
Photograph via snooOG

Alopecia areata, also known as spot baldness, is an autoimmune disease in which hair is lost from some or all areas of the body. Small spots most commonly occur on the scalp and usually grow back within a year. A very small percentage of cases spread to the entire scalp (alopecia totalis) or to the entire body (alopecia universalis).

Alopecia areata, also known as spot baldness, is an autoimmune disease in which hair is lost from some or all areas of the body. Small spots most commonly occur on the scalp and usually grow back within a year. A very small percentage of cases spread to the entire scalp (alopecia totalis) or to the entire skin (alopecia universalis).

The cause is not well understood, heredity may be a factor

The most common treatments are:

  • Cortisol injections or creams
  • Minoxidil (Rogain)


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Can alopecia areata only happen once?

I found a random singular bald spot on the back of my head back in January and it has almost fully grown back and I’ve had no other patches since. I also never experienced white hair regrowth and finger nail changes. Just wondering/hoping if it’s possible to have only one episode

19:15 UTC


Process check

Got my fourth injection today and it's been around 4 months. The doctor mentioned that it's still active around the periphery. Is this regrowth decent and what other changes can I make to help it grow faster?

18:34 UTC


alopecia need advice

Hello everyone, I have alopecia totalis. I've noticed for a while now I sometimes get irregular bowel movements. In addition, to having a lot of flatulence throughout the day. What would you guys recommend to do?Thank you!

16:40 UTC


Anyone have elevated blood pressure/heart rate?

I feel like my blood pressure went up ever since my first flare up. Has anyone lowered their blood pressure and seen an improvement in your hair?

04:07 UTC



Last thing for today! Has anyone tried the very expensive red light lasers?

I went to a hair loss center run by MDs and they recommended this one: https://lasercap.com/product/lasercap-hd-plus/

1 Comment
03:14 UTC



Hi friends, I was just diagnosed with AA via biopsy. I mostly have patches of eyebrow loss and eyelash loss all of which started 3 weeks ago and I have diffuse AA on my scalp (fortunately, mild — all there derms thought it was androgenic loss). I’m currently taking 4 mg dexamethasone on a pulse dose (Saturday and Sunday only) and I’ve experienced some hypomania as well as weight gain (which I lose throughout the week then regain). I’ve been offered a JAK inhibitor but haven’t begun yet/not sure if I want to go down that route. Here’s my question — has anyone done long term pulse steroid tx? How long did it take to see results? I’m still losing eyelashes and chunks of eyebrow hair. Did you have any long term side effects? I’m also on AIP diet and starting TCM herbs and acupuncture. In an ideal world I’d just do holistic tx, but I really really want to keep the scalp hair I have. I’m also on 1.25 mg minoxidil. Thanks!

01:44 UTC


Weird white spot and loss of sensation

1 Comment
01:39 UTC


What should I expect?

Hey guys, so as you can see I’ve been dealing with AA on the back of my head. I’ve had it for about 5 months now, and have received 5 or so steroid injections. I’ve also been applying fluocinonide to the area regularly.

The results have been…mixed. There’s definitely been some regrowth (the area was completely bald before), but the affected area has also expanded.

This is my first time going through this so I’m just wondering what I should expect. Will it eventually grow back? Keep expanding until I’m bald?

Also, treatment wise, should I consider Litfulo or something else?

Any and all insights appreciated, thanks!

17:41 UTC



Diffuse alopecia areata

16:29 UTC


Is there any connection between seasonal allergies caused by pollen and triggering alopecia areata?

  • Allergies and Immune System Stress: Since alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder, anything that puts stress on the immune system, such as seasonal allergies, might potentially exacerbate autoimmune conditions in some people, although this link is not well-established.

  • Inflammation: Allergies, including those to pollen, can cause systemic inflammation, which could theoretically impact autoimmune responses, but this varies greatly between individuals.

What are your thoughts on this? In which season have you most often noticed your AA triggers?

15:20 UTC


Shedding hair with white bulbs and black bulbs. What does it mean?

Is losing hair with or without a white bulb better or worse?

14:23 UTC


I need help, please

Hello, I have alopecia areata for two years now. I have some questions, since it started to get worse lately. Normally I would only have one place where I would lose hair, I would start using some products, hair would regrow, I would stop using them and start to lose hair in a diffrent spot again. So I learnt I have to use them all of the time, not just when I see my hair is falling out. I went to a dermatologist, she prescribed me Minoxidilum 5% and Dermovate, which I only now see is probably not what I should be using. Anyway, they didn't help at all. I also noticed I'm losing hair on my arm (which is actually not that bad lmao). But the point is, its getting worse. I started growing my hair, I would like to keep them long, but maybe I should keep them short? Does it change anything or not? Also using all that products, is there even a chance I will cure it, or am I just delaying something that will come anyway and it's all pointless? If it changes anything, I have many other autoimmune diseases, like asthma and allergy, I had some troubles with my eye, which doctors also said is autoimmune. In addition, undiagnosed heart problems, Tourettes and I started stuttering a few months ago. I know alopecia areata is connected with stress, and since starting to stutter at my age (I'm 18, was 17 when it started) is not common, I assume it also has something to do with stress. The hart problems are also stress related, I happen to have panic attacks or faint. Tourettes is also at its flare. So I know, I am burdened with other autoimmune diseases, and for some reason, I am experiencing stress, even tho I really don't feel stressed. Hence my question. Is it possible I will get rid of the alopecia? Or is there not any permanent solution? What next steps would you recommend?

If you need any more information in order to tell me anything, ask right away. I really need answers, I will tell you everything you need to know.

10:24 UTC


How do I tell a girl I'm talking to that I have alopecia areata

I 18(m) have been talking to a girl for the past months (on and off). We live a couple states away from each other but we know each other because she's the cousin of my cousins boyfriend. Ive yet to tell her anything about my disorder and I know she's suspicious because she always asks me why I always wear a hat or beanie. So basically I'm just wondering how do I go about bringing this up to her. Alopecia is my biggest insecurity as I've had it since the beginning of middle school and always have been made fun of even by "friends" for it. Aside from this ive met a couple people who are truly understanding of my disorder and don't make it a big deal. I'm just worried that she won't see me the same.

08:40 UTC


i’m seeing little sprouts of growth, but i’m assuming the dots mean it’s still active?

looking at starting injections, but i’ve heard that although they can help with regrowth, you also start to form new patches????

04:54 UTC


No regrowth, no miniaturisation and confused - can it be diffuse AA?


I’vr been dealing with continuous hair shedding for almost 6 years now. It started in a very stressful time in my life, where my sleep wasn’t great and yeh. There was SO SO SO much shedding at the beginning. It was rather sudden, appeared one day.

When it didn’t get better (after a year or so, as I thought it was it was just a case of 6 months of TE), I went to the gyno and my DHEAS was slightly higher than in the norm, but wasn’t an explanation for the hair shedding.

My scalp started hurting a year into the main shed.

In the following years I have consulted multiple derms, and even a trichologist. The answer is always the same: my hairloss does not resemble AGA. There is no miniaturisation because there simply is no regrowth. I still shed terminal hair (with the white bulb at the end), none of them are small (aka under 5cm - or if so it’s very much 1 in 50).

My shedding at the moment comes in waves, right now it’s very acute again and I shed + 100 hairs a day.

Problem is: there is no regrowth, some very very little at the temples and at my hairline that keeps falling out, but other than that nothing. And it keeps falling out, and regrowing sparser but not thinner.

I recently read on another subreddit that 1) AGA is not theoretically related to a hormone imbalance, 2) miniaturisation does not necessarily involve “thinner regrowth” but rather just hair follicles producing less hair, 3) genetic predisposition is negligent.

Nevertheless, my parting has not really gotten bigger, my hairline is fine and i still have hair. Not because of regrowth, just because I had a lot of hair as a child.

So my question here is: could this have been diffuse AA the whole time? I’m just at a loss honestly. I’ve been scrolling through this sub and it would explain the no regrowth part tbh, but I’m not sold on it yet.

((To note my hairloss is mainly at my sides and at the back of my head between my ears, so usually where AGA does not affect women.))

tldr: ongoing shedding 6 years - no real cause identified - doc says there is no miniaturisation - no regrowth

23:58 UTC


Could this be the start of something terrible?

Never noticed it until recently, brother went bald on his crown in his 20s (i'm late 20s), my mother's father went bald also but my uncles seem to be fine. I have lost weight pretty fast recently, 3 stone in 3 months and my diet is probably lacking nutrients. It looks 10x worse if I use flash to take a picture or video or if I'm under strong lighting.

I'm due to see my GP next week but the waiting list for a derm is several months and I also have a blood test coming for thyroid, iron and vitamin D. But in the mean time, I just wanted some advice and thoughts as I am absolutely terrfied right now.

pics - https://ibb.co/album/2SHTZN

1 Comment
11:59 UTC


How do you manage AA?

I have had AA since I was a tot, with flare ups here and there, thankfully none as bad as when I was a child. I am currently going through a rough flare up and was thinking about how I like to use cold water at the end of my shower and think this helps manage AA. Is there anything you do that you think helps?

07:14 UTC


eyebrow regrowth

hi!! recently lost a good bit of my eyebrow (not the first time) & curious what anyone has found helpful for regrowth. I’ve seen it grow back before, but want to make sure I’m doing everything I can to help the process.

Any suggestions welcomed ☺️

03:36 UTC


22(M) AA stated about 4 months ago

Hey, this is my first ever post.


  • 27th May - Was extremely unwell in the that week but still needing to be active and hardly any sleep for a week due to sisters wedding. Hair started shedding that week after wedding A LOT.

  • (Unsure if related - 27th May - got a hair cut, only cut sides not by usual barber. Ate junk food almost everyday 1.5-2 weeks).

  • 4th June ish - Noticed Hair started shedding massively.

  • June 11th - Was Emotionally stressed, hardly any sleep had work 6am next day.

  • June 12th - Went to work on hardly any sleep hair was shedding a huge amount went home showered and noticed patches

  • June 28th - Shaved my head and started losing beard

  • July 8th - Started using SABR remedies oil (SABR Remedies)

  • would like to add - telogen effluvium?  hair loss happened in about 2-3 months, my heart rate has been high ever since

  • 140-190 on the first month

  • 100-120 second month, 

  • 100-120 third month,

  • 66-100 used to be 66-80 and only recently (on the 4th month)

  •  it has calmed down it started after a stressful night with minimal sleep with work next day overthinking with everyone asking if I’m okay and hair loss was very very sudden.

  • 21st August - started to lose eye brows and moustache (But still have my eye lashes)

  • 1st September scalp became “mushy” was not mushy before was quite a hard scalp

I'm taking supplements: D3 + K2 4000UI, Iron, MultiVitamins, Omega 3, Magnesium, cologne, Biotin with coconut.

I have my first dermatologist appointment on the 21st September and I'm also still bald, ish I have like strands of hair on my beard and eyebrows and a recent development of little white hairs on my beard and under my lip with some on my moustache.

Before all this my hair used to grow extremely fast, I'm talking skin fade, next day its a 0.5.

Its rough, any advice?

01:38 UTC


Alopecia and cooked dating wise

I’m a 22 year old man who’s gonna be turning 23 soon. I’ve never had a gf before or even had any friend who’s the opposite gender as me. I also have alopecia and lost a lot of my hair. Aside from that, I have slightly above average facial features but I’m only 5’9 so I’m kinda cooked. I’ve never tried dating because I know it’ll already be harder for me than many of my peers so what’s the point? I’m not desired by anyone. If I ever asked a woman for her number I’ll likely get rejected. I keep watching myself lose my hair from alopecia and my eyebrows are also starting to disappear. I will soon be an instant reject if I ever ask a woman for her number or even try talking to a woman. I will need to overcompensate for all of my shortcomings. I’m almost 23 and already have 100k saved up and make almost 60k a year but it’s still not enough because initially woman won’t see that, all they will see is my lack of eyebrows and baldness at my young age of 22. They generally won’t give me a fair chance to showcase who I am. Some woman may give me a chance but it’ll be rare and uncommon at my age. If I lose all of my eyebrows and head hair it’ll be almost maximum difficulty for me. At that point my dating pool will be very small especially since I’m 22 and woman are generally more shallow at this age.

21:10 UTC


Olumiant & Lymphoma?

I have previously tried tofacitinib 5 mg tablets for 8 months, which was advised by a doctor who ran a medical research clinic. It restored all of my hair, but since this medication was not officially prescribed for alopecia I had to obtain it overseas, which came out to be quite expensive. This was 5 years ago. After the 8 months I had to stop because of the cost, and my hair completely fell out worse than before, which has never happened in my lifetime with alopecia.

About a year ago, I visited another dermatologist to ask her to prescribe Olumiant. She refused to prescribe it because she said that there are no long-term patients who were taking it for alopecia and she didn’t know that the risks would outweigh the benefits as it can cause lymphoma. She said that since I’ve already taken a JAK inhibitor that I’m already susceptible to the risk of developing lymphoma (her words).

Can someone taking Olumiant that was prescribed it by a doctor weigh in on this please? I’ve had bad experiences with snobby derms and would like a real perspective on this!

20:35 UTC


Olumiant killed my libido. Am I the only one?

I have PSSD (post ssri sexual disfunction). Long story short, you manage to recover some sexual function, but a lot of drugs and supplements can induce a "crash", which takes you back to square 1. And this is exactly what has happened with my first doses of olumiant. Now my libido is gone, 100% genital anesthesia, can't feel orgasm and can hardly get an erection. I didn't expect a crash from olumiant as crashes to my condition are with substances involving serotonin function and as far as I understand olumiant doesn't have any effect on brain chemistry. So I'm really surprised and don't know what the hell happened. Perhaps someone with more knowledge about technical aspects of this drug could give me some insight. Also I would like to know if there's any other person who's been affected with this kind of problems with jaks. I would greatly appreciate any feedback as I'm very very scared.

17:09 UTC

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