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A place to discuss addiction. Get inspired, educated and guided to manage your addiction!
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Basically what the title says - just for pure entertainment reasons for us all. What did you do before, what did it feel like, how did you overcame it. Did you learn something out of it?
Instead of thinking of all the bad things my addiction led to last year and letting my stress over the struggle to rebuild my life overwhelm me, I’m seeing last year as a victory because I finally stopped making drugs the center of my life.
I stopped drinking every day in December, and now I’m ready to cut it out completely for a while.
I’m feeling more dedicated than ever to taking my life back
I’m a 30yo woman and I started using cocaine casually when I met my husband at 17. He used it most weekends and I joined him if we were going out drinking together or if I was going on a night out or occasion with friends, once or twice a month maximum, there were periods of time where we didn’t touch it for months if we felt like it was getting a bit too much and I obviously didn’t touch it at all while I was pregnant and then for a few months after childbirth. The pandemic and the lockdowns in 2020 had a really negative impact on my mental health and my marriage and my use turned into a coping mechanism instead of a social thing - it did get better once the pandemic was over but it was now associated with me feeling stressed, sad as well as with having a drink - I was probably using it at least every other weekend but it was all weekend benders. 2023 was the worst year of my life, and there was so much trauma, loss and sadness, I split from my husband of 12 years after he turned violent and my mental health deteriorated rapidly, I started using daily and have been since, in that time, the longest I’ve been without is 6 days and that was in June, I haven’t been able to go more than 3 days since but, I am able to function fully and as an average adult would, I wake up and care for my children, I have my own small online business, my house is clean, bills are paid and everyone is fed and happy, except for me because I know my addiction is going to kill me.
I’m worried for my health, my septum has a big hole in it and I’m convinced that if I don’t get cocaine out of my life right now, my nose will collapse by March and I will be dead by the end of the year. I managed to stop drinking on my own in March but I know I need help with this one. I cannot speak to professionals, because of the domestic violence and an addiction on top, I will have social services on my case immediately and I worry they will take my children and if that happened it would be the end of me. None of my family know either.
I don’t know where to turn, I need help desperately, I need to take back control of my life for my children and for myself. I hate that I’ve become this way 😔 please someone tell me, where do I start? I want to be better and I hate the stuff but wow addiction really knows how to stay in control. 😣😣😣😣
It’s one thing being physically dependent drug as I was for over 5 years (opiates, benzodiazepines, pregablin) but now I’ve been taking testosterone for 3-4 years non stop (I’m female) and others on and off and I’ve completely screwed my hormones up and everything else.
I now have a suspicion that it’s impacting my Physical health so I need to quit, I want to quit, but I don’t.
This time it’s not physical withdrawals I’m scared of it’s genuine things such as losing muscle, which is the only thing that makes me,me without it I feel I’m nothing it’s my whole being.
coming off it also won’t reverse all the side effects , even the GP says after all this time there’s probably no direct health benefits to stopping so I’d be happy to even drop it to 5/10mg weekly but I can’t do it alone.
I have a suspicion my thyroid is playing up, I was told a year or so ago my pituitary gland isn’t working because my body hasn’t had to produce natural hormones in so long.
I’ve booked in to get a private female hormone blood test which I’m planning to show my GP, And hoping with that they’ll test my thyroid but I can’t just come off, I don’t know if I’ll need estrogen but I’ll definitely need some kind of medical guidance. They just keep telling me they can’t help but there must be someone who can.
I’m more scared this time because I knew when I quit drugs before the withdrawals would end, This time the negatives are very real and likely long lasting.
It’s taken me 4 years to admit I’m at least psychologically dependent on AAS, because I’m so empty that my whole personality has become about my muscle and I’m not sure I want to give that up entirely.
I’m confused and I’m scared and I’m fucking angry
Happy New Year fellow strugglers and may we be healthy and free from this horrible disease. After my mother got diagnosed with endometrial cancer I became her sole caregiver for a year where her cancer spread to her bones and basically I took constant care of her until her desmise a year ago. At one point our house became full of Vicodins, Xanax, Fentanly patches and sleeping pills and Morphine. Eventually at the end when the anticipatory grief kicked in I started taking some of her meds since she was had so many of them all over. After her death I was prescribed SSRI and Xanax which really helped but not a year later I am a full blown addict and Xanax addiction is ruining my life. I need help, I am in therapy but somehow I can't stop this addiction. I am at a point I can take 5 Xanax pills per day. I need help, I am an addict. 🥺
I first started using aroud 6 years ago . At first i didn't see it as a problem because I would only do it occasionally around every 1-2 months. Over the last year I started using it twice in a weekly basis, its becoming a huge problem as im spending most of my money on it. Im usually a very quiet, introverted person but when I use I get overconfident which often leads me to doing/saying some stupid shit which I always regret. Looking back I think trying it was one of the worst mitakes ive ever made.
Hello everyone. My (M25) girlfriend (F22) is a meth addict and has been for the two years that I’ve known her, although she didn’t tell me until well into our relationship after lots and lots of turmoil and other garbage. She has no job because she quits every job she gets within a week, leaving me to cover all the bills and chores and everything. Recently she’s relapsed and has been smoking meth the past two days whenever I leave the house, and will not tell me where she is hiding it claiming that she doesn’t have anymore.
She has state insurance and we have a rehab place lined up. Her mother went to the same rehab and because of that she is refusing to go, saying state facilities aren’t good and she has to save up to afford private pay rehab (she has no job and only gets cash from what her dad sends her) I personally am very frustrated and on the verge of kicking her out because I need to focus on work and she is doing nothing to help herself. How do I respond to her saying she won’t go to the state facility? This is never ending and her refusal to go to rehab is about to send me over the edge. I have a friend who is at the same rehab center right now despite really not wanting to go.
just wanted to give an update that i met my initial sober goal of going into 2025 clean. i did that shit!!!!! 14 hours away from 5 weeks cocaine free. this our year yall we are stronger than we think ❤️🙏
I isolate myself like no one else, I am 26 still live on my dad’s coin. I am too scared to get a job because I will then be confronted with my own incompetence and at my last job it made me so anxious I would be too afraid to do things I had mini panic attacks and emotional breakdowns. I’ve been told I’m a likeable person yet I isolate and avoid people and am so awkward and beat myself up about it. I went to rehab last January it was actually tons of fun for me to socialize but somehow in the real world I always have my guard up so it’s impossible to make and maintain friends. I’ll just ghost people and go in my little hidey hole. Somehow I’ve stayed abstinent from drugs but I’m so incredibly lonely these days. Part of me wants to go out and party just so I can have fun again for once but I’m afraid of losing those connections I made in rehab cause they’re all I got, and I don’t even work at maintaining them. I also realize I maybe have not properly had a real friend group that wasn’t all about doing drugs together since maybe middle school. I also feel like no one I talk to has a story similar to mine most people have someone to lean on. I have no one I can really be myself around. I’m like addicted to loneliness. It’s been this way for years and years it got bad when I was like 19/20 and has only gotten worse since then. What’s up with that yall? Why am I so afraid of people when they’re the only thing that makes me feel better?
I've come to realize how much I've failed as a man, as a brother, and as a son. Every mistake I make brings me back to thoughts of killing myself. I've struggled with years of depression, meth addiction, and isolation from friends and family. I no longer know what a healthy version of myself would be or look like. I was sober for about sixty days from meth, and during that time, I never felt happy. I felt a lot of anger and sadness; even exercise, which I used to enjoy before I started using, stopped being enjoyable. I tried finding work even though I'm too depressed and neurotic to hold a job. Nobody called me back, so yesterday, I just became weak mentally and ended up relapsing. At first, I felt guilty, but once I was high, I felt great. When I'm sober, all I think about is my own misery and anger, to the extent that it's affected the way I speak, act, and perceive social interactions. My thoughts have become unbearable; I no longer feel or see meaning or purpose in my life. I've wasted it away. I've ignored every sign to seek help or reach out, thinking that planning my suicide is the only option to get me out of this troublesome situation I put myself in. I've become completely isolated from everyone who has loved me because of careless and reckless decisions I’ve made or not made in the past that affected everyone. I feel that the more meth I use, the more hopeless, useless, and suicidal I become. My mom and I use together, and she is always encouraging me to continue. I've been using meth for about two years now and have been hospitalized twice for meth-induced psychosis. I've gone through intense hallucinations; for example, people materializing in thin air, being in a video game with functioning guns, my body turning into different people, watching other people morph into me, and having conversations with myself, hearing music and voices in my head, making my life a psychological torture. I feel like I have reached the point of permanent brain changes and don't know if I'll ever be the same. I don't think I'll ever be able to function normally. I can't have normal conversations anymore without feeling like people are speaking in code to me. I just project my negative attitude and toxic behavior into everything.
Hello everyone!
I spent my 2nd New Year's Eve without alcohol (I have been abstinent from alcohol for 1 year and 3 months). I took a little cocaine for the occasion, smoked a few bangers, but I didn't find the "up" of alcohol in terms of sociability (You can talk to everyone, deshinibition, etc. ..). I am starting to tell myself and accept that I will no longer have this social ease through a product. The cocaine just made me tense, the joints just made me quieter, it was quite disappointing I must say..
And you, how did it go?
I hope everything went as you wanted, happy new year ✌🏻
(I'm French, the Reddit application will translate for me, I hope it will be coherent for you)
I found out my sister stopped breastfeeding because she did coke and alcohol. She was abstinent for months. I’m wondering when would it be safe to breastfeed again? How long is cocaethylene active? As far as I know she did 1 gram during 5 days, and had a few drinks 2 of those 5 days. She’s been dealing with ppd and ppa. Anyone else has experience dealing with a relative using that has a baby? I’m concerned
You meet two different guys while you're out at a social gathering…
Someone offers the first guy a drink, and he says:
"No thanks, I'm taking a break from drinking."
Someone offers the second guy a drink, and he says:
"No thanks, I don't drink."
Which guy do you think is more likely to have a drink in his hand again sometime in the foreseeable future?
If you said the first guy, you're spot on.
His language gives him away.
The second guy has the language of a guy who's adopted the identity of a non-drinker.
The first guy is using language that says "I'm still a drinker, but I'm just not doing it right now."
Guys often do this with p**n or any other addiction too.
Saying they’re taking a break for 90 days or whatever number they’ve come up with.
But that sends the wrong signal to the brain.
A signal that says "we're going to get back to it some time."
The real long-term solution is developing the identity of a Addiction-free Person who simply doesn't do those things anymore.
Because they don't want to anymore.
It’s just not aligned with their goals, values, or who they are as a person anymore.
So I think I have a phone addiction, I keep picking up my phone I can barely live without it. I’ve tried to start making the changes but I can’t bring myself to delete a certain app. The thought of having to delete it makes me nervous for some reason, I get shaky and my heart rate sky rockets.
Do I have an addiction?
Fap happened
So I first started taking tramadol back in 2015 for 2 reasons if I'm completely honest, one was that i had the worst toothache ever so my mother gave me some for the pain and instantly I liked the warm fuzzy feeling they gave me, shortly after this my dad got sick and ended up dying of cancer and I realised that taking tramadol was a very good way of numbing the emotional pain I felt, so boom, just like that I was addicted and I've been taking them ever since, it's kind of evolved over the years to the point that I don't take them all day anymore, I'll just cram like 5 - 6 50mg tabs in the hours leading up to going to bed and I'll have what I call a "melty sleep" i just feel warm and fuzzy all night, wake up loads and just generally feel great, when I first started taking them I would take up to 20 tabs a day, spread out throughout the day but now it's mainly just in the hours leading up to bed, I kind of get myself high off them and chill, sleep and "melt" 😅
So I guess as the years have gone by I've began to worry that maybe I'm doing damage to myself, I've done loads of Google searches and it's always the same stuff, tramadol addiction can obviously cause organ damage, risk of overdose etc etc and I worry with how many years it's been now that ill never stop or that I've done something irreversible to my body, I feel fine in myself health wise, I've suffered with anxiety my entire life but I just live with that, what do you think I should do?
Is 10 years a crazy amount of time to be addicted to these tablets? Are there any others out there like me that can give me some advice? I'm 35 from the UK
Many thanks
For starters, I'm 13 and my addiction is masturbation.. alot of people might say it's normal since I'm just entering puberty, but no. It started when I was 7.. it's gotten progressively worse and it's ruining my health, I'm afraid I'll have erectile dysfunction if I keep up my pace, it's messing with my head because of all the dopamine, and on top of that it's ruining my motivation and discipline.. my addiction is worse than you think, December of 2024 I counted each time I masturbated, in one month I masturbated 160 times.. it's been this way for years and I feel trapped, I've tried to quit but it just comes back. I hate how it's a part of me that I can't escape, I don't know what to do..
I hope I have this in the right section and I’ve never posted before so please be gentle!
I was just thinking: if addiction is a disease- which includes alcohol, sex, gambling, drugs, smoking, food, work, etc- and
“Addiction is characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and use, even in the face of negative health consequences”
( or a compulsive behavior pattern that leads to negative consequences and despite this the addict continues)
Or a whole host of other definitions
Trying to stay anonymous here but I’ve overcome alcoholism through a 12 step process and have earned 12 years. Never had drug addiction. But I picked up smoking as an adult if you can imagine it and I can’t seem to kick those last few a day. I don’t smoke in my house, I never litter, I carry my own disposal options with me, I never smoke outside of store entrance ms and doors, I never smoke where it isn’t allowed, if anyone asks me to put out a cigarette even if I’m in the “good” smoking area I absolutely do. I never smoke in the presence of children. I don’t smoke on the beach. I don’t smoke in my car. I don’t smoke if anyone is with me and would be privy to my secondhand smoke. I’m no saint. Definitely my demon but I’ve had comments over the years that have been mean or downright offensive! Having been through plenty of 12 step work myself if I had to choose: my family would definitely prefer a smoker over the alcoholic time bomb I was. So are addictions only sometimes diseases? Does it depend on how tragic they are? For a long time if anyone heard of a heroin addict overdosing because there was fentanyl in it attitudes were like “served them right, those are the consequences “ or some other comment about throwing them all in jail. I guarantee that active alcoholism and drug addiction have destroyed more families, gambling too. I really am being serious though, tongue in cheek a smidge. I’m working on it but it’s hard yet I’m the worst of the worst it seems.
Ps: this was a question but also a vent and yet could be a discussion. Just didn’t know what to pick
I have decided to quit cocaine forever Jan 1st 2025.
I will try to update the post as I progress.
If I fail at least other addicts can see what to do differently.
My addiction:
I first tried coke as a sophomore or junior in HS. Immediately I loved it and I remember continuously asking the guy for more & more lines throughout the night.
Didn’t do coke again until I visited an older buddy at his college durning my junior or senior year. I also bought a bag from a guy in a bar bathroom in my hometown that year once.
Going into college I had done it a couple of times but already did it to excess , (staying up all weekend while visiting my buddy at college & doing an excessive amount my first time.
I joined a group of people fall freshman year mainly bc of their access to drugs. I got awful grades that year and things started to spiral. Progressively it became less of a party drug and more of an addiction.
Coke has genuinely made me the worst person ever and I have done the most greasy addict shit the past few years. I seriously cannot remember months of my life.
I definitely am the worst version of a full blown cocaine addict. I am currently below what I considered my rock bottom. I have done horrible addict things. I would love to message with others if you feel similarly. I truly feel that if I don’t try to quit I’ll definitely die, commit suicide or something along those lines.(sorry for the straight forwardness)
Hopefully anyone who has gotten to this point messages me and I would love to talk with someone going through similar experiences.
I am posting this to hopefully make me feel like I can’t let yall down as I try to quit.
If you have any suggestions please help.
I don’t even know if I am the addict. Sometimes, I use drugs really often, but sometimes it can go up to 2 or 3 months without taking anything. I have cravings sometimes but they’re not so bad and I often get scared or worried when I have to go to a place where I know there’s going to be drugs. When I am not using drugs I can feel really happy, go to the gym, study and be really productive, but when I feel bad drugs are the first thing that comes to my mind. Whenever I go somewhere with someone, no matter how good time I have, no matter how great I feel, I will always think “this is good but it would be even better if I had drugs”. When someone offers me drugs I can’t say no. I am on antidepressants, mood stabilisers and sedatives and even though I know how dangerous it is to mix those medications with illegal drugs, I still do them. I usually don’t do them very often, just sometimes with my friends. Always after taking drugs I feel so guilty, I feel immoral, dirty and I feel like a junkie with no future. I feel like I don’t deserve to be loved, to be respected or to be trusted, yet, I still do them. I will stop but until now I’ve had this mindset after I graduate my high school I’ll stop, or when I go to the university or whenever but as the time passes I am slowly realising how much it changes me as a person. My loved ones who found out about my drug use don’t trust me anymore. I was sa’d a few times because of drugs. A few times I was literally laying on the floor of my room, unable to breathe or to stand up. But still, I use them. Still I feel like I can stop whenever I want. Still, I feel like I am in complete control of that. I don’t know what to do, I am so confused and lost. How can I be an addict when there’s people around me whose lives are revolving about drugs? How can I be an addict when I don’t do them often? How can I be an addict when there’s so many things in my life that I love more than drugs? These things are just a little parts that I’ve been through because of drugs. I don’t have anyone in my life that I am close enough that are not doing drugs to ask them for advice, or to ask them if I am addicted or not. But when I ask someone who is doing drugs as well if I am an addict or something like that, of course that they’re always going to say that I am not addicted and that people who are addicted are stupid, failures or something like that and that I am too educated, smart, strong and that I have too many qualities to become an addict. Btw they’re not addicted as well, but they just can’t go a day or a few days without drugs. They’re not addicted but they’ll always choose drugs over people (even over their own families). They’re not addicted but they can’t have friends who are not doing drugs. They’re not addicted but they don’t sleep or eat for days and days because they can’t do that on drugs, but they can’t stop using just for a day to get at least some sleep. I love them, they’re like my family and I feel like when I stop doing drugs, we will not be as close as we are now. I just need honesty. Am i an addict? If the answer is yes, what should I do? Is my life over and is “once an addict always an addict” true? Will I ever be able to deal with my mental issues without it? Deep down I feel like I’ll always need drugs at least from time to time to feel good. I feel like I won’t be able to survive when I stop doing something that makes me feel something I’ve never felt before.
I hate myself. I want to end this painful existence. I am a bad person. I don't even know who I am right now. I don't want condolences or sympathy. I just want someone to get what I mean when I say, I want to give up, I truly have no idea why I am here anymore, i despise my existence, who I am as a person. My addiction. I want to give up and I don't care anymore
I had the most incredible relationship with the most beautiful woman but I ruined it with my drug addiction, and I couldn’t see that everyone around me was trying to help until I got dumped (2 weeks ago)
My now ex gf (20f) is genuinely the most gorgeous person inside and out, that I have ever met, we had the most beautiful times and I will cherish our memories forever and I still genuinely love her with all my soul, but I let myself slip for too long this time and she just couldn’t take it anymore, now I’m realising just how much she was trying and sacrificing dealing with how I was during those times, I feel a complete disconnect from that person I was, I struggle to even remember most of the last year,
When I’m in active addiction, I’m smoking from 7am - just before sleep , could not give you a number of cones genuinely, if I had work I’d smoke 5 cones before I leave to try and make it last. Then on top of that I’m having atleast 7 standard drinks a night. Over time it slowly makes my depression and energy for life weaker and weaker, I’ve now noticed looking back that I wouldn’t go to events or enjoy doing pretty much anything, but in my head it was because I was depressed and that was it, pretty much all my mental energy would be spent trying to convince myself to quit or get help but it was a battle I’d lose by 7am everyday. No one’s ever been able to tell when I’m high or drunk which is what probably made it so easy, as well as my family are huge daily drinkers and smokers.
I (22m) have used some form of substance (usually alcohol and or weed) to deal with trauma and distress from about the age of 14 till pretty much now, whether that was inflicted from family members or just general depression, (weed much later around 18)
I’ve also been to therapy for probably 4 years out of the 8 I’ve been addicted , for various reasons but mostly to do with family (I’m the eldest of 4) (dv, and such)
my father has been drinking and smoking for most of his life aswell , in my childhood he would drink a bottle or 2 of vodka every night with my mum this would often end in violence or my parents screaming at each other and saying horrific things, I’ll leave it at that as I’ve mostly worked through this with them. However my response to slight conflict when I’m really drunk will usually end up in me reacting like a scared child who’s just trying to protect themselves, however I’m obviously not a child anymore.
The therapy tends to work for a while when I’m going, but it’s hard to afford it all the time and I feel there’s things I need to talk about but I don’t understand how to articulate them to another person or even myself.
Although I’ve had periods of sobriety from usually either one or the other, lasting probably up to 6 months at a time, I have relapsed every single time, somehow convincing myself this time it will be different, usually because of what people around me are doing and the general desire and allure of dissociation, and lack of thought.
I am currently 3 weeks no alcohol, 2 weeks through champax (anti nicotine drug) and 5 days no tobacco, and am only smoking weed past 5pm to make sure I’m not doing too much at once,
I regret so much right now and I’m in so much pain, losing her has killed me, we still both love each other so much but she just couldn’t do it anymore and even seeing me sober it’s still too scary for her, I’m completely on her side, I know what she deserves, I just want to put in the work for myself so I can show her that her best memories of me can be my normal one day.
If you read all this I really appreciate it, I’m terrified of relapsing and dealing with this for the rest of my life, if anyone has any experience they’ve worked through or advice please.
Thank you
12.29.20 was my mine and my forever lover Connor’s anniversary. I told him happy anniversary aloud to myself. Wishing he could hear me and we could embrace each other and I could hold his hand again.
In 40 minutes it’s going to be his birthday and he’s turning 34. In another life I would give and do anything for him to love me and want me the way I always and still want him. I’ll never stop loving him. That’s because my lesson in it all is that when I held that man’s hand the dopamine release I felt was stronger than the dopamine release I experienced from crystal meth.
That’s how powerful love is. Stronger than any man made drug. I can confidently say that whole heartedly. That release from Connor was probably 2000 units released of dopamine compared to Crystals release of 1000 units and when my mind was poisoned from meth and it’s clutches it was just a mental chase that was strong sure but in my sober heart Connor stole all of my dopamine and love and I’m fine with that.
I’d rather be addicted to him till I die than a drug that would kill me and my memories of him and my un denying love and devotion to that man who doesn’t love me back or think of me.
Happy new year my love I hope one day we can speak again.
Struggled with P since i was 10 years old, 26 now. Longest time clean was in highschool, almost two years. Fell back in. Longest clean session since then was about two years ago I was clean 90 days using brainbuddy. Not really interested in paying for an app but the results were nice, especially the journaling, which is why I joined tonight. I hear that most doctors wouldn’t consider PMO an addiction, but more a compulsion. I disagree. I think it’s a dopamine addiction. Two weeks clean, but oh man do I wanna do it right now. I struggle with depression and PMO has been my only reliable source of feeling good for years. There’s a lot of things I could change. I could eat better and excersize(I’m pretty overweight). It’s just so hard to break the cycle of eating to feel good, only to feel shitty about eating too much.
Look, I know. Weed is weed. Legal abt everywhere and obviously not that bad for you. However, I’ve been high everyday since 15 years old (20 now). A lot of those years baked literally 24/7. Somehow, I’m still in a top 10 college, and thriving socially. I got lucky as shit. Shit did stunt my growth though to any young male smoker who wants to be a nice height. DONT SMOKE YOUNG. 5’9 and 6 inches shorter than my dad 💀Back to the main problem though, I will say, I can tell it fucks with my mind. I regret starting this habit SO MUCH. I think I could be even better and I believe it hurts my confidence, overall health, and naturally witty personality. Now, the reason I’m here is to ask 2 things:
I was drunk at a bar calling on drink after drink, there came a point where I was just sitting on the ground thinking I had my wits together, but one friend arranged for one of their friends to take me home safely. I was like what the hell is this but I'm grateful now and I know you truly care about me. I'll try to make it up when I can get my marbles together. You know I been through domestic violence and when my ex partner killed my child. Saw the light from my eyes go out. I'm trying to come back but it's hard. I'm glad you understand me and try to protect me as I go through darkness. Love you Moses aka Moe.
Hi everyone, I’m hoping to get some advice or insight on how to support my partner, who is 29m, in dealing with a number of challenges related to addiction and mental health.
He has a very addictive personality and struggles with several addictions, including smoking (both cigarettes and vapes), playing video games excessively, spending money impulsively, and collecting trading cards. In the past, he was addicted to marijuana and had tried harder substances like methamphetamines, which led to several drug-induced psychosis episodes.
While he has been fully off drugs since his second psychosis episode and is now on antipsychotic medication for life, while it’s helped manage his psychosis, the medication has caused extreme overeating, and he’s become significantly overweight. He often relies on Uber Eats for late-night meals because he’s not very confident in the kitchen, which adds to the issue.
I love him dearly and want to help, but I’m feeling overwhelmed. Are there effective psychological treatments, therapies, or medications that could help him address his addictive tendencies? could another mental health diagnosis be missing? Like bipolar or autism? I want to support him in making positive changes but don’t know where to start.
Thanks in advance for any advice or shared experiences!
So, you’ve decided to quit. Again. A New Year’s resolution. ("Wait, didn’t you say the same thing last year—and the year before that?" my inner voice chimes in.) Ugh. Frustrating, right? Every year, the same story. Why can’t I just quit this for good? Even my friends chuckle silently—or maybe not so silently—at my repeated failures. Why does failure feel so cruel and relentless?
This was me two years ago. But then, in 2023 (not on New Year’s Day, mind you), I quit smoking. For real. And today, I’ve come a long way. New Year’s Eve doesn’t intimidate me anymore. I’m not always brimming with positivity, but I’m mostly in a good place now.
Recently, a friend who’s trying to quit nicotine asked me, “Why does it have to hurt so much?” Feeling philosophical, I shared this thought: pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. (Not my line—it’s wisdom borrowed from Buddhist teachings.)
The point is, I’m no longer the person I was two years ago. Back then, I didn’t think quitting was even possible—until it was. If an average girl like me can do it, you can too :)
So, here’s to a new year and to possibilities you may not yet believe in. Happy New Year, everyone!
In August this year after being on a cocktail of prescribed medication and heavy alcohol usage, my fiancé started getting emotionally abusive. He revealed to me he had been abusing his ADHD medication for years.
Everything came to a crescendo when he attempted suicide when he had essentially fried himself.
He was sent to a rehab/mental health clinic by his psychiatrist for a month and completed 3 months of sobriety.
He said he never wanted to stop drinking just control it, to his credit he has.
Eventually he was given the option to go back on his ADHD medication given back to him by his psychiatrist under the proviso I was to dispense it.
He was sneaking an extra pill here and there because he obviously had figured out where the bottle was and I wasn’t vigilant enough to count them every time.
When I figured it out he lied to me (I understand I used to be an addict myself)
The problem is that he is due to be sent an escript for this months script of medication (at a higher dose) in around 8 days and I can’t trust him to pick them up on his own, I can’t be there all the time, I work.
I’ve thought about buying a safe to store them but again like I said, I don’t trust him to pick them up. I want to email his psychiatrist to cancel his script.
I feel like I’ve failed to support him properly.
Any suggestions or thoughts please??
Hey y’all, I’m 16 and I’ve been abusing DPH and DXM for 4 years and I regularly do Weed, MDMA,meth and lsd.
I smoke weed and do DPH almost everyday.
my addiction first started at 13. I lost both my parents to suicide. I lost my dad when I was nearly 1 and lost my mother when I was 6. I’ve been fostercare for almost my whole life. I was familiar with drugs because my mother done them a lot she was a major alcoholic. And I got abused a lot by her. But I do know she did love me and was trying her best. When my mother passed away I kinda just hid myself for awhile. I didn’t like school because I would get bullied for not having any parents. Even though I was kind to others no one was kind back to me because they know about my past and think I’m a horrible person. So as I got into high school it was the same thing. After my first day of high school I decided to look up on the internet what are drugs I can do at home. And it came up with Benadryl or motion sickness medication. So that day I went to the cabinet and poured at least 20-25 pills in my hand and took them Didn’t use any water just took them all and about a hour and a half later I got so scared because I was seeing things that weren’t actually there. But stuoid me went to get more the next day. So I took a little less the next day I would say about 200mg. And it was the perfect dose for me at the time I felt so good. So I started doing it for about a year until I was 14. Then I found out telegram has a bunch of drug dealers near me so I downloaded telegram and joined a group and found someone in my area. So I gave him a dm. He asked “what do you need” I didn’t know anything about drugs so I just said “what ever that can fuck me up” so he said lsd and I bought 1 tab of lsd and put it in my mouth and waited a hour or so until it kicked in. It was the best feeling. Everything felt amazing. So I wanted something else so I decided to do mushrooms. And they were amazing too. But my main drug was DPH. When I was 15 I went to rehab because I wanted to stop. I stayed at the rehab for a week or so until I got released. As soon as I got home I took 1.3 grams of DPH and I went psycho. I started cutting my skin because I thought I wasn’t real I thought I was a hallucination. I was just so crazy. I was trying my best to cope but at the end of the day I was a loser. That night I had a seizure and I woke up in the hospital and started crying. Because I felt so pathetic. But that seizure didn’t stop my drug abuse.
Because every day I took at least 700mg a day.
Life has been getting better but it’s still hard for me. I got a job, I’m studying computer science and I got to see my brother that I didn’t see in 3 and a half years.
But the addiction hasn’t stopped. I feel so pathetic and useless. I feel like the only way to escape reality is to do drugs. I know it sounds so cringe. But when I take DPH I see people. Random people. They don’t talk they just stand and stare. So I just talk what’s in my head. Thats what I like because they won’t judge they just listen. I know I sound crazy but that’s how I feel.
If y’all have any advice or anything that would be awesome.