stop me without yourself violating the NAP? Or regulating me and my purchases against my will?

I mean geez, I could make money off of this too! I could offer people a subscription service to turn the jammer off!

02:59 UTC


Can private security enter someone’s property against their will to conduct a search based on reasonable suspicion? If so, who determines when they have the right to do that? If not, how are investigations done?

Let’s say I have a guest at my house. A small disagreement leads to an argument and I murder them. I drag their body into a closet to hide it.

The next day, someone from the private security company they were subscribed to knocks on my door. They know that their client was last at my house, because the neighbors all confirm this. When he looks through my door, he sees blood on the carpet.

Can this private security company enter my home without my consent and search my house based on reasonable suspicion? Would the courts in an ancap system be able to issue warrants like they can now?

07:28 UTC


The North Korean famine of the 1990s, often referred to as the "Arduous March," is estimated to have resulted in the deaths of between 240,000 and 3 million people. Q: What stopped the population from producing more food, and why did some gain weight and wealth at the same time?

N Korea have borders with pro- communists China and Ex- communists Russia plus open Asian sea border ( The Sea of Japan (also known as the East Sea) Plenty of food possibilities ? why starvation ?

  1. Capitalism: you choose what to eat and how much!

  2. Anarcho - socialism: food starvations ?

12:52 UTC


When you have no rules or laws to scrutinize, and then admit that the determinations will be arbitrary and based unprincipled, the world cannot get behind your ideology, no matter how desperate you are for them to do so.

12:02 UTC


If you can’t afford a private court or security service?

Let’s say in 100 years, we achieve anarcho capitalism in the US. I accidentally fall into a time machine and wake up in the great land of Ancapistan. The second I get out of the machine, I immediately get mugged. My primitive 100 year old iPhone gets stolen.

Although primitive, I want it back. The problem is that I am basically faceless here. I have no work history here, no friends, family, or any connections since they are all dead, and no money in this new world.

Who will find the guy that did this, retrieve my iPhone, and make the guy pay restitution? Normally you could say that whatever security company I’m subscribed to would do it, but in this scenario, I don’t even know what that is and have no money to pay for any security or courts.

This question extends to the poor and the homeless of Ancapistan who cannot pay for any courts or security services

07:53 UTC


One very severe flaw with Statism: The mainstream 2% (price) inflation goal is _by definition_ one of impoverishment: 2% price inflation is by definition becoming 2% more poor. Price deflation _arising due to improved efficiency in production and in distribution_ is unambiguously desirable.

12:25 UTC


On a remote island with 100 people and a food source limited to a pizzeria that offers a maximum of 100 slices of pizza each day, some consistently order 2 or 3 pizzas, leaving the rest of the population hungry. How can you ensure that everyone receives at least one slice of pizza each day?

USSR was experience same dilemma and problem during 1920-30 famine. Known as a The Law of Spikelets or Law of Three Spikelets was a decree in the Soviet Union.

The law provided a severe punishment for stolen collective and cooperative property: "execution with confiscation of all property and replacement in mitigating circumstances with imprisonment for at least 10 years with confiscation of all property."

Amnesty was prohibited in these cases.

The practice to prosecute both corrupt officials and also those who gleaned the grains (or spikelets) left behind in the fields after the entire harvest was officially collected and counted.

The decree was accepted and harshly, sometimes overly harshly used during the Soviet famine of 1932–33.

The punishment was 5 to 10 years of concentration camp time.

In the first half of the year after the announcement of the decree, (by January 1, 1933) 150,000[5] people were convicted and 3.5% of them (782) were sentenced to death. 60.3% of the defendants were convicted to 10 years in prison,

21:43 UTC


For an insight into the non-legislative natural law perspective: do you think that murder and rape could become permissible acts if the government legislated them to be permissible? Natural law posits that such acts can never be permissible even if political powers say so

Instances where such deeds have become legalized in the eyes of political authorities: the mass killings of indigenous populations, mass killings under totalitarian regimes, State-mandated rapes such as the rape of Nanking etc..

Natural law merely posits that all of these atrocities were murder and rape even if they were legal under each respective regime.

It similarly argues that no amount of "the common good"-reasoning can justify other kinds of physical interferences - that current legal regimes permit unjustifiable deed and prohibit permissible deeds. https://liquidzulu.github.io/the-nap/

The NAP is in other word a legal principle above all political legal codes: it is the objective law which truly describes what is permissible and impermissible to do.

15:33 UTC


Is minimum wage a Marxist think tank ideal?

Been on my mind lately but I figured I talk about this. I come to think deeper about this issue and I always think that it would make sense for Marxist ideology idiots to support this. If a working class must be equal then that means everybody must be forced by the will of the state to have a utilitarian Style necessity for employers to give you what everyone should be worth versus what you should be evaluated on based on performance in a competitive market. Other than that minimum wage is trash and very stupid to say the least. So I'd say Marx would be the stupid idiot himself saying yes to this racist progressive policy.

11:07 UTC


What happens when two competing courts claim jurisdiction over the same territory?

Private Court A declares abortion legal within a given territory, but Private Court B declares abortion illegal within the exact same territory.

Because both courts have an equal jurisdiction over the territory, both courts have equal authority to interpret the Non-Aggression Principle according to either a pro-choice or pro-life ethical stance.

But if abortion is both legal and illegal simultaneously, this is an impossible contradiction, and makes no logical sense.

How are legal contradictions resolved without granting a single legal system a monopoly over governance of a given territory?

08:16 UTC


To have some degree of ruling power over others is to have some degree of preponderance over others, so do you have any standard against preponderance?

03:47 UTC


Is environmentalism compatabile with anarcho capitalism?

Short answer for me is: hell no and screw the commie ideology of anti human environmentalists😂

My main issue with this is primarily due to the approach of the issues they promote but I don't think it's gonna work with ancap philosophy simply due to recurring conflicts that will arise out of it. Let's discuss about this.

02:13 UTC


Capitalism relies on a State because it relies on a stable currency backed by The State

The concepts of both "negotiating a wage" and even the basic concept of "liquidity/fungibility" relies on that wage being based on a currency that keeps something close to its value for at least the rest of the fiscal quarter if not the duration of the job. Ancap seems like if considered logically, could only end in a state with no anarcho- and all cap once the dust settles and new heirarchies form and cement themselves as the new power-structure/world order.

Despite all the "lmao, you think the USD is a stable currency?" memes y'all are going to lob at me, a %5 annual inflation rate is a LOT more stable than NFTs, Bitcoins, or any other failed experiment in "anarchist money", and only becomes less stable if/when the An in Ancap makes progress in dismantling the state, same as the liquidability of any given product. Otherwise people would be accepting bitcoin wages for legal services enmass today. They're not doing that because most functioning members of society prefer the stability of actually knowing their money will still be good tomorrow instead of gambling it.

Even the very concept of capitalism, that being "people achieving a net-good by pursuing personal financial self-interest" inherently requires a state capable of using taxes, incentives, and law-enforcement to manipulate self-interest into aligning with the public interest, otherwise those are two different concepts and when forced to make a choice, self-interest will take priority over public interest.

The enforceability of contracts, the social contract of private property, and the regulations that prevent blatant fraud all rely on a firm governing body able to enforce them whether political or corporate.

If anything, most of the major failings of corporatism are simply the end result of capitalism over-powering government to the point that it cannot effectively do its job and prevent individual companies from effectively becoming their own tin-pot dictatorships. What was once a good dog on a leash is now a snarling wolf demanding blood.

Bailouts that necessitate inflation and deregulations that lobotomize anything stopping them from developing monopolies that make them the only "free choice" you can make are simply the end result of our current political process being for sale via legitimized bribery, something that would inevitably happen under the hypocritical fantasy that is Anarcho-Capitalism.

You could actually make the case that America already IS the closest thing to Ancapistan that exists in the modern world, since an anarchist state is an inherit contradiction. The motto is "be ungovernable" not "Agree to governing so we can maximize production". The "Boss" is, in effect, a voluntary master who gets you to volunteer by offering incentives. Antithetical to the cry of "No Gods, No Masters".

The only logical explanation for anarcho-capitalism is the same as the explanation for anarcho-fascism or anarcho-feudalism. Neither concept is genuinely anarchist, it simply USES anarchism to dismantle the governing structure it's competing against so it can flourish unopposed. This usually ends in a purge of anarchists once they've paved the way for the authoritarian version of the ideology that "anarcho" was initially stuck to the front of.

18:58 UTC


Monopoly on Violence

When someone says that the government has a "monopoly on violence," in my understanding, that means private individuals cannot take matters into their own hands and legally avenge crimes, but must defer to the police and court system. The result is that accused criminals are entitled to due process, that the evidence for their crimes must be presented in court, a duly-appointed judge or jury decides on their guilt, and their punishment is appropriate.

Without this monopoly on violence, does that mean private individuals can take the law into their own hands? For example, if my neighbor parks his car too far over and damages my landscaping, can I burn his house down? If someone rapes my daughter, can I imprison him in my basement and torture him for several years? If there are no police, who does an old lady with no friends or relatives call if someone robs her and she can't afford to hire a vigilante? What happens if someone makes a mistake and avenges themselves against the wrong person?

17:14 UTC


Libertarian and anarchist Christians, do you have any more content to add to this text? Perhaps any more common supposed pro-forced payment quotes in the Bible? None of the quotes I have seen except Romans 13 have even been close to justify forced payments.

11:46 UTC


The most important books about life without the state

I want to translate (from English to my native language) and publish books about the stateless societies and anarcho-capitalism in both theory and practice, I think it might be an efficient way of spreading our views. What are the most interesting publications that cover these topics?

I've already bought Friedman's 'Legal Systems Very Different from Ours' and 'Machinery of Freedom', and Scott's 'The Art of Not Being Governed'. My main focus is the legal system without the government, I can also consider a book about social security (e.g. pension or fire insurance) without the taxes. It doesn't necessarily have to be written by a libertarian author, it might just be an anthropologist, sociologist, etc.

10:17 UTC


Regarding the common question "But what if a State vanquishes an anarchy?" This is like saying "You like democracy... yet democratic France fell to dictatorial Germany in 1940". An anarchy has the means to defend itself, but it, like any other system, can be overpowered; it is still worthwhile

19:06 UTC


Deregulation of flour mills [question]

I remember what I think was a Thomas Sowell quote about the deregulation of the flour milling industry in Europe, and how it freed up capital to do other things. But I can’t seem to find the quote and am not sure if it was Thomas Sowell. Anyway, thanks ahead of time

1 Comment
12:01 UTC


Unless you have a global federation planned, you do not have a plan for the cohesion necessary to bring freedom to realization.

06:49 UTC


Home owners

Are there any home owners in this sub who also subscribe to this "anti-capitalism" idea?

From my understanding I'm a capitalist for owning my own home because I own private property.

So even if I lived in a hut, would I still be a capitalist if I owned that hut?

18:25 UTC


Remember how you said that you really like that property owners can make contracts that people couldn't possibly consent to in a competent or informed way?

08:18 UTC


I need help

Does anyone know where I can find AnarcoChris’s old YouTube videos and why he stopped posting on YouTube?

23:50 UTC

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