This is r/2000sNostalgia! Welcome to the source of what makes 2000's kids feel nostalgic!
This is r/2000sNostalgia! Welcome to the source of what makes 2000's kids feel nostalgic!
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4. Must contain some type of memorabilia from the 2000's
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Do you want a flair? Here, you can choose a flair for any year from the 2000's, whether it's your favorite year from that decade or it's the year that you were born (if you're that young)!
I just watched it recently and it was pretty cheesy though not a Terrible movie and a lot better then a lot of movies nowadays I think the complaints more was the acting and the pacing of the movie was a big one but overall not bad I think she’s a pretty underrated actress anyways
I'm need help looking for a item, I'm looking for a pillow brand. Their microbead pillows in the shape of animals. I believe they were around maybe the early to middle of the 2000's? They were the soft microbad pillows and came in different colors and animals and I've been looking to buy some online but I never could remember what they were called. I had a penguin one when I was little. Best example is the picture that could look close to one.
There was this radio commercial about a dad wanting to spend more time with his kids and he was talking to them at the dinner table. I only remember he said "--and I blurted it out, Steve and Cindy I love you!" And the sound of the kids dropping their forks on their plates. It must have been an Ad Council commercial for spending more quality time with your kids for fathers. I want to find out so I can listen to it again if it's available somewhere because it was a really sweet commercial.
Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Google thinks I'm crazy lol.
1998 baby here. I grew up in the early 2000s and I feel like there was that certain charm that is completely lost now to the world and nobody in this era will ever understand. I feel like the world was more calm, peaceful and everything just made sense and we were all actually living in the present moment and living life to the fullest. We had the best music such as lifehouse, daughtry, Chris Cook, Usher and dare I say nickelback? It was a time of relaxation, a time where all teenagers hung out at the mall on a Saturday afternoon where all the emo kids and heavy metal rockers went to hot topic to get their favorite band shirts, wore skinny jeans and bought tons of your favorite band bracelets to wear up and down your arms on each arm not to mention shopping at Aeropostale and forever 21 and played guitar hero on that previous Friday night to start off their weekend after collecting and trading some silly bandz with their fellow classmates and of course crazy bones!! The commercials were great, heck we even had zoo pal plates!! After we all hung out at the mall that Saturday afternoon, Saturday evening was dedicated to downloading some “free” music from limewire and zune to your iPod nano while in between playing games on the Wii such as Wii sports and Mario Kart!! When midnight would approach we would all get excited for some family matters on a Saturday night which then turned into early Sunday morning! If we couldn’t sleep we would flip channels until we found George Lopez and fall asleep to him!! If we were sick in bed we would watch shows on playhouse Disney or icarly, drake and Josh and victorious!! Of course we cannot forget about the Nintendo DS and Xbox 360. You can’t forget about Pokémon go too as well as tec decks, bakgugons, The early 2000s even had that certain smell to it when you walked outside. Our first phone was an LG flip phone Motorola and if we wanted to text the letter B for example we used to have to press the number 2 twice and to just send a quick text to someone it would take 20 minutes. Then we got an upgrade and thought we were so cool because upgraded to a cosmo that had a slide out keyboard to it. Forget FaceTime, we had Skype and Oovoo!! My all time favorite food was kids cosine, macaroni and cheese crackers, red bag of Doritos and bagel fuls!! Man, I miss this era so much you have no idea. Does anyone else feel this way?? This era was truly the best!!!
IMO this shows was funny as shit.
I don’t care if anything on that shelf is not from the 2000’s in the photo.
I know they still make Mistic (which in my memory is spelled Mystic but I guess thats another Mandela Effect moment). But now they put it in a plastic bottle I don’t really see the glass ones anymore and the flavor tastes different. Maybe I’m an adult now and I can taste all the sugar so I don’t like it haha but these used to be so good.
Who else played this? The nostalgia this brings me makes me so happy