For those bantersaurus rexes who /r/madlads can't contain.
CSS by /u/love_the_heat
This is a repost cause I forgot proof I did
How much of a rascal am I?
I was so pleased
My teenage bro is taking a math class where the teacher sucks and most of the kids are failing. They took a exam today with a substitute teacher, and when the sub left the room, everyone kept asking him for the answers. He got fed up and literally went to the board and fucking showed the class how to do all the problems. He felt bad later, came clean to the teacher and didn’t even get in trouble. The guts, the charisma, what a madlad. I’ll never be him.
Let's look back at some memorable moments and interesting insights from last year.
Your top 10 posts:
berserk advise elastic disgusting sugar summer melodic drab follow ludicrous
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