
Photograph via snooOG

The official subreddit for members and interested recruits of the 501st Legion.

The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups.

Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.

The Official 501st Legion SubReddit

Bringing order to the galaxy since 1997

This subreddit is dedicated to the interests of the 501st Legion, a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans.

The 501st Legion is an all-volunteer organization formed for the express purpose of bringing together costume enthusiasts under a collective identity within which to operate. The Legion seeks to promote interest in Star Wars through the building and wearing of quality costumes, and to facilitate the use of these costumes for Star Wars-related events as well as contributions to the local community through costumed charity and volunteer work.

While not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., the 501st Legion is Lucasfilm's preferred Imperial costuming group. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm/Disney. © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.

Want to get involved? Check out www.501st.com to find out more or visit the official Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram,Podcast, or Tumblr.

Click here to find your local Garrison

Want to build a costume? Find the costume detachments here

Click here for specific requirements for each costume

501st Legion's Guide for Aspiring Members

Have a look at the wiki for rules and such

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20,981 Subscribers


I had to

1 Comment
05:23 UTC



I would like to know how to go about getting a 501st approved Darth Vader outfit.

04:29 UTC


Altar for the Bruins via NEG is set!

23:01 UTC


The 501st Pikes Peak Squad of the Mountain Garrison and the 501st Spec Ops Detachment has lost another member to tragedy. 🙁 RIP, Lucas.

13:48 UTC


Who‘s the best maker of Rogue One TK armor? Preferably located in EU

11:39 UTC


Finally Finished!

After about 8 months of on and off work on this project, I'm very excited to have finished my phase 2 clone pilot helmet.

This was a really fun project to work on and the community here was extremely helpful throughout the process. Thank you all for the guidance and tips you all provided; they definitely helped a lot!

I'm not planning on doing a full armor set for a variety of reasons, but I'm very happy with how the helmet turned out, especially for me being a complete cosplay newbie.

Hope y'all enjoy!





19:04 UTC


Where is the cheapest place to get some storm trooper armor? I’m looking to get my first set and I don’t mind putting some work into it I’m just worried about it if I end up having to paint because I’m terrible with stuff like that

21:24 UTC


Updated Vader (WIP)

Don’t judge too harshly

20:05 UTC


Approvable or needs to look smoother?

The colour isn’t correct it’s a RO Vader so needs to be gunmetal grey and black. But this is just a question I have. Is the smoothness an issue?

15:12 UTC


Once I join, how do I stay an active member?

I couldn't think of a good way to word the title.

I know the 501st is about SO much more than costuming. I desperately want to put together an Imperial officer uniform and join, but I'm concerned that I may not have the available time to go to the various troops and charity events (husband and I both work full time and have a household to maintain). The most I could see myself doing is working the booth at my local conventions, since I'd be going to the con anyway.

Do I need to put in a certain amount of hours going to troops and charity events in order to stay active? I don't just want to put a costume together, join, then never be seen again outside of conventions and the IOC forums.

I know that sounds super lazy, but I just don't want to be that guy.

12:50 UTC


Cyber craft drama

If anyone wants me to DM the conversation with cyber craft that they initiated with me after I called them out for stealing designs… Comment. Don’t want to bring drama to the community by posting pictures

20:29 UTC


Looking for with Imp officer uniform for funeral

Hello all. My family was met with an unexpected tragedy as my youngest brother suddenly passed due to health issues. The services are scheduled a week away and my idea to honor him would be to dress as an Imperial Officer as a pallbearer.

A bit of background, my youngest brother was a police officer and all of my brothers and I are huge Star Wars fans. We all have a love for cosplay and feel he would have gotten a kick out of me being dressed up. My other brother is in the military and will wear his dress blues. The rest of the pallbearers will be police officers; so, me also being in "uniform" would be perfect.

I've looked online and all the shops are sold out or have a long wait time. Even the Etsy stores have a long wait. Amazon and Ebay are not even close to being acceptable so I was hoping that there may be some in the community that would be able to help out. If this doesn't pan out, then so be it; however, it means a lot to my brother and me if we can pull this off.

My ideal costume would be Imperial Staff Officer Non Saga Ver. 2 but I am willing to go with any of the black officer uniforms. Please let me know of any sellers or if anyone has any extra pieces that can be delivered by the weekend. It's a one in a million shot but never tell me the odds.


16:46 UTC


Looking for a Trooper

Although it may not seem like it, this trooper first sparked my love for Star Wars, and many years down the line, inspired me to join the 501st.

The event in question was an Airshow in Peoria Illinois in March of 2008. If anyone knows which trooper this was, I would love to thank them and have them realize their small action influenced a tremendously important part of my life!

02:46 UTC


A question for those who've made their own helmets and costumes.

Hello there, I'd like to preface this by stating I am working on obtaining a 3d printer, and alongside that, all of the bits and bobs needed for getting fully into printing, finishing and painting star wars helmets, cosplay bits and props.

The question I bring forth to you lot today is relating to Visors on clone/mando/trooper helmets. A lot of people within the US use Hobart replacement face shields, as recommended by a big name in the 3d printed helmet community, and alternatively on a gander through amazon I have come across a similar brand called Feekoon. I would like to know just how visibility is through these kinds visors when installed into a helmet.

I know that a lot of grinding shields and face protection visors like that are shaded green and a lot of them have garbage visibility as a result, so I would rather not spend however much on a product I won't end up wanting to use.

I hope this all makes sense...
Side note: I know I could see about purchasing some polycarbonate sheets and tinting them myself with window tint, but that process intimidates me for some reason, so I'm firstly aiming to get some advice on pre-made materials.

14:15 UTC


Latest Works in Progress

20:28 UTC


Darth Vader RO build part 1

The start of my darth Vader build is the face plate. As you can see it is Asymmetrical, the Lower vent is triangular with slightly rounded corners and half the size of the upper mouth vent.

08:39 UTC


501st Approved?

So I was browsing Esty and came across this, a 3d Print File for the Kenobi Series Vader, can Someone identify it to see if it accurate to the shows one? If so, I will plan to print it. The Shop is by PPCDIGITAL

21:25 UTC


Me and my boi! Love having a little guy with me while I’m in my Jawa

18:34 UTC


Does anyone have any insight on making a Bossk costume?

Hey everyone, complete newbie here. Would Bossk be a good first build for me? He was my absolute favorite as a kid and I would love to join the 501st. Any insights you may have would be extremely helpful. Also, what should I expect as far as cost? I realize he would probably be more expensive than a Tusken Raider, but I'm really not sure what to expect.

18:21 UTC


New Rule Regarding Armourer/Parts Sellers

As the population and popularity of our subreddit grows, we’ve recognized a need to adapt and evolve our rules to better serve our community. After much consideration and feedback from all of you, we’ve refined the language and scope of our rules to make our community safer and more welcoming to all.

We’ll be rolling out the new rules in the coming days, so keep an eye out for updates to the subreddit rules. In the meantime, we welcome your feedback and questions.

Listing of Armourers/Vendors – Directly identifying armourers/vendors is prohibited. Identifying them increases the risk of litigation to them, the 501st, and our subreddit. This means that posts that include direct links to armourers/vendors, listing vendors for individual costume parts/sets, or public offers to sell costumes/parts are prohibited. Anyone requesting this information should be directed to the appropriate detachment forum. A listing of these detachments can be found here: https://501st.com/detachments.php

Keep it Civil – This is a civil subreddit. We are all here to share our love of Star Wars and costuming. Feel free to engage in polite discourse, but keep the language PG (there are minors here), and show respect to each other, to Disney/Lucasfilm, and Star Wars in general. You’re welcome to dislike whatever you want, just be mature about how you voice your dislike.

Spam/Unrelated Content – This community has been very active about flagging spam and unrelated content, and that has kept our community clean and safe for everyone. If it’s not about the 501st, helpful information about costuming, or the costumes we make, it belongs elsewhere.

Thank you all for being vigilant and helping to keep our subreddit active and focused. If you see any content that violates these rules, or just seems suspect in general, please continue to report it. Your mod team is working to keep the content on topic and the subreddit safe and enjoyable for us all.

20:09 UTC


Trying to get started

Hi! I’m not sure if this is the best place to ask this, but I’m trying to put together my first kit and get approved and I just have so many questions. I am having a very hard time finding all the pieces and where to buy them and if they’ll fit, etc. I’m a 5’3 woman looking to put together a V1 imperial gunner. Where’s the best place to ask questions and get advice? I’m in the imperial gunner corps tapa forum but I find it super confusing. Appreciate any help!

17:30 UTC


How the heck do you decide?


I’ve been considering what to go with for my first outfit to get approved. I know there are a lot of “easy” choices for beginners to troop in like Jawas, Stormtroopers, officers, etc.

I’m going to start with something like that, but I want to do at least one named character so I’m starting my planning. The issue is there’s SO many choices. How the heck does one choose!!

To start with, I’m a woman, so that already narrows my choices down a significant amount. Not that I don’t think I could get away with cosplaying as a male character, but there are a lot of extra things that I don’t want to deal with (fitting long hair under a shirt wig, for one).

I know the right answer is “do ALL the costumes” but I gotta choose one for now 😂

If I could get away with Caij Vanda in the 501st I would, but I don’t believe she counts even as a bounty hunter lol

03:28 UTC


Great turnout in Malaysia with 501st, RL, and SWMFC.

22:11 UTC


How to: Customize your Husky armor transport box

1 Comment
20:08 UTC


Question about multiple versions of a CRL

Working on getting an ISB (Non Saga) uniform and have a question about CRL versions and authenticity.


I think Version One with the jodhpur pants is more iconic but I would never wear the boots outside of the 501st. My friend asked if I'd considered Version Two since I might get some other use of the Chelsea boots.

So my question is: Are the versions viewed differently by the 501st, individual garrisons and their members? I understand that both are valid but are jodhpur pants and officer boots considered more valid?

18:25 UTC


Has anyone been on the 501st since the early years?

I'm in a different fandom, Ghostbusters, and I kind of look to your group as what we want to be.

Currently you are 'the Star Wars group', but what was stoping anyone from making a 502nd 20 years ago and competing with you?

We have another group, with significantly lower standards, trying to move in on our area. We've always had unspoken territory and gotten along with other groups, but this group is out there running their sirens and being butt heads and making us look bad. Most people can't tell us apart so everything they do comes back on the whole fandom in the area.

Any thoughts?

14:50 UTC

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