
Photograph via snooOG

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Am I the jerk for hating my aunts after they tried to cut my great nan out of my life

I (a teenage male) have a lovely great nana. Sadly after she got dementia she’s had to go to a nursing home. Especially because she got scammed many times online. So I’ve got 2 aunts let’s call Karen and sue who previously kicked me and my mom out of my nans house saying they were having a private conversation even though my great nana asked us to come in. My mom was in tears as they shouted swears at us down the road as loud as they could as we left. They decided to take advantage of my Nan being in a home. Me and my mom went over one day to feed the fish and cat but to our surprise the house had been raided. Luckily we had a ring doorbell inside and outside of the house so we knew who did it. My 2 aunts. Now some of this stuff wasn’t as special but other items were antique. We went around looking and nearly every drawer,nook and cranny had been cleared. Me and my mom decided to check the bins outside and what do we find. Half of what had been taken. I was fuming. I might be young but I have a good understanding of what is happening without being told. I cried that night as a lot of that stuff that had been taken had been with me all through my childhood.

About a month later I had nearly forgotten about everything. My mum showed me a special app that allowed me to send messages and pictures to my nana that would be printed out in a newspaper style for her. Now when we told some of my other family members they said that they already knew and my two aunts claimed they told us. Of corse they hadn’t. We then confronted them about it and they said because we lived further away and my mom couldn’t drive they didn’t want us to use the app because if my great nana saw it she’d want to see us and she can’t. Now this made me furious. She didn’t want us to communicate in any way so she won’t want to see us. I now have cut all ties with my aunts and refuse to see or talk to them. So am I the jerk for this

Just adding that I managed to walk 6 miles to finally see my nana. She was in tears to finally see us.☺️ best day ever.

11:31 UTC


AITJ for wanting someone dead?

I'm going to go by Jay for the story. Back when I was about 5 years old, I was in a private school. There was this kid who I'll call K. I'm not exactly sure what time of year it was when it started, but one day when I wanted to hang out and fit in, K said "Eww no. You have the Jay touch." Think something like Grewdies from the Despicable Me franchise when they said, "Eww Grew touched Lisa." Anyway after he said this, everyone being 5 years old, they kind of just went with it.

From that day on, everyone avoided me like the plague. I've told my parents and they didn't think a 5 year old would be that mean. I told the school and they had teachers witness kids avoiding me and when I asked to hang out, they said, "No. You have the Jay touch. I don't want to get sick." But even then, it's a private school. They don't care what happens as long as they get money.

For two whole years I went from being a loud, annoying kid, to a shut in child. I never wanted to leave my room. I hated going to school. After two years, so I'm 7 now, my parents enrolled my younger sister in the same school. By this time, almost everyone in the whole school avoided me. After some time, my sister did the same even at home. I hated myself and wondered what was wrong with me. Why doesn't anyone like me?

For three more years until sixth grade, it just kept going. I had no friends, and my parents were too busy working to afford our family being able to even eat. Luckily, the school at least offered free lunches. The lunch lady was the only one that would even talk to me like a person at the school, so I would spend as much time with her as I could.

Fast forward one more year, and I'm in high school. By this time, since it wasn't a private school, most of the kids that avoided me didn't go there. But K did. I still didn't like him, but hey. Hey was a kid. He didn't know any better. K is known as "The big bully" in this high school. He didn't really bully me as much, but he mostly avoided me. It's better than being beat up.

I was finally able to make some friends. But K just loved being mean. He would bully my friends relentlessly, and the school did nothing about it. My one friend, D, had scoliosis so he walked funny. He was K's biggest target. Always pushing him over. One day I had enough and rushed to K and reached for his throat. He saw this and grabbed my wrists to stop me. I then kicked his chin and he fell hard. I was going to keep hitting him but I saw blood on the ground and got scared that I would get in trouble, so I left.

I later found out that he bit a hole in his tongue. Good for him. He left me and D alone after that, but set his eyes on a new target, L, another one of my friends. I would tell K to leave him alone and he did for the most part.

One day in P.E. the class walked over to a nearby field. Me, L, and K were all in this class. As we were waiting to cross the street, K said to L, "Hey L, see that car coming towards us? You should jump in front of it." I was ready to beat the ever loving shit out of him, but the teacher told him not to talk like that, so I let it go for now. I assumed the teacher would tell the principal about it, but when have public schools ever stopped bullies?

Nothing happened to K. No punishment for anything. He was still a massive bully. I've thought about killing myself for so long, but I can't do that to my mom. I then began thinking about just killing K. He's where all my problems came from. He was a problem for everyone. He would bully his own sister. No one would miss him.

I got in trouble with the law for something else, stealing from a gas station. Since I wasn't an adult yet. I was able to get away with a misdemeanor and the case was dropped, but still on my record until I would turn 18. Somehow, K found out about this and told everyone about it and not to trust me or I'd steal their stuff.

Once again, everyone avoided me. At least my only two friends still hung out with me. Still, I've thought of several different ways to get back at him without getting in trouble. I couldn't really come up with anything now that the school had cameras.

Then, I got it. Killing him. This time I would go through with it. I came up with a plan. Fool proof. I would intentionally miss school. I would have ring camera evidence from my neighbors ring camera showing me go to the backyard with a tall, closed in fence. If I were to leave, the camera would see me. Our trampoline was set up in the backyard, helping me jump over the tall fence. I would then have a mask on with full black clothing and a hood. I'd walk to the school, 3 miles away, and stab him, walk away and rush home to have the alibi of me being there on the camera. Completely freeing me of guilt.

But I couldn't. What if they somehow knew. What if I somehow messed it up. I gave up on it quickly but wished him a thousand times dead.

TL'DR, Kid ruined my life and bullies my friends, and I think about killing him everyday. AITJ?

10:57 UTC


AITJ for not wanting to do any physical activities with my boyfriend?

I'm 19 and currently going to college with my boyfriend and he likes to go to the gym a lot and I used to go with him but my hips caused me too much pain. As some background I have backwards hips and it makes physical activities hard to do. And I've told my boyfriend but he still insists on me going to the gym with him.

Most of my friends know about my hips and my doctors even said not to do too many physical activities to reduce the stress on my hips but my boyfriends new motto is "if you can have s#x with me you can work out at the gym" and I'm honestly a little done with his bs

09:38 UTC


Aitj for being sick? (Part 2)

So if you saw my last post I just wanted to update more on what’s been happening, because ALOT has happened😭

so when I first woke up (I didn’t even get 1 second of sleep, it was too uncomfortable so I just stayed up reading Harry pottah) I found my mum putting on her shoes to drive my older sister to swimming practise. I just went into the living room, put on the heater (mind you, it’s 26 degrees out😭) and watched some YouTube to distract myself.

when my mum came back she did notice something was wrong especially when I gave her a note telling her that I was going to go take a bath Instead of telling her, She just gave me the side eye.

after a bit I was just sitting in the kitchen by the glass door to cool myself off and I vomited. It was really transparent, sticky and slimy. my mum saw this and she gave me 2 napkins and told me to clean up. I was just like : 🙂🥲.

my throat still feels horrible and I somehow managed to eat less than a teaspoon of soup😃.

another thing is my lower left stomach pain is gone so I think it was just cramps. (Didn’t feel like cramps though🥲) imma make a list of stuff from the chemist that I’m gonna go force my mum to buy for me cuz I still feel nauseous.


04:17 UTC


AITJ for accusing my friend of stalking me ?

So I have a friend who we will call by Hank and hank got pretty upset at me earlier today when I confronted him about stuff. He once again called me up saying that he found another Youtube channel of mine and said that he is tired of me lying to him that it is not my channel when it clearly is. I'm so sick and tired of him stalking me. I told him that it was not my channel and that he needs to stop stalking. He called me a jerk and said that he never stalked me and hung up on me. Does it make me a jerk for accusing him of stalking me ??

04:00 UTC


Am I the jerk for not helping my parents after years of bad treatment

So I 19 year old male and this story take place around a week ago so I'm still amazed by it. So I'm in college right now (Go LSU) and I'm really glad I am. I grew up in Florida so my life was good. My parents were fairly wealthy and i had a good childhood until I turned 5 oh boy was that bad. When I was 3 my little sister was born, now I loved my little sister and I don't blame a lot of this on her. My parents were happy to have a little girl in the house so for her first birthday she had a HUGE party... and thats when it all came crumbling down. My sister was born 3 weeks before my birthday so 3 weeks after her birthday came mine. In my family we have a tradition where we go out for dinner on the day of the person's birthday. When my birthday came I wanted Sushi but my little sister hated sushi so my parents made me pick somewhere else. Fine this happening one time is ok so I agreed and we ate pasta. So then my party came around and my parents kept the party a surprise so the day of we went to.... the same place my sister had her's. That place was a little kids place and I thought my parents were joking, but they weren't and when my friends came they were like wtf is this the party was from 3:00 to 7:00 but all my friends left before even singing happy birthday it was horrible. Well the next 14 years until I left home were the same thing plus my parents would give me gifts only my sister would like and they would say "SoMe KIdS DoN't EvEn HaVE GiFtS" so whatever. Side-note I'm Jewish so I had a Bar Mitzvah at 13. The actual service part was good but it was the party. Again they made it Princess themed for my sister (who was 8 at the time) and when my friends came i was bullied. I had to move schools bc of the bulling. Fast forward to a week ago and my parents called me up I was shocked they called so I picked up. They started small talk and I continued until they asked this "so we're kinda in debt right now can you help us" my jaw dropped. My girlfriend heard everything she was shocked she knows what I went through with my parents so she knows. I was like "Are you serious?????" they were like "yea, is there a problem" I said "yea you treated me horribly and favored my sister in everything, I was bullied bc of you guys. You gave me a 2006 Toyota Corolla for my 16th birthday (not that I'm complaining just saying that bc they had money to but nice cars) while my sister failed her driving test and you bought her the newest Mercedes." They were speechless. They tried to say that it was so I can be not spoiled in life i just scoffed and hung up on them. Well 2 days after that I get a ton of angry texts from family members saying "how could you" and "they're your parents" I later found out my parents told everyone that I told them to F off and I said i hated them and they said they gave me an incredible life. I had to explain to everyone what they did to me and then everyone connected the dots. No one knew about my living hell my parents made me look happy or else they would whip me. When family asked why I had a princess themed party my parents told them I was gay. After everyone found out they all apologized and everyone said sorry for not catching it earlier. Most of them went after my parents and they were shamed. But some family members said I was wrong bc they said my parents gave birth to me and therefore I should help them. I kinda see their side but they don't know what me life was like. Ever since family found out my parents relationship went south. My mom filed for divorce and after that my dad assaulted her. He is now in jail. But now more family are saying I'm wrong fro escalating the situation. I'm stuck. So am I the Jerk???

02:57 UTC


Someone Keeps Sending me R@CIST Emails… I Found Out Who He Was and I Got Even

01:37 UTC



HELLO GUYS. Another update. Things have been going smoothly so far. Things have gotten out of hand a little so I’ve been staying with my best friend. But other than that everything is starting to look up..ish? Let’s just say it’s definitely better than what it was before. And my Halloween was awesome.

But instead of doing raven and starfire for our costumes (because they were sold out) we did chucky and Tiffany! I would post the outfit reveal but I don’t want to risk my mom or any family member seeing it or anything like that plus who knows what type of creeps are on Reddit… no offense! Sorry guys I’m just really cautious in certain things.

But school is going great and I’ve been looking into some colleges but unfortunately because of what happened in my previous school I can’t get in to my dream college because it messed up my gpa but I can still apply to the next top 2 choices so not all hope is lost.

And remember the guy I told you guys I went on a date with… well… it..was… GREAT! He is so nice and understanding. I didn’t go alone it was more like a double date. But he’s been nothing but sweet and he had the same sense of humor and is weird like me lol but things have been great between us. We did have a few petty fight but we talked it out we’re both new to this health rls thing so we’re working through things slowly

But that’s all for this update thanks for all of the support guys much is appreciated

00:57 UTC


AITJ for not fighting my toxic and unstable ex for ownership of the cat I entirely took care of? That cat later died in my ex’s care.

TLDR; I let my emotionally abusive ex take the cat I primarily raised while together without a fight. That cat later died due to my ex’s negligence. I still to this day feel tremendous guilt for not fighting for ownership and leaving the cat to her fate.

I already posted this story originally awhile back, but the last submission I vented & rambled for way too many paragraphs and got off topic too much which turned it into a big jumbled mess. I’m gonna try very hard to stay on topic here, which is hard due to always feeling the need to over explain everything that happened.

So about 5 years ago I (Early 20s Male) met my ex gf (Early 30s Female), who we will just call J (not her name) for the sake of this story. We were together for about 2 years, with the second year living together in an apartment that only I was on the lease for. Her dad had helped us find the place and co-signed with me. My ex couldn’t be in the lease due to having a felony, but her father knew the owners very well and they basically made an unspoken deal to look the other way about her staying with me.

My ex grew up with a lot of trauma and let me know early on that she suffered from a mental illness I was very ignorant of the complexities of. There were a lot of red flags of her behavior and treatment of me before we moved in together, but I was a young shut-in with massive codependency. Plus, I grew up around a lot of mental illness which made me feel like I could help her. My rose tinted glasses were very strong and all warning signs went right over my head.

Now, the first year with J mostly felt like conditioning and gaslighting. By the second year when we moved in together, it was like a mask had been ripped off and my ex had become an entirely different person. She was a previous addict and immediately began using again; becoming unemployed and started treating me as nothing more than a doormat and punching bag. Her cruelty and unstable behaviors got worse as each day went on. I endured almost every kind of psychological abuse someone can go through from J, with physical being the least of them. The majority of this second year was spent with her vanishing with MY CAR for sometimes weeks at a time to go sleep with other guys for money & drugs. She would occasionally come home where I’d have to flip a coin on whether I’d be completely ignored and treated like a nuisance, or I’d endure rage filled withdraw episodes where I would be screamed at and degraded for sometimes hours. If I was lucky, I got a very short period of lovebombing, but this was usually if she needed something from me. She also just completely weaponized her mental illness, or invented delusion narratives to make me out to be the villain, all so she could justify how she treated me. All of this, while I was left broke and stranded at home (which was luckily across the street from my work). I was living paycheck to paycheck while occasionally dipping into my savings to pay all the bills and taking care of all 3 of our cats.

Now onto the main point of this story. Before we moved into together, my ex already owned a female cat we will call K. Not long after moving in together, my ex brought home 2 sibling kittens; We will call them L (Female) and M (Male). M was originally meant for a family member of mine, but due to circumstances we ended up taking on all 3. My ex was good to them in the beginning. But, naturally, the responsibility of taking care of them was entirely left to me once J started disappearing. I probably wasn’t the best at taking care of them but I was all they had and did my best. I bought the litter and food, and luckily had family willing to spare some extra of those 2 occasionally. I religiously managed & cleaned the litter box and probably overfed them if anything as I spoiled them with treats whenever they gave me those puss n boots eyes. I didn’t mind any of this responsibility though, because I loved all these cats with all my heart. They were my saving grace and helped me endure this year of misery.

J was completely unreliable for any financial help whatsoever. That mixed with barely even being able to afford all the bills on my own, I didn’t have enough extra money to put towards vet appointments. I admit I definitely should’ve probably committed more to finding them a better owner who was more financially stable. I didn’t have the money to get any of the siblings fixed. Naturally, they ended up going into heat. I kept them separated with L and K in J’s bedroom and M in “my room” (I slept on the living room couch). I got a cheap litter box for M and spent 2 weeks trying to figure out what to do. J was absolutely no help during this and when I informed her, she just got annoyed I was bothering her while she was with… well who knows. She did come home at one point and immediately threw the cats out of her room as she, “couldn’t deal with the loud meowing”. I’m certain she came home and did this while I was at work too. So, of course L became pregnant. J then demanded I get rid of M. I ended up dipping into what little I had left in my savings to pay and convince my family member originally meant to have M to take him for the time being, with the idea that once I got the situation sorted I would take him back. I spent this time seeking some kind of financial aid for vet appointments for L.

The last 2 and 1/2 months of the lease, my ex harassed me out of my own apartment, which I later discovered was just so she could invite guys over while I continued paying all the bills. The decline of my mental health from dealing with her had finally reached its limit. I was sleep deprived beyond belief from being on edge anytime she was home, as she could fly off the handle into unstable rage for literally nothing. Being degraded, harassed or slandered was almost a daily occurrence by that point. She made it a complete nightmare for me to stay there and I didn’t have the backbone to attempt to kick her out. J was also hooking up with drug dealers and former convicts so I wouldn’t have even felt safe staying there anyway. I would still stop by when J wasn’t there to provide food & litter for K & L, and feed them & change said litter. I slept on that previously mentioned family member’s couch for little under two weeks. Luckily by that point my tax return came through and I used that to move into an extremely cheap room my friend was renting out. I’ll just refer to them as “the new place” and “the apartment” for the rest of this story.

The new place I moved into did not allow cats. At this point my ex was spitefully declaring that L belonged to her and that I dare not try and take her from her. Seeing as I couldn’t bring cats into my new place, I could not handle any more toxic interaction with J, and the fact that L and K (J’s originally owned cat) were inseparable with K acting as almost a mother to L, I conceded and didn’t put up much of a fight for ownership of L.

L ended up giving birth while I was work one day and J was at the apartment. J began blowing up my phone and her father’s. She was freaking out, demanding for us to handle it, and now claiming I was “abandoning her with the cats”… Luckily J’s father came over immediately to take the newborn kittens to humane society before I could find a way to leave work.

Now, the last 2 weeks of the lease for the apartment, a neighbor had caused a fire that had spread to the apartment. My ex was not home but I immediately informed her. I was the only one who showed up when I got the alerts from the apartment complex. The firefighters would not let me through to check on the cats but informed me they already checked the apartment for pets and didn’t find any. They left the doors open so they could escape if needed. I stayed for hours till having to go home from exhaustion. When they allowed me to safely reenter my apartment the next day, both K and L immediately ran out of their hiding spots to me. This is where I feel the most guilty about this situation. These cats were in a now condemned apartment with horrible air quality. I wanted to say screw it and take them out of there immediately. But, so many things were stopping me. I couldn’t take them home with me as I didn’t want to risk getting evicted from the new place. I barely had any money left in my savings by this point and the only reason I managed to pay the bills was thanks to my tax return. I couldn’t pay or convince my family member to try and hold onto two more cats. J’s father couldn’t take them in. I also had this complete anxiety of giving J any reason to harass me if I decided to take the cats. When I informed J to please come get them out of there, she replied she couldn’t come get them till the next day. So, to my regret I just left the apartment and that was the last time I saw K and L. My ex came by the next day to get them. I was luckily released from the lease agreement due to the fire, but all my ex’s belongings were destroyed in the apartment. I claimed them all as mine for the insurance and sent the money to her dad once I got it a couple weeks later, as I had no contact with J at that point. After that I basically went complete NC.

About a month or so later, J’s father’s girlfriend came into my work. She revealed to me that J had run off to another state with some guy; leaving K and L behind. This guy then ditched J in that state and returned home alone. He then got all of J’s belongings, including the cats, and dumped everything onto J’s father’s driveway in the middle of the night. When her father came out the next day. K was there but L was missing. Apparently this happened a week prior and her father was putting up posters. I drove around the area after work for a couple hours. My family member helped me post on sites for missing pets. Not even 2 days later, we got a reply for a dead cat found on someone’s lawn that was near where L went missing. They sent over a picture and my heart sank when I opened it. It was her. I informed J’s father, as he was the only person who I had any contact info for. I was told that J was blaming everyone except herself… including me.

I have so much hate towards my ex for this, but I still also hate myself. I completely gave up without a fight and let an unstable junkie take the cat that I basically raised; all because I couldn’t handle another sec of dealing with J. Almost 3 years later I still wish I did something to, at the very least, put that poor cat in a safer place.

Last I heard, J’s father found a home for K and she was doing very well. M is still with my family member. They ended up wanting to keep him and he immediately adjusted well to their home. I ended up staying at the new place for a while to build back up my finances, and unfortunately they still don’t allow cats. Once I built my money back up enough I sent over money to help them with vet bills and such. I still see M all the time and he’s in perfect health and happy. I really wish I could say the same for his sister. I have not stopped blaming myself. So, AITJ?

23:47 UTC


AITJ for leaving my job in the middle of my shift never to return

So this happened about 7 to 8 years back. I was working for BK. Hated the job with a passion even though I was one of the hardest workers I would come in when asked or stay longer if asked. About one time this one manager kept playing the music loud like we were in a Mexican restaurant or club listening to nothing but loud Spanish music. Working in the registers it was hard to hear them even customers were complaining. So I asked nicely to turn it down not only for me for the customers she got mad over it but got more mad when a week later you see in their Google review a customer complaining about the loud music because she didn't believe no one would complain she looked at me as if I wrote the review. I told them no but people want to believe the manager over me. So I became the outcast from there on. People would abuse my kindness make me do bathrooms all my shifts like I was punished. So my patience was running low and I was wondering when I would finally say I am done. One day I came in to collect my paycheck and when I asked the manager my schedule she only said tomorrow was one of the days I work. So I was like ok I'll wait till then to see the rest of my schedule. I came in the next day to my hours I clocked in and look at my whole week schedule not only was i the only person to get less hours but they literally put me to work 4 hours for the week. I never had that happened since I started the job there. I was so pissed and frustrated and I was debating about leaving. Eventually they told me like always to clean the bathrooms and so while I was doing it I realized that this job was not worth my time and hard work. So I was nice enough to clean the bathroom first before I left. But while talking to friends I had a genius way to let them know I quit. I went to the back on the kitchen and found BBQ sauce decided to go to the men's bathroom while I finished there and wrote two words I quit in BBQ sauce I was so done. Just in case your asking I chose the men's room because there was one male employee that night I wanted to leave before anyone noticed me gone. I walked out the back door barely being detected got in the car and never turned around. I don't think they even knew I was gone until another 10 minutes. Because that's when they called me lol. I sure didn't answer. Best decision I made

23:12 UTC


What Was Your 'Sir, this is a Wendy's' Moment?

21:17 UTC



18:21 UTC


AITA for not participating in a mass bunk?

I'm gonna try to keep this short.I (18m) live in India and iam pursuing my bachelor's degree right now.Our Class was planning a mass bunk today for a subject that is held weekly once for 2 hours.I refused to participate when my classmates started approaching me,They started pressuring me even more so I pretended to hesitate and stayed back after they left.It was just me and another girl.Eventually the teacher came in and took class for just the 2 of us after asking us if we wanted to continue.While the class was going on some guys who had stayed back for something saw us and mentioned it is the class group chat.The entire class was like appreciating each other for unity and stuff and a friend of mine also texted me personally to say that I should have gone with the majority.I said that if the majority would agree to cover my fees which my dad is paying I would agree to every demand of theirs.He started defending himself with stupid arguments and I tore him a new one when he said that the class will turn against us and told him that I'm not here to keep up appearances.

The girl who was present along with me is really nervous that the whole class will turn against her.I’ve told her not to beat herself up.

AITA for not agreeing with my classmates?

Edit: for those who don't know mass bunk Is basically where the entire class decides to skip class together

18:15 UTC


AITJ for giving my friends dog to the local pound

My friend asked me to watch her new puppy for 2 weeks while she went overseas. I did not want to do this as I am not a dog person but agreed as her normal pet sitter was in the hospital. She was in a panic so I said ok.

The puppy was out of control, wild and destroying my house. Peeing everywhere, complete chaos, it even bit my child on the foot. I couldn't handle it anymore so I took the dog to the local pound. The dog was almost adopted out and my friend received a fine when she picked it up as the puppy was not microchipped.

She thinks this is all my fault and that I should have communicated with her before dropping the dog off at the pound. But in my mind it was an emergency as the dog had bitten my child.

She is refusing to ever speak to me again and turning other friends against me.

16:24 UTC


Am i a jerk for not telling my gf i went to see someone she's jealous of?

Hi everyone, i just wanna ask am i jerk for not telling my gf i went to see someone she's jealous of..

First of all, i am a girl and this someone she's jealous of is my friend "kinda" because months ago she want me to pick one between them, to clarify things my friend in this situation is someone I've been friend through up and downs and ive known her before i met or i courted my girlfriend, to let you know this friend is 'pretty' by standard and this friend is not my FRIEND friend, but we became friends because of a mutual friend who i will call as clarise, she is our bridge, basically we don't see each other alone! We were always 3 or 4 because we were a circle of friends, this girl is straight! And she have a bf, so i don't get why my gf is jealous of her

2 weeks ago, I'm with clarise and we were on way to school, when suddenly her phone rang and we hear the loudest sob we ever heard, you can definitely feel something is off, our friend was begging and crying for clarise to see her and help her, clarise immediately replied "okay, Calm down me and my name will be there" after she ended the call she immediately looked at me and asked "will you come?" As i was really concerned i said yes, we took the bus and ran to this friend's home, what we saw definitely shaken me, we saw her lying on the ground with blade and her wrist flowing so much blood, clarise immediately went to action, and start hugging her telling her to stop, I don't know what to do, clarise turned to me and asked me to get some towels and water to cover her wound(s), i was really shaken it's my first time seeing something like that, our friend was crying her eyes out, and hurting herself, soon after she calmed down i finally got my phone out and started messaging my girl but i soon stop, and i just remembered this friend is someone my gf wanted me to cut off of my life, i know that if she knew about this she will be angry and will definitely want me to cut off clarise too (she's my bestfriend since grade school), so i didn't tell her, i know she will be mad, but i was so worried, even if my gf wanted me to cut her off, we didn't have any bad blood so I'm still worried cause she was one of my friends... And that's not the only reason why i didn't tell her, our friends brother is a big name in our school, if he learned what happened to her sister we will be dragged and we don't want that, we don't want our friend to be the main gossip of the school, so even if it hurts me, i didn't tell anyone, but i guess our friend's bf have something else in his mind, he just spilled all what happened to her gf and this news came back to my gf, and she was furious, she's asking me why do i still worry for our friend, why did i come with clarise, she want me cut clarise off of my life, i don't know what to do, she doesn't accept all of my explanation and everything is just in total chaos, our friend is saying sorry but my gf don't wanna hear a thing, clarise is apologizing too but my gf is stubborn, she's really angry with me and still calling me a jerk for doing that, I don't know what to do.. am i jerk?

13:30 UTC


Amij for being sick?

So I don’t know how to explain this but I have gotten a sore throat over 25 times this year. It’s been getting so annoying and I just dont know what to do. My mums sick of it. And I’m sick of it.

we went to a few doctors but they just said it was because I’m a teenager. i Also have really bad pain in my lower left stomach which I’ve had for the whole day so rn I feel horrible.

i don’t know what to do and I really want my sore throat to go away quickly because my mum always gets really mad with me and I’m sure if I tell her that I have a sore throat again, like, I don’t even know how her reaction will be.

its so hard to swallow and I just don’t feel good.

what do I do?

13:30 UTC


My Grandma's Dying Wish was to TROLL ME from the Grave... and it Worked

03:24 UTC


AITJ for telling my friend to STFU after I nearly got hit by a car

I'M going to keep this short. Ten minutes ago I nearly got hit by a car I was running and thought the crosswalk was clear and it wasn't. Every one was physically fine mentally I'm stressed out but I don't know about the driver. I was within 2 inches of being a guy paralyzed from my hip down. I was on my way to a bar to celebrate my friends birthday. I was the second one there so I thought that I could talk to the my friend and get a " laugh out of him (It would have made me feel better). But he was scolding me and I told him to STFU and I gave him his present and left. I know I'm the jerk for the car and leaving before the rest of the group got there. I haven't checked my messages yet and I don't know when I will. But AITJ for telling my friend to STFU?

01:40 UTC


AITJ for ditching my radical Christian friend?

So this guy and I are friends on Facebook and we have a common issue in that we both have a brain injury. So we talk in the Facebook groups about these very serious and dangerous injuries. I however gave him my phone number so he texts me all the time and we talk and he’s actually a very nice person and he lives a long way away for me, but he started ending all of his texts with… I’ll pray for you sister and Jesus is the one and you need to read the Bible. Well at the end of the day I am an atheist. I am an older woman and I’m simply not going to change.

So after the election he went crazy and said he wanted to jump off of a bridge, obviously he was just joking, but he said that Donald Trump was the red devil and that the Bible says something about the number six and revelations and that Donald Trump was inaugurated, sorry elected on the sixth, so that means that he is the red devil and that he’s going to lose all of his Social Security money and he just started to go absolutely fucking insane. He started talking about revelations in the four horsemen and how politics in general is completely evil, and that all politics are of the elite and based in Geneva Switzerland. Literally it goes on and on. He then started sending me videos about atheist and how they found God and I told him I’m really interested in politics. I just can’t deal with it anymore, and although he seems mentally unwell, I just can’t talk to him anymore. Do you think I’m a jerk for this?

23:15 UTC


What Event Caused real-life 'BUTTERFLY EFFECT' for You?

21:19 UTC


So long, so many issues!

I have been married for almost 45 years, except for a short divorce after 25. My MIL was devastated. She said she was happy when I still introduced her as my mother-in-law. I told her I didn't divorce. HER. I love her. We reconciled and were going to fly to Vegas to get married. But, she wanted to be there. Her 3rd husband passed and she was done with marriage. She had a paid for home, a paid for car and nearly 100K in the bank.

Then, she married #4.

He was SO unlike her previous two, we were in shock. He is loud and brash and reminds me of my abusive father. Most family members can't stand him. (She doesn't know). She told her kids that she didn't care if they liked it or not she was going to be happy. He had no money, a huge mortgage and a big car payment.

HE immediately had her will changed and had my husband removed as executor. Then he made a point of telling us that if something were to happen to my husband before his mom passed, I would get nothing. It would go to my kids. That's fine! I have paid off house, a paid off car, savings and retirement plans. But the REASON he gave was that I was "A SPOUSE" and spouses cause problems. This coming from a 90 day spouse after I had been a MEMBER OF THE FAMILY for 35 years

I pay all the taxes, put money in savings and provide the insurance because my husband is self employed. He gives me greive for buying myself anything! Now, he told me, we would be paying for 1/2 of his mom's birthday party. She wants it for 90. #4 says do it at 89. Why? Is she not going to be here for 90? I say, let the guy that took her money pay for it. He stated EVERYONE was REQUIRED to attend.

Our daughter is non binary and they pray she will change. I pray THEY will.

He has been posting that GOD'S choice was elected. So, I blocked the b*stard on my public profiles. I don't want to go for Christmas. My kids won't go, my daughter for obvious reasons. My son stop years ago because they picked out the perfect gifts for the grandchildren. Except his daughter. She got a gift card and had to watch the other kids open gift after gift.

I sure as shit don't want to pay for her party, I really don't want to go. AITAH?

1 Comment
19:53 UTC


Old Man GOES CRAZY on an Airplane... says he's Gonna Fight OTHER PASSENGERS

17:28 UTC


am i the jerk that i dont want to be by my girlfriend in the hospital

hi, some of you might recognize me because of some of my previous posts. anyways. before yall get your undies in a bunch, this isnt as serious as it sounds.

so to begin with ill explain why she is in the hospital. about a day ago my girlfriend got hit by a car while biking with me. the car missed me but my girlfriend wasnt so lucky. i imediately checked on her, and when she didnt get up because she "couldnt feel her legs" i called 112 and her parrents. she got taken to the hospital in a ambulance and i walked her and my bike back to my house and then biked to the hospital.

now to the problem at hand. my girlfriend asked me to stay with her that night untill she fell asleep, i agreed and stayed untill about 11pm. well she asked me to do the same tonight. i dont know if i should ignore the chat or respond with no. i have a busy life with school. im going into my finals and dont want to miss out on any classes. she will be out of the hospital in about 4 to 7 days they say, because she luckely wasnt hit too bad. i want to get my diploma sothat i can move on to become a pilot, so would i be the jerk if i said no to staying with her tonight, and possibly tomorrow night. like on friday night and saturday night id be happy to, but on school nights i study and focus on schoolwork.

so am i the jerk, and how should i approch her without hurting her feelings?

17:25 UTC


AITJ for not going with my boyfriend?

I 24 f told my 23 M boyfriend that I didn't want to go back to our old house especially not today. For context we moved about 2 months ago out of one of the houses his mother rents out (we've been dating for almost 3 years living in together for 2 years) . It was alright in the beginning but something about that house braught out the worst in both of us, even going back to fetch stuff we would argue and I'd end up crying no matter how much I hold my tears back. We still go out there every now and then to fetch more stuff.

Today is my birthday and I just wanted a relaxing day, a day I didn't need to stress or cry. He comes to me and tells me yesterday(Wednesday) that he needs to do to the other house today (Thursday) to get the last stuff. I've told him after the 3rd trip to get stuff which was last time (about 1 week ago) that I did not want to go back there ever and he said it's fine.

Now since yesterday hes been trying to bribe me to go with him. I kept telling him no even when he offered to buy me things. I hate going there. I get physically nautious with the thought of going there.

It's not even just the place. He wants to go late at night everytime while knowing I'm deathly afraid of roads at night on account of the multible times we have almost been in accidents on the hour long drive back. He tried to bribe me one more time and kept giving me guilty looks to which I almost gave in. But no I stayed home.

Now I feel bad that he has to be there alone, it's very safe in an estate but It's more like he might get lonely.

I think I might be too selfish and wonder if I am the jerk for not going with. So AITJ for not going with him?

15:46 UTC


am i the jerk

I'm at 19 year old female, and my partner is 18 year old male. every time he around his friends, it feels like I'm being hidden, and I've told him about this feeling and he brushed it off countless times. even after I explained that it really bothers me. he just keep brushing it off as he believes that it normal for boys to ignore their partner for hours on end even if I call him or it emergency. Like what if I end in the hospital or my family member does and I need to contact him so he knows that going on. and I just want someone to tell me if I'm the jerk in this situation and I don't know if it me or him.

05:13 UTC


AITJ for wanting to cut off a 2 year friendship with my friends who behave immaturely?

To clarify, in my country, we graduate from primary school at 6th grade and we all start in a completely new school for 7th grade, since i was curious about it and realised different countries have different graduating grades. Anyways.

When i started 7th grade, i wasn't very social. Being fresh out of the pandemic probably contributed to it, but i was antisocial and i hated speaking to people i didn't know, which kind of set me behind for the whole getting to know people thing.
I'm into anime and stuff like that, which i mistakenly revealed when getting to know people. plus the whole non social thing made me an outcast. And guess who else were outcasts? The weird kids. I'll elaborate here so you can see what I'm talking about.

Firstly, we have Ruth( these are all fake names, obviously) who was likely one of the smartest. She's totally fine in professional settings, gets work done, is absolutely amazing at cooperating in teamwork stuff. So whys she an outcast? Well, she has these quirks that remind me of myself in 2020 on tiktok. In short, she acts like a cat. She's not a furry, but she meows at random intervals and screams/yelps whenever someone touches her shoulder. It causes quite a commotion when I'm in a PUBLIC PLACE with her and she acts like that. She for some reason uses words like "oh my" and "dearie" like a old lady. And worst of all, she has a boyfriend who she's overly affectionate with. its a little uncomfortable for me to be sitting next to them at the lunch table and for her to be hugging him, on his lap. I don't even think i can eat. They're way too awkward too, he barely ever says a word to her and she's like playing with his hair or something in the crowded lunch room.

And secondly, we have Jade. She's the worst, possibly. She constantly keeps asking the same question like "bro are we going to XXX later?" LIKE 7 FUCKING TIMES. I keep telling her "Yes, yes we are" "I told you this like 2 minutes ago, Yes." "oh my god, yes, for christs sake". Not only this, but she makes FURRY FANART of her CRUSH and showed it to the entire class in a POWERPOINT PRESENTATION. She very clearly said, "I drew Jake and made him a penguin."

I don't like these people, but they were the only people that I could even talk to since the main friend groups saw me as a weirdo. And, hell, i wanted friends. So they were my last option. I know it's shitty as hell to talk about them like that, but I'm considering cutting off our friendship since i can't help but feel embarrassment at all their jokes and actions.

Sure, i'm a weeb, but my personal life and school life are two different things. I can act totally normal in school but totally different in my own life. They feel like children who aren't aware of their age as teenagers and can't be mature. They aren't bad people at all, just so weird and immature.

TLDR: I was a class outcast for being mostly nonsocial and my only options for friends were the weird kids, one who's a furry and draws furry fanart of her crush and showed it to everyone, and one who acts like she was transported back to 2018-2020 tiktok by meowing all the time and being immature, yelling when someone taps her shoulder even slightly, even in public.

So, AITJ for wanting to cut them off for being weird and immature, since i never even wanted to be their friends in the first place?

04:19 UTC


Bridezilla Expects her Friends to Work Like SLAVES to make her Wedding ‘Live Up to Her Expectations

03:28 UTC


Am I responsible for my mental health

Where is used to live 6 months ago I was bullied.each day I would get critics about my height, weight, appearance, style. I would be sexually harassed by 8 to 11 graders (I was in 7th grade).sometimes I would be pushed or hit in the hallways. Obviously this left scars on my mental health leading to 6 failed attempts. My parents don't know about this since they only care about my brother since he has special needs and my sister since she's their fav.this only broke me mentally even more. Now I got a school phobia, I always compare myself to others, I try to find parents figure, I hurt myself to feel better, I cry myself to sleep every night, I hate my family and I got eating disorder. When I can I use my friend's vape,I steal my mom cigarettes and I cut myself. I'm seriously thinking about a 7th attempt.

Idk what to do I don't know where to look for help since every person I asked told me it was a me problem and that I was the jerk and being selfish

Idk where to seek help and from who

03:04 UTC


Am I The Jerk for resenting my mom?

So my mom was planning to go to my grandma's house as a surprise for my birthday and she has been talking to me about packing because it is in the upcoming weeks. Normally I would be fine with it because I love my grandma but this time is different.

So me 16M and my friends (three and their mom who is paying for herself) who are are around my same age have been planning and saving up for a trip to disney land for MUCH longer than my grandma

When I told my Mom this she blew up at me and called me many names like selfish ass hole and many more. My friends say I am right but I don't know.

01:55 UTC


My dad keeps barging into my room unnanounced

Whenever i'm doing homework, chatting, or WHATEVER, my dad COMPLETELY FUCKING UNNANOUNCED barges into the fucking room and makes sure to yell as loud as fucking possible to make sure all my friends can hear him through my noise gate. He then yells "HI GUYS!!!" What is up with that son of a bitch behavior? I've calmly talked to him about it more times than I can count on my fingers. WTF do i do?

01:41 UTC

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