Amala Network is offline indefinitely in protest of Reddit's new API policy and it's affects on third party reddit apps.
We operate a Discord. If you want to join, send a request to Ghazi modmail. Applicants will be vetted by the mods before being granted access.
A place to discuss social justice issues related to politics, the environment, healthcare and beyond.
Link submission rules:
Submissions concerning movies, music, gaming, television, social media, internet culture and GamerGate will be removed; post them to /r/GamerGhazi.
Custom submission titles are allowed, but must accurately reflect contents.
Add content warnings for submissions that include obscene material.
If there is already a submission about a current event, put your link a comment under that submission; only submit a new link about the same event if it contains a substantial amount of new information or differing analysis.
Posts requiring description:
Videos over five minutes in length must be submitted as a text post with at least two sentences explaining what the video contains and why it's relevant to this subreddit.
Links to a Twitter or Facebook post must be submitted as a text post with at least two sentences explaining relevancy.
Studies must be submitted as a text post with at least four sentences summarizing abstract, conclusion, and relevancy.
Culture guidelines:
Treat each commenter as you would if you were talking to them in person.
Comments expressing hate or bias against race, gender identity, disability, and/or sexuality will not be tolerated; report these comments on sight for removal.
Comments expressing hate or bias against adherents to a religion/people who are not religious will not be tolerated; you can discuss social justice issues concerning how ideologies are exercised without generalizing. Report these comments on sight for removal.
If a person asks you to stop replying to them, respect their wishes.
If a moderator asks you to stop engaging in a certain behavior, listen to them; continued engagement may result in banning.
Moderators may exercise discretion to remove users as they see fit.
Report violations instead of engaging and piling on.