The Reddit community for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and the Mortal Realms
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Now with the most mentions of Snotlings since the World-That-Was. (Actual Snotling mentions may vary.)
For those unfamiliar with this project, I maintain a Google Sheet with all the little lore lines from the various cards in Warhammer Underworlds - well, all the ones I can find, at least (if you have some that I'm missing, like the Arena Mortis hazard cards, let me know!). With the preorders for the new warband and deck going up, various worthies have received their preview copies and foolishly posted the cards where I could see them, so now Borgit et al. and the Edge of the Knife are added to the approximately 5000 other entries.
Hi, Im just starting in aos and am having a big of trouble picking a army, I looked around a bit but all the videos and such ive seen have been about lore and not how a army might play and i typically play death guard and orks in 40k so wondering what might be some good equivalents (other then maggotkin and warclans). The armies I'm most interested in based on aesthetics are:
Bonereapers Seraphon Gloomspite gitz
Just looking for a rules clarification please. Can unlimited spells... A) Be cast by the same wizard more than once per phase? B) target the same unit more than once? (E.G. casting 'deranged transformation' targeting the same unit of morbheg knights twice. Or casting 'invocation of nagash' healing/damaging the same unit multiple times)
So I want to get into age of sigmar (I have played a bit of 40k already) and I was wondering what is the best way to get started The ultimate starter set or the shaventide box?
Just got done painting my Stormcast Spearhead! It was tons of fun, I like how they turned out ๐
Hey there! Even though I know the setting I have not read any books about it. Where should I start? Also I would love to read about nurgle, chaos, beastmen and undead!
Which books do you recommend and why?
I have been getting less and less interested in Warhammer 40,000 as a setting because of how much it revolves around the Imperium of Man, to the point where I honestly wish the Imperium would just go away.
Age of Sigmar I have read doesn't the same problem with some hogging the spotlight so I have wanted to get more into it, though I have also wondered, which edition's books, assuming I can find them, are the best place to start? Or I am thinking too much and I should just jump into the current edition?
Sorry if this sounds stupid but my friend group and I just recently started playing AoS. One of us stated that units like Boingrot Bounderz and Belthanos can attack "twice", or more so once themselves and one time their companion can attack.
Is that true? It seems very OP..
Finally got these lads unpacked and onto a shelf where they belong.
So trying to get into AoS, have been painting and collecting for a while but wanting to actually play now.
The Gitmob were the first models that really shined to me, like there are great models out there but it was the first that spoke to me as a complete looking army. Obviously the time has been previewed and everyone is just saying that they are absolutely terrible. Iโm going to take their word for it.
Iโm still probably going to get the models for painting anyway but my question really is about rules updates. Points get updated every few months? And you get the FAQs to update things but do we ever see proper rule changes? Would I see an update to give all wolves +1 rend or remove the once per turn(army) limiter?
Basically will my wolves suck throughout 4th edition or is their hope in like 3-6 months time?
Right now i'm working with this. I know 1k isn't super balanced anyway but curious to know if this is any good. List is 950 points overall
Regiment 1
Hag queen (General with Zealous orator trait)
Witch elves with paired sciansas (Reinforced)
Sisters of slaughter with bladed bucklers
Regiment 2
Bloodwrack shrine (Khainite pendant artefact)
Blood stalkers (Reinforced)
I want to try out blood cauldrons but i believe anything over 300 is generally not run in 1k games.
Looking to make the jump to AoS, can I mix sub factions? So have an army of Ironjaw infantry and KruelBoyz monsters?
If Iโm in combat range with 2 of my units, say liberators and lord variant, and I want to attack some clan rats, I will attack with both of my units, but do the clan rats respond to each attack, so for example liberators do their attacks, and clan rats do their attacks, then the lord does his attack, then the rats attack the lord back. Or do I do both my liberator and lords attacks, and then the clan rats attack back to me once?
I am not exactly new to AoS. I have read plenty of lore in form of wiki articles and short stories when 4th edition was coming along, but I never read any full fledged novel.
What novels from AoS would you suggest I should read? And also where to buy them either printed or in digital form.
I dont mind long nivels, but I would also like to read some short stories about various factions and places.
Thank you
Hi guys Im just putting this out there and its my own opinion, im not trying to force it on anyone but i am curious what other peoples take on it.
Yesterday was my last game of AOS i will play for a very long time. Another game decided by manifestations, not the army, not the double(i love this mechanic) and not bad decision making. Its the ultimate feels bad and is now a fundimental part of the game.
Manifestations, boring season rules, terrible battletomes(the new gloomspite bt is a war crime) and the most restrictive list writing imaginable are all problems that alone would be easy to ignore but when compounded just suck the fun out of the game.
For context i play competitive Aos and have a couple of trophys in the cabinet but I honestly believe with all the new changes people have forgotten how to have fun. The good competitive lists are not fun and are boring as hell to put on the table but as soon as you add any flavour to a list you have contend with the above issues.
My local play group have almost all put the minis away and started playing other game systems(looking at you 40k) and i dont blame them the game doesnt punish you for not minmaxing. You can build a list with flavour put it on the table and have a great time, at the moment i can not say that about AOS.
In summary end of 3rd edition was peak Aos armies where balanced, combat range was a thing, manifestations cost points and you could have a great time playing the models you liked even though they may not have been the best. The new game designer for 40k has done a incredible job and the game is alot of fun, so if anything i said resonates with you give it a go.
I like them both aesthetically and I would like to know what their playing style is like, how they differ, advantages and disadvantages.