Watch AdumPlaze some Gaems
Adum Network!
Why the hell does he obnoxiously eat/chew in front of the mic?
That is all. It’s better without seeing the trailer but it’s a visual novel and the writing and voice acting is amazing , it’s fully voiced so it’s easy to get through. I’m sure Scoot would love photography class.
Someone's exhibition this year was an awesome furry rave and I need actual furries to experience it, I just know Adam's knee would LOVE to destroy itself dancing to the sick beats. Sidenote: is this what goes on inside a furry's mind?
And they can all be emulated. He can take his pick with the GBA, DS, Wii, or 3DS version.
I’d love to see him try the Wii version, personally.
I was rewatching his Outer Wilds playthrough and apparently someone told him that the game is "like The Witness" and Adum commented something about how if the game is like the witness, this will all come together to be some epic puzzle
I don't think Outer Wilds is like The Witness in that way, only that they are both well thought through intelligently made puzzle games
Tunic on the other hand actually does have a lot of those "Oh my god, this has been in front of my face this whole time!" moments, I think it's the kinda game Adum would really love, as long as he doesn't get too much help from chat (but probably still a bit of help on some of the trophies)
what do you guys think?
It is such a spectacular game, I hope he plays it when he is free. I love to see the options he would choose & how evil he’s going to be
Anyone remember this plazethrough Adam did with Mark from way back? I think it starred Maynard 2.0 and he stopped at around the Ornstein and Smough fight. I remember having a lot of fun in those streams but I can't seem to find the playlist anywhere. If anyone has a link, I'd be really grateful! Happy new year!
Would love to see these furries finally get to the actually good Metal Gear Solid games now that the 1-3 remasters are out.
After watching the Adumplaze for Jackie Chan stuntmaster, I couldn't stop thinking of how well Adam and Scoot would enjoy Fur fighters, a hidden gem ps2 (and a few other platforms, but the ps2 version is the best imo) game.
While its (to my understanding) wildly underknown, its a great third-person shooter game with pretty good music that adapts based on what character you're playing, and its (kinda?) furry. Adam would probably get a kick out of the dumb bears, and Scoot would probably enjoy the French kitty lady character. Honestly it seems like a perfect Adumplaze game from what I've played of it.
I just though adum should see this
With the announcement that 'Alan Wake 2' will be releasing on October 17th of this year, I think it would be fun to get Adam's take on 'Alan Wake' and 'Control' by Remedy. With Adam's past experience with "story drive games", such as 'Heavy Rain', 'Deadly Premonition' and in a much more positive light 'The Last of Us', I think these two games might scratch that itch for Adam on what modern story focused games can do. 'Alan Wake' does the whole Twin Peaks Influence, mixed in with elements of Stephen King, that 'Deadly Premonition' wished it could of been. I think 'Control' might be also an interesting playthrough for its surreal narrative and the way it communicates its story, unlike other games Adam has played on his channel. I also think the commentary would be hilarious. Give me "Horse Mad" any day! 🐴
A game reviewing so poorly, it is being touted as this generations Ride to Hell. A game that raises questions such as "who asked for this" and "why does this exist". It's ugly, janky, weird, baffling and unintentionally funny.
Bring in Tolkien fanboy Gael for the lore information, and Scoot to laugh at Gael for giving the lore information.
Hogwarts Legacy, the newest Harry Potter game Unfortunately, it lacks much content. The main thing missing is the story & characters, it mostly just feels like an ad to join Hogwarts. & the gameplay is very lacking. No spoilers, but there are choice options in this game & it barely matters, all choices leads to the same path, your character acts the same, & it’s completely just slapped on in the last minute. Even the house choice barely matters, you barely use your common room or talk to the people there. It’s a very shallow game But I wanna hear your thoughts, do any of you like it or dislike it like me?
I saw a video by 2kliksphilip (kind of a spoiler) about a large language model A.I. implemented in a video game demo. Looks like a fun little sandbox experience for Adam.
You have to apply for early access though!
The developers website: https://www.inworld.ai/origins
Their promotion video: https://youtu.be/QiGK0g7GrdY
Their steam entrance: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2199920/Inworld_Origins/