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Reporter with question for Alamo students

Hi there - I'm a writer for Businessweek working on a long feature story about the Alamo Colleges. I'm very interested to hear from students about their experience with their advisers and the AlamoAdvise program. These could be good experiences or bad ones. Please feel free to post them here, or message me directly at robb.mandelbaum@gmail.com. Thanks so much.

17:17 UTC


notified if received scholarship

I applied for scholarships but does anyone know when you are notified if you received one?

04:26 UTC


SAC Nursing Spring 2025 TEAS

Hi!! I read on here that SAC nursing program only accepts a TEAS taken with them? Is that accurate information?

For anyone that has attended the program, how did you like it? What were your TEAS scores and what resources did you use?

22:14 UTC


Diagnostic Medical Sonography St. Philips

Anyone have insight about the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program at St. Philips? Tried looking all over the internet, but have not been able to find much. I have a few questions and would love to talk to someone who is currently/has finished the program. Thanks!!

08:48 UTC


Degree inquiry for a recent NVC graduate

Hello I just recently graduated from Northwest Vista in the Spring of 2024. I know it usually takes awhile for the degrees to be sent through your mailbox however I haven’t gotten a notice or wasn’t made aware of when our degrees would be mailed to us. Does anyone know a timeframe of how long it takes to have our degrees in sent to our addresses? Not sure if I should call records office or not. I appreciate any help with this matter.

10:19 UTC


What do I need for the online orientation?

The Alamo site said to bring a photo ID and a progress report, but I feel like there could be more to it, anyone know what else might be involved or what kind of progress report is needed


05:02 UTC


ACES not updating

A few months ago I decided I was going to go into the vet tech program at Palo Alto and soon after my house caught fire (everyone was safe dw) and it's taken me about a year to be stable enough to jump back into it. Well I've have since changed my mind and am going into ASL interpretation. Some of the pages on ACES are not registering that I've switched programs and schools entirely and I'm getting a little concerned about it. I would email an advisor but tbh they haven't been much help through this whole process.

UPDATE: I went through the zoom live on Friday and asked about it. The lady said that on my profile she pulled up it was all correct and there was no problems so either the ACEs is just taking a while to update it or it'll change when I start adding classes and such. But either way, there's nothing to fix on her end.

07:06 UTC


Do yall think I’ll get into the nursing program?

I score really low for my English and reading and I don’t know if I should take it again 😭 my gpa is 3.5 for the classes needed for the ADN program

00:41 UTC


SAC Nursing FYI

Just want everyone to have a heads up SAC changed their TEAS test policy and as of June 1, 2024 will only be accepting in person test scores.

I have been checking the SAC nursing page pretty much daily for the past 6 months as I plan on applying for Spring 2025, and just saw this change right before I was about to purchase my online proctored TEAS.

00:29 UTC


sac nursing

Hey guys ! I have a question for the nursing program and was wondering if any of you guys would happen to know if the GPA used for the programs admission is based on the prerequisites only. Or if it’s based off of all of my classes? I have A’s and B’s but have a c in chem and another in nutrition and those seem to bring my gpa down :/

1 Comment
00:03 UTC


SAC Nursing Students

Hi! I'm so excited about applying to SAC next year once I finish my pre-reqs and hope I'm able to get in. I just wanted to ask those of you who are already in the program whether you like it or not. Is is a good program? Is is difficult? Do you have any advice?

Any comment is highly appreciated!😃🌻

18:48 UTC


Registration requirements for summer courses

I’m planning on taking just 1 or 2 summer classes at Palo Alto to transfer over to my university. I called and asked if I had to complete all the same requirements as someone planning on attending to get a degree such as NSO and SAT, but they said no all I had to submit was my college transcript, proof of bacterial meningitis shot, and 2 modules in Ace (I’m guess in replacement of NSO) but I’m still new to Ace. Does anyone know what 2 modules she was talking about because I can’t find them anywhere, nor do I see them on my todo list. Is this really all I have to do too because my to do list still says placement test/or SAT exemption and more.

18:22 UTC


Anyone taken an online public speaking class?

It's required to transfer obviously, but I'm curious as to how those are run, compared to going to class in person.

Anybody know?

22:47 UTC


when do fall 2025 applications open?

hello! i’m rising a senior, and i’m curious when do SAC fall 2025 applications open?

18:59 UTC


SAC RN program Spring 2025

Howdy! Looking into applying for the RN program at SAC for spring 2025. Based off of the admissions tab on their website, I have 8/8 possible points from when I took the TEAS exam, 4.0 gpa on all non science classes required, and 3.0 gpa (all B’s) on microbiology, a&p1, A&p2. Was wondering is anyone has gotten in with similar grades to this? Honestly going to apply to every school I can and see what happens, but would highly prefer SAC because of the cost. Thanks y’all!

1 Comment
20:21 UTC


What do I do? I’m mentally not ok since this happened

On 04/29/24 at 1pm I had a virtual appointment with my advisor. It was a general advising appointment. She pulled up my schedule and said it was all over the place and said it didn’t make sense why my schedule looked the way it did. Mind you she created my schedule. She selected what would be best for which semester. I have never understood how to schedule my own classes and she obliged in helping me by doing it during an appt. Well after she said my schedule was all over the place she said “it looks like you’re only here for the money” I just was left without words I felt so offended that she would make that claim. I truly didn’t know what to even respond with so I said that’s not why I’m here that was offensive what you just said to me” she said I’m sorry I was confused at the scheduling” I said that really hurt my feelings” she said “ok I’m sorry I didn’t mean that, I’ll be more careful with my words because you’re clearly having a fragile day”. I was having a really good day until I signed into zoom. I was in tears. I have been so proud of myself for taking such a big step at the age of 41 in enrolling in college. I raise a special needs teen and provide for him through Workstudy and delivering food. I take such great pride in every class and all of the work I do. I feel so defeated now. I asked if we could reschedule the appointment because I couldn’t stop crying. She asked if something happened today that made me sensitive, am I taking new meds?. I told her I was fine until I logged into zoom. She has snapped at me via text msg telling me I need to fill out my VA forms and why haven’t I filled them out when I dont use the VA I’m not a veteran. She said sorry wrong person. Then she did it again. I’ve had issues with scheduling appointments with her several times. One appt I waited for over an hour for her to join the zoom appointment but she didn’t join. I called advising and they said she was in and online and they didn’t know why she wasn’t joining the meeting but they would get the message to her. Hours later she reached out to tell me she was off that day and doesn’t know why I was scheduled on her day off. I needed to fix something in my schedule before the census so I did a walk in and someone helped me. All of the crazy scheduling was done by my advisor but she tried blaming me and who ever helped me when I walked in that day for having a messed up schedule. Apparently that makes me look like I’m only here for the money. It was an appt in the middle of a day where I had to prepare my part in a huge presentation for government. I had spent HOURS for days working on it staying up till the AM. It was the last day I was finishing up the final touches. I took a break from the presentation to attend my appt. I couldn’t barely pull myself up to finish my assignment. I just pushed through it because it was due the following day. I barely made it out of this semesters finals. I have shat feels like imposter syndrome. I’ve fallen into such a deep depression. I put in a grievance right after it happened and the person that contacted me regarding the grievance. She said she told the advisor she isn’t allowed to say that stuff to students and reassigned me to a new advisor. I feel like she didn’t deal with any repercussions and I’m just over here hanging on my a thread. I held my head up even at my most stressed in school but now I’m floating around feeling unheard and embarrassed. I really don’t know what to do. She needs to face repercussions or something to rectify the issue. I might take legal action since the zoom meeting is recorded on my end. I still have her ugly texts. She’s been an advisor for decades apparently so she should know better.

20:05 UTC



Hey guys, currently I am finishing up my A&P 1 and will be ending the semester with a B, my question is Would they allow me to apply for the ADN nursing programs for spring of 2025 while finishing my prerequisites? Next semester (Fall of 24) I plan on taking A&P 2 and microbiology. this summer I will take my teas test.

1 Comment
03:24 UTC


Retaking a Course

I'm currently taking Chem 2 and struggling my chances of passing are slim. I'm terrified at how this will look on my transcript. I'd like to know if I retake the corse and pass would the passing grade replace the F? Please give me any advice on this subject. I'm worried my GPA will decrease significantly.

02:15 UTC


When Should I apply?

Hello! I’m a bit confused about when I should apply for entrance into the generic nursing program at sac. On the website it says for spring entrance it’s between June 1st to August 31 and for Fall November 15-February 15. I plan to complete my pre-requisites & TEAS exam by Spring 2025 so will I need to wait to apply for Spring 2026 or will I be able to for Fall 2025? Sorry if this seems confusing.

03:46 UTC


Clinical hours

Does anyone know what the nursing program hours and clinical hours are normally like? Bonus if you know what the cardio tech program hours are!

17:32 UTC


Survey: Students who transferred to UTSA

Taking a long shot, but if you were previously a community college student who transferred to UTSA still on this reddit, it’d be a huge help if you could take a minute or two to fill out this survey for our class project. We want to hear directly from you:


Thank you!

21:13 UTC


how to creat a aces account for St Philips

when go to the aces sign in there is no create account it tells you what your password will be but not username or how to create one. can some one help.

1 Comment
21:09 UTC


24-25 applications

Does anyone know when the 2024-25 applications open on apply texas? The Alamo colleges site just says April.

Im applying for Spring 2025 and I can't take my TSI until ive applied for college first. (it probably sounds like im unnecessarily rushing but im under a bit of a scheduling issue right now for taking the TSI, so the sooner I can take it the better and im trying to gauge when that might be.)

1 Comment
01:40 UTC


Automation I/e

Anyone taking classes at st Philip’s for an Automation degree?

19:20 UTC


Academic dishonesty

Hey yall , so I submitted an extra credit assignment on canvas and got a comment from the teacher saying they needed to speak to me. She won’t tell me exactly what happened or what I did wrong until I see her which won’t be till Tuesday. I guess , I’m asking how serious is the Alamo colleges on this kind of thing. I didn’t realize what I did because if I did , I wouldn’t have submitted the assignment. Any advice? Should I be worried about getting expelled?

07:44 UTC


Power Generation and Alternative Energy

Pondering the idea of pursuing an AAS in Power Generation and Alternative Energy. I thought this subreddit might be a good place to gather insights from those who may have experience in this field. I have a few questions.

  1. Is this degree a viable path for a career?
  2. What does the job outlook look like?
  3. Any advice for someone considering this program?

Feel free to share experiences, opinions or any resources that might be helpful. Thanks in advance for your help!

23:31 UTC


St philips lvn program

Has anyone attended? I'm going to apply for fall but wanted to get someone's experience. I would really appreciate any feedback.

1 Comment
16:40 UTC


Communication Program Thoughts

Hey guys I’m heavily interested in Palo Alto’s Communications program and was wondering if anyone had any input on the program. Any thoughts or recommendations would be appreciated or if you are apart of a program elsewhere ad have anything to add :)

00:29 UTC


Thoughts on the bachelor program offered at Palo Alto?

04:06 UTC

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