A NSFW sub for girls that are EXACTLY 18 years old. If you are above or below 18 years old then don't post here.
1. Do not advertise.
This is not a selling sub. Any mention of selling or other media in the title or comments may result in a temporary or permanent ban. This includes (but is not limited to) OnlyFans, PornHub, Patreon, KIK, Snapchat, Twitter etc.
No "DM for more", "DM's open", "Go to my profile" or anything similar. None of that is allowed. If you come here as a model that wants to make money, you'll just have to trust someone will take interest in you and look you up on their own. If not, don't post.
2. Must be relevant (18 years old).
Anyone is welcome to post anything as long as the model in question is 18 years old.
3. URL watermarks are forbidden.
If you are using watermarks on your picture, please make sure they match your username. Watermarks that contain links to any of your other social media will be considered as advertising and will there for be removed.
4. Don't make toxic comments.
It's fine if you don't like a post or comment. If you have nothing nice or positive to say, then just move on and please just don't comment at all.
5. Do not ask or bait for upvotes..
Baiting for upvotes is not allowed.