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If you're here for technical support
Great! We'll try to assist. However, for useful help, please provide as much info as possible. Here's a good list of things to answer. It includes things such as:
Your computer's specs
Exact version of AE you use - not just "CS6" or "CC" or even "CC 2019", but the actual version number (for example, 11.0.4 or 12.2.1 or 13.2.0 or 13.7.2 or 13.8.1 or 17.0.2)
A clear description of the issue/problem
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This community is meant to be a place of helpfulness. As such, we encourage an atmosphere of helpful critique. Don't be shocked if you post your masterpiece and people have a few useful suggestions for you. We are all here to help and learn together.
Thanks, and happy After Effecting!
Related subreddits:
And, if you really want to get into music visualization...
Is there any way to posterize time only in the Noise effect? I'm using an adjustment layer with noise, but I don't want it to be 30 fps, but 8. I used the PosterizeTime(8) expression, but it didn't work. I tried using the effect itself, but it would apply to the entire composition
I'm trying to do a percentage circle, with different colors.
My question is:
hello, can somebody tell me the name of this type of images/effects that you can see in this video? I suppose i can buy them in template packs
So I am using the latest version RG Trapcode and it doesn’t have the toggle option of manipulating air (i.e. motion path). Anyone know where I can locate it on the latest version?
I tried combining Echo, Directional blur, forced motion blur and wave warp... Did not get anything close to that. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Hello and thanks for stopping by :). So I’m fairly new to AE but recently for one of my projects, I’m getting really crappy playback quality. I wait for the green line to load at the top of the timeline and I only play the video within my work area. It works all fine the first time I play the playback, but when it reaches the end of the working area and starts playing from the beginning again, the audio slows down (the line is still green).
I tried everything - allocating the max amount of ram to AE (21gb in my case), increased the cache size to 110gb, resolution set to auto, cleared cache, used mp3 file instead of mp4 for sound, almost every possible thing imaginable. Im on an M4 Pro Macbook Pro btw
I’m pretty sure it’s just one setting that I am missing. Could anyone help please? Appreciate you reading this btw :)
Hey I am a very beginner video editor and I learned after effects by myself with tutorials here and there and things pieces together and now I am stuck doesn't matter how much I try I can't get to the levels of a problem editor, the thing is I don't know shit about after effects for the past 3 months I just learned keyframe animation and some 3D camera No color grading No idea of effects and presets No fonts No music design Nothing and now I just wanna start over with proper planning of everything but my pockets are empty so pls if you were to start learning ae from beginning and had zero dollars what are the things you would do?
Hello all!
I'm wondering if there is an easier way for me to animate this text on screen. I tried using a plugin called Text Force but was not having a lot of success with it. So far my process has been:
This process took a pretty long time as I had to create keyframes with fade up to make sure the words animated onscreen when the speaker is talking.
If this is the only way to continue doing this so be it... But if anyone has a better idea... I'd love to hear it!
PS - I put grey boxes over the photo and logo of the client so that's why it looks weird.
When animating a normal layer position, say in a triangle shape. You can adjust the motion paths (Sometime it does it by default) - so that instead of it hitting a corner then instantly changing direction, it can 'overshoot' and 'arc' around the points instead. End result being a smooth triangular-ish movement.
When using masks, are you stuck with this linear motion? i can seem to control the motion of it in the same way.
Hope i was clear!
To clarify, I do not mean the duration of my comp. I just want the UI to dedicate more space to the timeline and less space to what’s next to it (like how I remember it being when I installed AE)
What I’ve tried so far is changing the workspace layouts under the windows tab but unfortunately it seems like no matter what I do the timeline won’t move away from the cramped space in the bottom right
The other day I was going through some projects on Behance and came across this old piece from Buff Motion. What caught my attention is that on the las slide there’s a compilation with 4 gifs that show some “behind the scenes” that basically are exported videos with the layers control visibles. I was wondering if there’s a way of exporting the video with them showing or if it’s a screen recording.
If it’s a screen recording, how do I run the video with them showing? When I hit play they disappear.
Link to the project: https://www.behance.net/gallery/146665827/Fresco-Brand-Animation
Why does the applied Posterize effect not work on the entire comp? The number '1' in the pre-comp has a Gaussian Blur and the Sphere is a Gradient. But the Posterize doesn't affect the Gaussian Blur. Anyone know why? I've tried a few things. I've also noticed, if I add a Layer Style Outer Glow to the Sphere in the pre-comp, the Posterize effect doesn't affect that either. What's going on?
Hi guys, i'm trying this Animaiton where the buildings show up at frame 1 and in frame 2 the buildings move to the map on the infinity, but i'm really getting how i should animate this. I can visualise but not able to implement it. Can you please suggest me how i should go about doing this? also the building turned pale when i changed it to advanced 3D but i think i can fix that when i important as PNG files rather than sending files from illustrator to AE directly.
I have a 26 second (with 1080p clips at 30fps) edit I made in After Effects. Only the second has has Twixtor, brightness, and scale effects. When I export it in QuickTime format at 422 prores, the result is a file size at roughly 500mb. Does anyone know why it’s so large?
In my ae 2025.1 my preview window keep flickering when i scrub timeline playhead But it doesn’t flicker when i preview comp by pressing spacebar Idk why it’s happening Cpu :- i5 12400f Gpu :- arcA380 Ram :- 16gb
I am always searching for some ways to add more complexity to my animations so I was wondering what I can do to make this shot more visually interesting. Do you have some things you add at the end of blocking out an animation to make it pop more at the end?
Hi, I was installing the Boris Continuum plug-in in the default folder, also I have the adobe package in C/Program Files/adobe but when I open After Effects I don't get any of the plug-in. How do I fix it?