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I play Sylvaneth and need help for clarification on wyldwoods. The part I’m really co fused on is what part of the terrain feature actually does the cover/obscuring. Is it the whole base of the “U” shaped terrain or just the circular part where the actual tree is. What’s considered “behind the trees” or “in the forest” and what what point do you have to go around them or can walk through them.
And are scratch built trees tournament legal? I’m trying to play more and want to participate in tournaments. I plan on making my own woods with the exact footprint of the originals. I’m looking at 3 sets but really don’t want to buy them and would like to make them themed with my army. Any help or clarification is appreciated.
Been reading the Daughters of Khaine Spearhead pack, and one of their Regiment Abilities "Murderous Epiphany" has me mildly confused.
I interpret it in two ways, but I am not sure which is right. Text goes: "All friendly units gain the Blood Rites passive ability they would have gained at the start of the next battle round (they keep this ability for the rest of the battle, but they do not gain it for a second time at the start of the next battle round)."
Reading 1 - Say you activate it on Turn 2, you get the Turn 3 bonus (+1 to hit), but the following round you still only have that, I.e you do not gain the +1 to Wound from Round 4. Basically, it just lets you get the immediate next buff earlier, but it doesn't let you get the buff after that any earlier than normal.
Reading 2 - You effectively have your Turn 2 become Turn 3, where Blood Rites are concerned, getting all the buffs one turn earlier.
The more I read it, the more I lean towards #1, but I can find no errata or FAQ, so wanted to ask here.
Hi all. First time player; I’ve never played Warhammer mini before.
My only experience is the old mmo and I used to read the Gotrek books. Recently I started playing total War 3 and decided to give a try and leaned towards AoS due to its easier simplicity.
Me and my friend are both leaping into it; and decided on starting small with a 1000 point army, I settled on Bastian cause he looked cool and I was reading that SCE are easy to understand. I already have a Gotrek and a Galen & Doralia model that I got for Xmas awhile back. I used to collect miniatures but I never really learned the rules until now.
My friend already had an Ushoran model gifted to him for Xmas so he’s going FEC.
My question is, did I build this right for my army? (4th edition)
I was doing some reading and saw the Heroes of First-forged sub faction, and was leaning to build towards that.
What are some tips for building a 1000 point army with Bastian I should lean towards or avoid?
I need some potion bottles for a bloodbowl team that has taken “enhancements”. Does anyone have any ideas of where to get or make some?
I'm starting up an Ironjawz army, but I kinda hate the Weirdnob model. He just doesn't seem very Ironjawz-y to me, since they're all about a) metal and b) pigs and he's got a whole lot of nothing.
Any recommendations for proxies? Heck, I'll even take kitbash suggestions to make him look more like he fits with the rest of the army.
Thank you!
I had so many extra rats and was looking for the perfect opportunity! What do you think?