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Cap and Gown

Hey y'all, I'm looking to get rid of my cap and gown, tassle not included. 5'6" less than 200lbs is the size of it. Not looking for any real money for it, just cover shipping and I'll send it to you.

12:50 UTC


Research opportunities for online grad students?

I am starting this fall at ASU online as a grad student and I did google their website up and down, but I can‘t find nothing about research opportunities for online students. Does anyone have any info about how to find out about it? Are there even any opportunities for online grad students?

10:37 UTC


Asu events for online in state students

Its been almost a year I have joined ASU online I live in Phoenix I really want to go to fun events to feel more connected with it but I don’t think there is any fun events happening or maybe i dont know

1 Comment
08:45 UTC


Does ASU give out grants for transfer students?

When i got my financial aid package i essentially got free tuition from the grants but i thought it would be better to do community college instead. now im worried about if i have to pay more in the future than i originally would

1 Comment
06:36 UTC


CSE 240 with Abdallah Moubayed

Has anyone taken CSE 240 with Prof Moubayed or any class with him in general? How was he? I can't seem to find a rate my professor or anything about him

04:01 UTC


Agave apartments (off campus)

I saw mixed google reviews about this apartment. Have things changed (for better) over past few years? They are saying they changed the laundry machines last year. How bad is the roach problem? Is it solvable with baits or sprays?

00:31 UTC


Student Worker Job Hours

Did anyone hear about Student Worker job hours being cut? I heard it’s from 20 to 16 but does that apply to summer as well? I’ve been working 25hrs during the summer cause I heard the max was 30 so I don’t know if there’s some new limit during the school year/summer

00:28 UTC


Workload doable with CSE310, CSE360 and CSE230?

I am currently scheduled for CSE230 in session A, and CSE310 & CSE360 in session C, so I would have an overlap with all 3 classes at the start of the semester. I have a job and 3 animals to take care of so I'm worried this will be too much.

In the past I've only taken session A/B classes, usually 2 at a time, so I'm not sure what to expect from the workload with session C classes. I did struggle with time when I took CSE240 and EEE120 in A session, should I expect this new workload to be more than that even though 2 classes are stretched out over longer time? I also have a few weeks to study on my own and learn more C++ to prepare for 310 and hopefully make that easier.

I'm considering dropping CSE230 and saving it for later, but according to my major map the next class I need is CSE330 which has 230 as a prerequisite. I've heard that it's good to take CSE310 and 360 together so I don't want to drop those. Any advice or insight is appreciated!

23:44 UTC


Premed: MCAT on September 14th, 2024

Hello everyone! Do you think I have enough time to study for the MCAT? I have been feeling extremely overwhelmed with this test. I’m currently taking summer classes and now I’m realizing how close my test is 😭 should I push it back?? Any advice is greatly appreciated. I have absolutely no confidence.

21:40 UTC


Considering an MS in Business Analytics

I'm about to finish with my undergrad in Business - Financial Planning Concentration. I want to get into private wealth management, but the technical and research side of it. Fidelity offers that, and it seems like a dream job. I have absolutely no coding experience, but I did earn a 4.0 GPA during undergrad without too much effort. Would I be ready with no coding experience and minimal excel experience? I've only taken CIS 105.

21:00 UTC


Upper division elective

Hi! Im an Applied Biological Sciences major out at poly. I need to take an upper division elective and im having trouble finding a fun art class to take. Does anyone have any recommendations?

20:55 UTC


R asu libraries open?

Last day of one of my classes & I have hella assignments so I want to go to the library just for a quiet place to work but idk if their open and if they r do I need a sun card? And how late r they open

20:17 UTC


Funny run in on Tyler Mall/ Talking about death?

Hey everybody! I just wanted to let y’all know of a funny run in (religious) I had on Tyler mall in front of Durham hall with an eclectic group of people!

So after I had finished a shift at work I was walking down towards the MU from university and I get stopped by four people and asked if I’d be okay with talking about death! My mind immediately saw where this can go and I said yeah why not? So they ask me a few questions about myself and talk about the afterlife and death and get a little emotional and what not, and then they asked if they could pray for me… So I said okay…? And when they had finished all of that I said my goodbyes and wished them a happy pride in my best gay voice and hit a wrist snap back at em! 🏳️‍🌈 Safe to say it was a great way to end pride month! ❤️

19:39 UTC


Biochemistry Program

I’m a rising senior and I’m considering a number of universities. Someone from Uni of Arizona told me ASU is slightly better in Biochemistry. So my questions are:

1.) is the biochemistry degree good or is it better at Uni of Arizona?

2.) Are there a good or enough internships and research opportunities?

3.) are the professors good for the courses I need? (Ex. Orgo, chem, biochem, molecular biology, biology, physics) and also I mean by the fact if I can learn the material well, NOT if the professors are easy.

Thanks for the assistance!

1 Comment
19:12 UTC


Reality check: how bad is the food at Taylor Hall?

My daughter is complaining about it and says that it may be making her throw up, and other students are also having stomach issues. Is it really that bad?

17:34 UTC


When does ASU take a second look at your Pell Grant?

FAFSA told me that I got the max for the Pell Grant I did not receive the full. I’ve heard from various people that they revise your financial aid in July. Do they do that automatically or am I supposed to reach out to financial aid?

15:10 UTC


FAFSA special circumstances

Hi, I’m more just making this post to see if anyone has gone through the ASU process of obtaining a pell grant or similar through special circumstances. Recently, my Dad came victim to a major stroke and is now in a rehabilitation facility for the foreseeable future. My mom has always been a stay at home house mom who doesn’t have a direct line of income. Right now, the only way her, my sister, and my brother are surviving is by my siblings providing my mom with money. Of course, I can provide many means of documentation to the FAFSA office proving the medical and financial burden.

Has anyone gone through anything similar? Has anyone had issues going through this process? How long did it take you?

06:19 UTC


Can I skip Calculas 1

Im an incoming freshman at asu and I want to skip calc 1. I took a dual enrollment course in a college. The course was split into 2 parts and I passed the first semester but failed the 2nd. Would I still be able to skip?

05:54 UTC


Am I cooked?

05:24 UTC


Help! Is Jana Vandenberg

I am looking to take math 266 this summer session b with Jana Vandenberg, or math 266 with Julia in the fall a. I would like to know your experiences with both professors? And is summer with Jana Vandenberg good? I'm having trouble deciding

05:09 UTC


Immunization Exemption

My parents didn’t believe in immunizations when I was younger and never got me the shots. I’m an upcoming freshman but it says immunization is required. Is there any way I can be exempt from it or would I have to go get the shots?

03:44 UTC


ASU MS Biostatistics Program

Does anyone here have any experience with the biostatistics masters program at ASU? If so, would you recommend it?

03:03 UTC


Employee Tuition Reduction

I have been looking all over the internet and this subreddit but I cannot find a definitive answer. I am aware that there is a credit limit that the employee tuition reduction program offers. I believe it is 9 credits in Spring, 6 in Summer, and 9 in Fall. What happens if I take more credits than that? Does my tuition reduction not come into place and I have to pay full tuition every semester? Or does it cover a certain amount and I have to pay rest out of pocket? I am hoping to get into the accelerated BSN program and don't know how many credits I would be taking but I am almost certain it's going to be more than the limit. That's if I get accepted of course but I would like to know the answer anyway

03:00 UTC


Is taking a course from a community college cheaper for international students?

Many people online say to take some of my courses from the community college as it is cheaper and is the same thing. Is it though? Also, are there any community colleges in Tempe?

02:20 UTC


University Towes

Any idea how the rooms are in university towers? I heard you get your own kitchen. Since I prefer to cook my own meals is it worth it?

01:57 UTC


Debt in collections question

Hey everyone, I've taken two classes online and had wasn't able to pay it on time and it was sent to collections and now I cant sign up for more classes. I've gone ahead and set up a payment plan and have paid them on time for the past 4 months, is there any way I can attempt to sign up for classes again or do I have to pay the whole amount?

00:22 UTC


Is anyone else having issues with the Parent Verification Signature?

My task bar on MyASU told me that there are holds places on my aid until my parent sends in a verification signature. I try having my mom do it since she’s the one that filled out my fafsa, but it didn’t go through and a little message popped up saying that the info put in doesn’t match a fafsa asu received. We’ve checked so many times and nothing seems off about the info my mom put in, like it’s the exact same info she put on fafsa. I just wanted to know if anyone else is/has experienced this and what you’d recommend I do, since I’d really like to get those holds taken off sooner rather than later.

22:44 UTC


Thinking about going to ASU for international business and trade

I'm a junior in high school and live in a different state, and I have family I will be living with if I do go to ASU. My mom's coworker has been saying that ASU isn't accredited for business and the students will be more like test subjects, despite this is ASU still a good pick? I think I only like it so much because I will be living with my grandparents and haven't seen them in years, but I'm unsure if the school itself is worth it for the major i'm pursuing.

21:56 UTC


Barrett Shared Room Shared Bathroom Measurements

Hi! I was wondering if anyone has any of the following measurements/ dimensions of the rooms.

  • Room dimensions
  • Max underbed storage+ Min underbed storage
  • Under Bathroom sink Cabinet
  • length of the shower (for shower curtain)
  • Closet dimensions ( overhead storage and rod height
  • Number and location of outlets (if possible)
  • anything else you think is helpful to know

Thank you so much in advance

21:44 UTC

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